I will give you my thoughts on the Facebook Scandal & what I believe the future holds for FB & us, advertisers. I’m historically an optimist & I’m not romantic. I’m not “in love” with FB but I’m nevertheless “in love” with OPPORTUNITY. With all the certainty in the world, things are only going to get better for us, “smaller guys”. In this episode, I will make it very clear why that is the case & why right now more than ever is a time to jump in with everything you’ve got. 

I hope you enjoy the podcast!

Do the FREE Facebook Ads mini-courses here: manuelsuarez.com/minicourses

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Podcast File

The Current State of Facebook Marketing

Podcast Transcription

Hey guys! So before we get into this podcast today which I’m going to be talking about some cool things regarding what’s going on with the Facebook Advertising world, I want to let you know before we start that I’m going to have this free Facebook Ads Training online on April 26 which is Thursday at 6:00 pm Eastern Time and that if you want to join you can go visit this link which is super simple. I’m going to put it down below on the show notes agmagency, AGM stands for Attention Grabbing Media, that’s the name of my agency, agmagency.com/fbninjawebinar. Okay, you can sign up there and be reminded on this awesome webinar. I’ve been working really hard to create something really cool for you guys. You’re going to learn about why do 93% of businesses that advertising Facebook, why do they fail? How to create simple Facebook Ads, secret strategies that any entrepreneur can implement to be successful with Instagram, Messenger and Facebook Marketing, and a simple way of making Facebook your partner. And I mean it without exaggeration, we’re going to learn how to make them your actual partner, okay? So go ahead and sign up. If you have any questions, you can also ask me any questions in my Messenger at m.me/theninjamarketer and I’ll see you guys and let’s get into the show now.

Hey guys! I hope that you are doing fantastic wherever you may be on the planet. Today is Thursday. While I’m recording this it’s actually on April the 12th. At this moment, at the time that I am recording, there’s a lot of intense things that’s going on in the Facebook world and there are lots of interesting things that are happening right now that Facebook is actually currently under a heavy, heavy attack. I know you guys have heard a lot about that and there’s a lot of panic going on and Facebook is going to end and marketing is going to crumble all over the world and this whole thing is going to collapse. Well if you haven’t heard about what’s going on, I don’t know in which section of the planet you are, it’s cool because I don’t watch any news but trust me, it’s everywhere. It’s on Facebook, it’s on Instagram, it’s on newspapers, televisions, CNN, everywhere. Facebook is actually undergoing an investigation including March Zuckerberg in congress speaking everyday for the last couple of days.

Let me tell you something. There’s one thing that I can tell you about the way that I operate in general which has proven to be successful all throughout the years. Number one, I am first and foremost a marketer. I’m not a Facebook advertiser. I have jumped on the Facebook bandwagon because it just happens to present the biggest opportunity to be able to get the most attention at the lowest cost. And I am all about attention. Wherever the attention goes, that’s where I head. So I believe that Facebook does present the biggest opportunity. Facebook, Instagram, Messenger Marketing are in combination with the powerhouses that are actually transforming the marketing world in this planet currently.  Let me tell you one thing. I believe that because of this change, believe it or not, get ready to be shocked, things are only going to get better mostly for us, right? The small guys, the small businesses, private label owners, e-commerce brands, the mom and pop shops. The actual brick and mortar shop are small guys that have $10,000-$20,000 budget to spend on ads every month or even less than that, the smaller guys.

Let me tell you a logic behind why I think that things are only going to get better from now on. Just when we had all these major corporations starting to look at Facebook and starting to realize that they have more attention than anybody else out there, that they have more control of eyeballs, not even a second place. Nobody is even close to what they’ve been able to accomplish in the last several years. Just when all these companies, GNC, General Electric, all the major players, car dealers, car brands, and all kinds of chain stores, and everybody on the planet will start to pay attention. What does that mean guys? When all these companies, major players, Proctor & Gamble and all those consumer packages of goods companies start paying attention to what’s going on on Facebook and they start realizing that their dollars are not having the same effect. They already know this but they started realizing that using Facebook, Instagram, Messenger and building those channels is thousands of times more effective. When that happens, money is going to flood the Facebook Market like crazy. Advertisers are going to jump in and go crazy investing money on the Facebook Advertising world. And what’s going to happen is that us as actual smaller guys with smaller budgets, we’re going to actually have to compete with our space.

