Why We Hire Talent, Not Skill.

Why We Hire Talent, Not Skill.

Experience is overrated on a resume. Many of the most successful companies in the world (AGM included) were founded by leaders without a college degree. When it comes to finding someone motivated, passionate, and effective at their position, valuing empty...
You’re Wasting Money on Ads. This is Why.

You’re Wasting Money on Ads. This is Why.

Struggling to get a worthwhile return on your marketing efforts? You’re not alone. The majority of businesses that ‘try’ social media marketing dive in headfirst without a game plan, and find themselves wasting thousands of dollars weekly in the process.  Promoting...
Read an Entire Book in Minutes with ChatGPT

Read an Entire Book in Minutes with ChatGPT

Knowledge is power. This is true in life as it is in marketing. The ability to quickly acquire, optimize, and synthesize information from various sources is the greatest advantage you can have in entrepreneurship. But with so many resources out there, how do you...
What is a “Content Unicorn,” Anyway?

What is a “Content Unicorn,” Anyway?

You may have seen a couple dozen (or, more honestly, a couple hundred) job listings and LinkedIn bios claiming to be looking for a ‘content unicorn’. Someone dedicated, passionate, skilled, and hungry to improve- someone as rare as a unicorn.   While the term is...