In this book as I will cover the difference between a winning and losing entertainer and his era and also give you some valuable information in regards to what is working today in the digital world. If you have any questions or comments click on this link to send me a message 

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Podcast File

The Difference Between A Winning and A Losing Entrepreneur


Podcast Transcription

Hey everybody, this is Manuel Suárez. I’ve been a little bit off the map for the last couple of weeks. For those of you guys that have been listening to the podcast recently and I was out of town, vacation with family and went to the Dominican Republic, very fun. And well, I’m here now and I’m ready to roll in this 2018. I actually wrote a long post the other day because I was motivated on Facebook about the incredible 2017 year that I personally had and I know my business had and I know that people that were working with me had, etc. The one thing that we can find as a common denominator for all of those that had amazing years is that all of those guys, no exceptions, works their asses off non-stop. I mean, you will see it all around. If you look around and see all successful people, sometimes there’s the impression that they got lucky or something else happened along the way but the reality is that these people are generally hustling nonstop – hardworking people. And again, I’m just getting more exposure from a lot of people and entrepreneurs and understanding more the mentalities of them and the ones that are doing correctly and the ones that are not doing it correctly. Actually, a lot of people are not doing it correctly.

Yeah, we have a good economy right now. Things are rolling all over, and in most places, at least in the United States. But, not everybody is doing well. And, one of the things that I want to talk to about on this podcast today was from my own realizations about usually people that are not doing well – the ones that are not being successful – those are the ones that have a different attitude. Those are the ones that number 1, blame others for their issues.

The point is that, the ones that don’t take full responsibility of their future, those are the ones that I usually tend to see that are not successful. It’s kind of like an excuse for not being successful. It’s kind of like it explains when somebody fails and doesn’t do the right thing and doesn’t grow like they’ve expected. Like the economy, Trump is the president in the United States and that’s why I can’t succeed. My mom doesn’t like me and she doesn’t treat me well. The economy is a problem and it’s already too late in the game. Excuses and excuses is the behavior of a loser and that’s the reality. I’m sorry guys. I’m assuming that most of you guys that are here don’t have that attitude but one thing that I would tell you as the biggest advice that I have carried with me for the last several years is the fact that I can always improve things if I decide to improve them. It is on my hands. I am fully 100% responsible for my current condition whether good or bad. If I am a rockstar and I help people, my customers and myself sell $60M in products in 2017 like I did – true story – then that’s because I created that with my hard work, energy, enthusiasm, and application of knowledge, etc. If I don’t create good stuff, I also have to look on myself and see, “Wait a second, what did I do wrong to not be successful?” It’s not what’s going on in my environment, it’s what that I did wrong to not be able to accomplish things that I envision I was going to accomplish.

This is such a simple thing but very consistently overlooked. So again, get yourself in the right attitude of 2018. If for one second you decide that you want to blame somebody else for your issues, your problems, your situations, your lack of execution or whatever, realize that it’s always on you. I mean the great Michael Jackson told us about it in the song Man in The Mirror – look in the mirror and find out how you can perfect yourself. So anyways, that is not the idea of today’s podcast but I want to give you a viewpoint as of 2018 viewpoint. Whatever you said yourself to do this 2018, that’s what’s going to happen. That’s the biggest saying that talks about you are what you think you are. That’s so true! That’s the reality. If you think that you are really good, you work really hard and you accomplish things. If you don’t and if you doubt yourself, then things don’t happen. So get yourself in the right mindset in 2018.

Today I’m recording this on the 5th of January, 2018. Sit down and work-out your goals if you haven’t done so already. I already did mine. Every single year I do them. I don’t always accomplish all of them but recently in the last several years, I’ve been accomplishing about 75% of the goals that I put myself to. Sometimes, I even surprise myself. But, I still put them there because I ambition where I want to be 365 days from now and then, that’s what I create. So if you haven’t done that yet, you need to sit down and spend some time on creating your future, writing down your goals, ambitioning where you can be, looking at the opportunities of the modern era and realizing what you can do with them and putting out some numbers as to what you want to accomplish. Okay? So, get that done.