So now we have the bigger players into the scene. Guys, if you think about it, right now in 2018, there’s still an enormous amount of money. I’m talking about billions of dollars still being spent in traditional advertising. To give you guys an example there’s a number, I believe in 2017, $80 billion were spent on television commercials, just on television, just in the  United States. Now if you look at the numbers of people that are actually paying attention to those television ads, it tells you how ridiculous and outrageous that is. So it was only a matter of time before those companies realize that they’re money was going to be a hundred times more valuable if they invested it in social media platforms, because the reality is, what’s going on – people are carrying around their cellphone devices everywhere they go, in the mornings, in the afternoons, at night times next to their beds, in the showers, in the bathrooms. Everybody’s listening to these things, listening to podcasts, looking at Facebook, watching YouTube videos, it’s like round day on average, people spend, I believe that the average around the planet of the online world 35 minutes are spent to social media every single day. There are some places like the United States that people spend hours on social media every single day.

So it’s pretty dramatic right? So now we have these devices that we can put our messages in front of these people, nonstop which is like powerful. Companies are going to find out sooner or later, right? So I believe that right now the tide was starting to turn in that direction. For example, I don’t know guys if you have seen this but I know I have for sure, Progressive, the insurance company that has been on television for ages, branding themselves in our minds now is going all out on Facebook. When I saw that, that for me is a horrible sign because I saw a major national corporation going heavy on Facebook Advertising. Guys, if that keeps happening over and over again, then what’s going to happen is that Facebook Ads are going to be expensive. Why? It’s very simple, the laws of supply and demand, just like anything else. A lot more advertisers, there’s less space. The price to be on that space jumps up. And that’s what happens, it has happened, it’s going to continue to happen historically throughout the time when it comes to actual advertising. The more people that are trying to advertise in the same space, the more costly it is going to be.

So, with this whole data scandal, this whole Facebook attack that now congress it, doesn’t even understand what Facebook is and its power is going out there trying to attack Zuckerberg and the whole corporation. Those companies that were on defense about whether to join the wave, the massive tsunami of this Facebook Advertising monster, that’s what it is guys, it’s a monster. Then now, they’re not jumping in because for some reason it has become such a mainstream phenomenon right now that Facebook is getting attacked so much that it made them right. All these companies right now that weren’t doing Facebook Advertising are saying like “See, I told you so, this is going to end! Sooner or later it is all going to stop.” So companies start panicking and they don’t jump in and now they go and they print more postcards and they send out more newspaper magazines. And then they do more flyers and they keep on investing on traditional methods. Guys, that is fantastic news for all of us. If you’re listening to this, I will get really excited. I have been getting blasted. My mom sent me a message, “Manuel, I’m so worried about you, your business, it’s all going to end.” I’m like, “That’s great!” I love when people have that viewpoint because it tells me how it’s just a bigger opportunity because you can see this widespread hysteria going on right now, that people are going to start pulling out their money out of Facebook right now. Some of them, advertisers.

But guess what how shocking is this? Look around. I know there are some exceptions but do you see people using Facebook and Instagram less, or maybe the same, or maybe more? Just observe. That’s what I’m asking you guys to do. Use your eyeballs and go to restaurants, go to offices, dental offices, and waiting areas, and busses, and everywhere and just observe and look around. Are they on some other application that we don’t know, are they just suddenly on the email all the time now, did everybody jump on the Facebook bandwagon, are you using now SnapChat, is SnapChat the next up and coming going to replace Facebook, is now YouTube the only social media platform? No! That is obvious! I’m actually seeing people even more connected to social media monsters. So what does that tell you guys? Do you think that Facebook is going to stop selling ads anytime soon? This is what’s going on right now. There are less people trying to advertise on it, less companies with the same amount of people.

So you know what I’m observing? Guys trust me. You guys know that I have data, I’ve talked about that before. In the month of March, I spent over $600,000 in Facebook Ads, not an exaggeration. Over $600,000 in a single month spent in Facebook Ads. So every single week, I spend another $150,000 or so. I have a lot of data and what I’m actually seeing right now is actually lowered cost of advertising. I’m actually accomplishing more for less. So the actual phenomenon of having less advertisers is already working out. Now, Facebook pandemonium says like, “The world is going to end, they’re not going to be able to use their data.” There’s going to be some new restrictions and that’s totally fine. Everything in life eventually changes and adjusts itself especially when people start getting familiar with how the platform works, operates, functions, and what they can regulate and cannot regulate.

