In this article I clarify the main reason most Facebook advertisers fail and give up.
The Facebook Ads “Don’t Work” Myth
Believe it or not, the Facebook media platform is second to none as a media organization. What does a good media organization do? It captures the most important ASSET on the planet: ATTENTION.
So how does this statement make ANY sense: “Facebook Ads didn’t work for me.”
It doesn’t! When you have a platform that controls the attention of SO many eyeballs worldwide, and it’s not working for you… I recommend you do as Michael Jackson suggested and start with the man in the mirror.
However, Facebook IS a different monster than anything else, and it does require a specific technology to break through and become successful in it. The great news is… You’re exactly where you need to be to ensure you eventually break through and get results in your Facebook game.
Do you understand how big this opportunity is? As I’m writing this — no joke, I get goosebumps just thinking about it — Facebook is used by close to 80% of the adult, online population throughout many countries in the world. Add to that, it’s so new that only 5% of the world’s businesses have invested in Facebook Ads!
But, out of that 5%, 93% of them claim: “Facebook didn’t work”.
Imagine that. While I’ve been reaping the benefits of the attention-grabbing power of Facebook Ads, others — most brands, actually — have been complaining that they either couldn’t figure out how to make them work, or they simply did not work.
After many years of living deep in the trenches of the Facebook world, and doing seminars to thousands of entrepreneurs, I can now tell you that I’ve found a major common denominator amongst Facebook Ads failures: Brands are using the BOOST button in an attempt to get more ATTENTION, and thus, more business.
If you’re one of the unlucky ones, don’t worry, there is HOPE.
You might be wondering what to do. You’ve been pressing that boost button for years and you kept convincing yourself it was somehow working. Just like you probably convinced yourself that postcards, or maybe those Google Banner Ads, were a great idea — even though NO ONE was paying attention.
Well, to get the most out of the Boost Button, let me tell you the first thing you absolutely must do with it:
That’s right. If you never press that button again in your life, the world will be a little better off. Sound a bit exaggerated? Well, I mean it. The Boost Button is a PURPOSELESS button that doesn’t accomplish an end result, at least not for you.
What’s the alternative? Ah, now for the good news.
Facebook created one of the most powerful pieces of software in existence today: the Facebook Business Manager.
This is a billion-dollar piece of software most people take for granted. And we’ve been given access to all its POWER — for FREE.
When I do seminars, I always like surveying the audience: “How many people use Facebook Business Manager?”
And, you know what’s crazy? Today, despite the power of Business Manager, barely 5% of Facebook Advertisers are using it. Why?
It is NEW phenomena.
A new platform.
And, just like EVERYTHING new, people don’t understand its true POWER.
The Facebook Business Manager is, hands down, the greatest tool advertisers have ever had access to. But it’s important to understand all its ins and outs, and how to correctly set it up from the get-go. So if you’d like to learn how to use it properly I suggest you take my free mini-course: Business Manager Introduction at
Alright, I want to be clear on something. And I know this is a bit cliche, but in my opinion it’s one of the truest statements out there… Building a true brand, one that transcends time, is not a sprint, it’s a marathon.
Making the Business Manager your go-to place for anything concerning your business is the safest thing you can do.
Business Manager DOES NOT get shut down, only ad accounts that violate terms of service do. Yes, sometimes there are misunderstandings with Facebook. You might have selected the wrong currency, or maybe the Credit Card on file has been flagged. There are other issues that can occur. But they can generally be resolved with great communication with Facebook.
Just to be clear, your Business Manager is your HUB. It is completely safe.
Here’s a major tip alert. If you ever encounter a situation with your account that you need help with, use this link to reach out to a Facebook customer service rep through chat:
Facebook Business Manager is a free tool developed by Facebook to allow businesses and agencies to securely manage their company’s Pages and ad accounts, all in one place, without sharing login information or being connected to their coworkers on Facebook.
Here’s a GREAT explanation about the Facebook Business Manager directly from Facebook:
“All your Pages, Apps and Ad Accounts get connected in one central location: The Facebook Business Manager.
“Business Manager integrates all your Facebook advertising campaign management efforts into one tool. It’s designed to simplify your marketing efforts.
“If you’re advertising for yourself — say, you’re on the in-house marketing team for a national brand — Business Manager shows you:
1. The Pages, ad accounts and apps linked to your brand
1. The people on your team who can access these assets to do their job
1. External partners, like agencies or Preferred Marketing Developers (PMDs), with access to your Pages, ad accounts, and apps
“If you’re advertising for someone else — for instance, you work at an agency or PMD — Business Manager shows all the Pages, ad accounts and apps that your clients have allowed you to access, as well as the people on your teams who have access to them.
“Through Business Manager, you can control all aspects of your business on Facebook. You can add or delete ad accounts linked to your company. And you can grant/revoke permission to employees and external partners for your ad accounts, apps, and Pages.
“Business Manager helps advertisers work better and faster. With one click, admins can add new people to ad accounts and Pages, greatly reducing the time it takes to set up and manage marketing efforts. For employees and external partners, Business Manager makes it easy to find the things they’re working on.
“Business Manager also makes it easier for people to keep their personal and business experiences on Facebook separate. People can use their Facebook login to access all the ad accounts and Pages they work on, without having to be friends with other people from work to gain access.”
Alright, I’m sure you’re starting to understand the Business Manager’s POWER. The biggest social media organization on the planet, in combination with the greatest advertising product ever invented… sounds to me like WORLD DOMINATION.
What do you think? Do you agree? Am I the only one who thinks this opportunity is simply INSANE and our grandkids will be complaining that they weren’t lucky enough to be born in an era in which a massive attention shift occurred? There is a BUSINESS revolution currently going and it all starts for you in your Facebook Business Manager.
It’s your HUB. It’s your CENTER for ALL activity. It allows you to really MANAGE your business and turn on and off potential customer “faucets” at will.
Learn how to use it, master it, get familiar with it, set it up correctly and I assure you, you will be able to reap the benefits in the future.
To setup your account on the Facebook Business Manager visit this link:
To do the FREE Mini-Course I created to teach you all the Facebook Business Manager basics, click this link:
I wish you lots of success in your journey. Continue getting training, continue learning and implementing, and you’re guaranteed to continue expanding.
Manuel Suárez
The Facebook Marketing Ninja
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