by Manuel Suarez | Apr 4, 2022 | AGM Blog, LinkedIn
Many years ago there was a marketing study done. It said a person needs to see your message approximately 7 times before they’ll take action. And there was another piece of data that claimed, on average, people only see 1 out of 3 pieces of your marketing content. ...
by Manuel Suarez | Apr 4, 2022 | AGM Blog, LinkedIn
Passion is one of the most important ingredients for any successful content strategy. If you’re not passionate about what you’re doing, it will show. This is when business owners usually feel stuck and don’t know what to post. The funny thing is that...
by Manuel Suarez | Apr 4, 2022 | AGM Blog, LinkedIn
No matter what kinds of interests you have, there are plenty of people to look up to in the world. People that have “made it.” People at the top of the game in their respective fields. And when looking at these individuals, many people think it’s...
by Manuel Suarez | Apr 1, 2022 | AGM Blog, LinkedIn
This is more common than you might think so don’t worry, you’re in good company. Here’s my suggestion for you to get started, answer the most common questions that your audience wants to know. For example, take 5 questions that your audience wants to have answered...
by Manuel Suarez | Apr 1, 2022 | AGM Blog, LinkedIn
Asking how often to market to your list is always an interesting question, and the answer is, it depends. “Depends on what?” you may be asking yourself. It depends on how often you communicate with your lists. It depends on how many products you have to offer. It...
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