But guys, the data that has been given to Facebook, Facebook is actually not even asking for it, these people are volunteering them away, and also, advertisers are going to be able to pull the data out and the users of Facebook are agreeing to that data being pulled out. They’re going to incorporate systems to protect that data better and the stock market has already responded to that. The stock went form $190 a couple of weeks ago to like $150 and is already bouncing back because companies know that Facebook is still going to be making money and Facebook, even though the whole world collapse around it is still the biggest social media platform in the planet and social media right now is driving everything. Social media right now is where people’s attention is at. And what’s the most valuable thing in the planet? Attention. Nothing else but that.

So trust me. As long as Mark Zuckerberg is around, as long as Jeff Bezos of Amazon is around, these guys are going to be monitoring and growing their businesses, and making sure that it actually keeps on expanding and figuring out along the way structures to protect people and protect the people itself. So when people are starting to panic about what’s going on on the Facebook Advertising world I would say it’s exciting because I am a positive guy and I look at the bright side. My job, even though I get messages from my mom, from my own father, okay, they were all invested into Facebook right now. I get messages from family members worried about me. My brother, friends of mine, they’re saying like, “It’s going to end”. I get excited about all of that because I’m seeing greater potential and bigger opportunities than ever before.

For me, this rewinds a clock about a year and a half or two. It’s exciting because I believe that right now, I can get the cost of advertising back to where it was in 2015 or 2016 which was a great era for me that I was building businesses using the Facebook Advertising products and I was able to take my dad’s business from a small $2 million a year, $1.7 million a year in this small island in Puerto Rico to $40 million in 2017 using Facebook. That was our main advertising avenue for the last 4 years nonstop guys. Since 2012 we haven’t stopped in the Facebook world. So actually 5 years, going on 6 already. That we’ve all been invested into this power platform.

So, just want to give you my ¢2 on that because it’s a very common thing right now and it’s all over news media, it’s in CNN, it’s on television everywhere, it’s on newspapers. It’s like, people are saying all kinds of things about data, there are people that are taking advantage of the actual wave of articles that are coming in to capture more attention. Guys, this is pandemonium just like everything else. But I can tell you from my end everything is looking shiny. I would tell you that myself one of the things that I talk about on my course. I personally am not a romantic, I’m not in love with Facebook, I’m just an obsessed marketer. I look at opportunities and I know when to jump in and when to jump out.

I can promise you one thing. I’m going to be the first person to tell you this time to jump out when the Facebook tsunami is out of control. For now, I can tell you it’s time for you to jump in and actually maximize it and get everything that you can before it gets expensive because right now, the time was actually rewinded. Right now, we were just sent back a year or two because advertisers, again, I’ll repeat this point because I want you guys to understand this. Advertisers that were thinking about investing their billions of dollars in the Facebook world decided to withdraw and now they’re not jumping in which means that we have more time to actually jump in ourselves, our small businesses, mom and pop shops or whatever and take advantage of this incredible tsunami that is the attention that Facebook has.

So what do we have? We have the same amount of people using Facebook but less advertisers. What does the logic tell you? Does it say that it’s going to be more expensive? That it’s not going to happen, that it’s not going to work? What it tells you is it’s a greater opportunity. Did you get the idea?

Alright guys, so I’m going to save this episode and call it my idea, my original intention with you guys was to call this episode 93% of advertisers fail because I want to segway into this phenomenon that we have about 300 million registered companies in the planet and then we have about 5% of those that have actually tested Facebook Ads only. And now those 5% are only 7% of them have actually claimed or reported successful Facebook Campaigns. So, we got this incredible marketplace where people still, even Facebook itself have not been able to figure out what works and what doesn’t work on the platform, how to properly utilize the platform. And my job is to teach you guys how to become part of that 7%. Let me give you a hot tip of today. I believe that if you’ve been with me and you’ve heard me before talk whether on my seminars or on my podcast or anywhere, there’s one thing that you should never do.