Now, the other thing that I want to talk to you guys about which is what I’m going to name this episode is on providing value to the world. One of the things that I see also on the difference between a failing entrepreneur and a winning entrepreneur is that the winning one has the right attitude. The winning one is not into making money as much as he’s into changing the world or making a difference in a person’s life. The winning one is very interested in providing information and education that is going to make them, the other people, and the other person on the other side the listener, the fan, the customer, etc. It’s going to make them better.

The losing entrepreneur has an attitude that is like “I want to make more money!. I want to buy a boat. I want to be able to grow more and buy more stuff. I want to go on a vacation more. I, I, I, I, I!” And that’s an issue. Because the reality is that the ones that are going to win are the ones that are providing value.

One of the things that you also have to realize on this particular subject is that today, in 2018, now more than ever, it’s way more important to produce valuable content for your brand, your product or your service.

There’s no longer an opportunity to produce whatever content that is not significant or do single campaigns, selling, selling, selling and be successful. That doesn’t exist anymore because this is what’s going on, this is the landscape, this is what’s actually occuring in the marketplace right now, and this is not something that I am making up, this is a reality. In the year 2017, more video content was produced than in the entire history of humanity combined. So what does that mean? Every single year, we are growing exponentially in comparison to what we’re growing before. It’s ridiculous numbers going on. Now, why is that the case? Well, because we have cell phone devices, we have internet growing all over the world, we have more people that have access to smartphone devices, we have Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Snapchat, Twitter, Periscope, etc., – those places that are content creation platforms that allow every single human being with a signal, with an internet device in this planet to communicate to the entire planet.

So this is something that has never been before existed. So now, as this becomes more than norm, then more people are creating their own content, more people are becoming more confident that they can do this themselves. So, we got more and more competition, more and more people are doing it every single day. So every brand if you want to survive in the long term, you have to realize that content creation is not an option. It’s something that you must incorporate whether you have an Amazon brand or you have an e-commerce shop outside of Shopify or whatever, or you have a brick and mortar store, it’ doesn’t matter what you have. The ones that are going to stand out, the ones that are going to jump ahead of the crowd are the ones that are producing content. If you don’t do it, somebody else, a bunch of other people more are going to do it more better than you.

So first of all, you are going to love your brand, you are going to love your product and service, because if you don’t, there’s going to be another million people that do, that are going to out-phase you. And number 2, you are going to produce content and it has to be a lot of it. And you have to get into a routine of content creation doing Instagram stories, Facebook stories that are now available and that can connect with Facebook and Instagram. You can do 1-minute videos for Instagram, pictures, you can record audios like the one that I’m doing right now, you have to do Facebook posts, Instagram posts, Youtube videos. You’ve got to do all of these right now because content is going to be the king and in a couple of years, it’s going to be all about the ones that are producing the quality content.

So, this is what’s going on. So again, talking to somebody like myself that has had a lot of exposure with a lot of entrepreneurs, successful ones that are doing really good in the communities that they actually service, I can tell you for sure, the ones that are winning big time are the ones that are behind that camera, are behind that desk, are behind that book or whatever it is writing something, producing a lot of content that is actually changing the world with the attitude that they want to make the world a better place.

So, this is important guys, what you can take from this podcast is number 1, have the right attitude, make sure that you always see yourself in the mirror and look at who’s responsible over your current condition and see how you can improve yourself – more training, more education, more implementation, more hours and less TV, less gaming, less xbox, less playstation, whatever. And then, number 2, figure out how you can produce massive content to stand out for what you want to create for your goals, your ambitions, for what you have dreamed about for a long time maybe that you are able to accomplish.

This is the thing, you can accomplish all of that. What it does require is that you get in the right attitude, mind frame and also apply the correct technology to this modern era.

Okay? So a lot to learn guys. You’ve got to keep on learning, keep on implementing, and keep on going on the same pace. Ask me any questions at See you in the next one. 

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