How Often You Should Market to Your List

by | Apr 1, 2022 | AGM Blog, LinkedIn

Asking how often to market to your list is always an interesting question, and the answer is, it depends. 

“Depends on what?” you may be asking yourself.

It depends on how often you communicate with your lists. It depends on how many products you have to offer. It depends on how much educational content you have. 

Marketing to your list depends on the level of knowledge the people on your lists have about how your offers can help them. That even depends on their awareness of their own wants and desires. 

That’s what it depends on; each list is different because you will most likely have another type of avatar customer than John Smith, who owns Company X. With so many different personalities, our customers can seem intimidating to market to, but the truth is there are a few things we can do to help.

Here are a couple of guidelines you can choose from. And at the bottom, a personal confession to share with you as well. 

  1. Every fifth communication. 

Let’s say you send out emails and SMS messages 5 days a week. You could use the first 4 communications to educate and build up anticipation of a product or service. On the fifth communication, include your call to action (CTA) to make a purchase. 

  1. Every 6 weeks.

This version allows you to focus more on general education and value to your lists. Especially if you’re sending communications only a couple of times per week. Then in the 6th week, you can run a special sale on your products or services. 

  1. Special Occasions

Special occasions are very common. Most businesses run sales during well-known holidays, but that doesn’t have to be the only time. What about your own birthday? Or special events to your company like the anniversary of when you started? If it’s appropriate for your brand, there are calendars online to show you more fun or bizarre specialty days like national pizza day. National Talk like a pirate day. National UFO day. Etc.

  1. Every Day

There are even companies that successfully make offers to their lists every time they send a communication. If you choose this one, I suggest you provide related value in the email that would demonstrate to the person on your list why it would make sense for them to purchase the product or service. 

Those are just a few of the guidelines offered and practiced by businesses or organizations like mine. And if we can be honest for a moment, I have a confession to share.

I’m guilty of not marketing my own lists enough. 

It’s true. I love helping people so much like you that I give away a ton of free education so that people can leverage the power of the internet and social media to grow their businesses. 

That’s my gift to those who wish to take it to the next level every day.

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