There’s a button that says Boost on your Facebook Page post. Whenever you post something on your page, whether it is on your mobile device or whether it is on your desktop you see a button that shows up that says boost. I want you to, from now on, ensure that you do not press that button because 93% of Facebook advertisers press that button and now claim that Facebook didn’t work. When you press that button, you are cutting yourself off. The greatest advertising product ever invented in humanity. That advertising product is the Business Manager on Facebook which you can access through business.facebook.com. Why? Because that advertising product was meant for you to be able to find your ideal people to market to. That boost button does not accomplish that. And that advertising product also allows you to determine and tell Facebook exactly what you want to accomplish with your campaign. Do you want to generate messages? Do you want to generate sales? Do you want to just get a lot of video views in your video? Do you want to generate leads? What would you like to accomplish? That boost button does not allow you to do that.

The other thing that you can actually do here is you can test out many different forms of creatives, messages, how to do call of actions, different pictures and videos and do split testing automatically. The world of Facebook Advertising should not be ever for that boost button. But that is what Facebook created to make it easier for anybody to just get started. If you’re one of those people that claimed that Facebook Advertising didn’t work for you, chances are you actually did that boost button several times along the way and that is more than for sure, pretty sure cause failures on your campaigns.

If you actually tested out the Business Manager and ran ads on it and did campaigns and strategies to be able to target people or optimize correctly for conversions and did the things the right way, and you failed, still, there’s one of two things that could have been done correctly. Whenever a Facebook campaign goes wrong, it doesn’t properly function. You don’t do a good job of it, you don’t get the results that you want and you did it through the Business Manager, it’s always going to be one of two factors. Either your Facebook creative needs to be fixed meaning your message, your pictures, your videos, your call to actions or whatever or your audience is the wrong one. You have to find out which ones it is and fix it. Sometimes it’s one of them. Sometimes it’s both of them. Go ahead and change one of the at a time and see what happens. And then if that doesn’t fix it, change the other ones and see what happens. And whenever you have a chance, test out the incredible power of Facebook Split Testing features. And also another thing that they call Dynamic Creatives which is something that I’m going to teach on my course later on. So, those things when you do them, you let Facebook decide and find out who are the winners for you.  

Okay, guys, so I’m going to let you go here and I hope that you enjoyed this podcast. Just a little news about what’s coming up. Today, like I said earlier, today, April 12th, I am 14 days away from a Facebook training that I’m going to be holding online on Thursday, April 26 and it’s going to be at 6:00pm Eastern Time. If you want to go ahead and register for this free training, on this training I’m going to be talking about 4 killer Facebook Ad Strategies and on those strategies, I’m going to talk about how to grow your Messenger list from zero to 10,000 in only a few days. I’m also going to talk about, let me tell you exactly what I’m going to be covering here, maybe you’re going to be interested in joining this webinar, I am also going to talk about how to create simple Facebook Ads. I’m also going to talk about the secret but a simple strategy that any entrepreneur can implement to be successful with Facebook, Messenger and Instagram ads.

And also, a simple way of making Facebook your partner. So if you guys want to register, there’s going to be a link below in this podcast but also there’s a simple link, it is agmagency, AGM stands for Attention Grabbing Media which is the name of my agency, agmagency.com/fbninjawebinar. If you go to that link you can register, you’re going to get notified and reminded about this awesome webinar. Agan, it’s 100% free. I’m going to show you some of the things that I’ve done to be able to generate hundreds of millions of dollars in sales, it’s true. I’m going to give you guys data about that. I have some brands that are doing currently over $3 million in sales monthly. And I have some other ones that are doing another several hundred thousands, several millions overall. I’m actually currently doing $7.5 million in sales internationally. Really cool stuff.

I’m going to open my book and show you guys about that. So if you want to come and join the webinar, that will be fantastic and that’s it. I’ll see you guys on the next show. If you have a question, you can send me a message at m.me/theninjamarketer. Okay, I’ll see you guys on the next podcast.

Thanks for listening! I hope you enjoy the podcast!
Do the FREE Facebook Ads mini-courses here: agmninjalab.com/free-mini-course
If you’re ready to take your social media marketing game to the next level, then check out the AGM Ninja Lab by visiting agmninjalab.com.
And don’t forget to follow me on social media for even more marketing tips and strategies. I post content every day, so be sure to follow me on your favorite platforms!
Messenger Channel: www.m.me/theninjamarketer/
Ps: Don’t forget to subscribe to the Facebook Marketing Ninja Podcast and if you found value in today’s episode please leave a review.
For more information about my advertising agency (AGM MARKETING) or if you would like to hire AGM for your marketing needs, please contact us at [email protected]/ or 1.888.280.3339