I will go over the 3 types of audiences on Facebook. There’s 2.2 billion people active on the platform plus 900 million on Instagram, there’s 1.6 billion active daily! Bad news is…Most of those people are NOT your customers! Now for the good news…Facebook makes it very easy to find WHO actually is interested in your brand but you need to understand all about these audiences.

I hope you enjoy the podcast!

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Podcast File

Three Types of Audiences on Facebook

Podcast Transcription

Well, hello again everybody! Hoping that you guys are having a fantastic day wherever you may be listening to this podcast. I know I have people from all over the world. Some people from the UK, United States, Latin America, from all over the place. So thank you very much for taking a little bit of your time to share a few minutes listening to my mind and my thoughts in the subject of Marketing on Facebook, Messenger, Instagram and these incredible platforms that we have today in existence.

Well, today I want to talk about something that is very, very important, a very important subject. Some of you guys might now that I have this course which is not open right now. We launched it about 5 weeks ago already and that’s called the Facebook Masters and a lot of people are going through it and going step by step into becoming a master themselves, a ninja in their own right when it comes to these platforms. One of the main things that keep coming up, it is the subject of targeting. People want to really, really understand how to communicate with the right people and they are right. This is probably the single, most important factor that you need to dominate when it comes to advertising on Facebook. Because, I said this many times before if you guys have been listening to my content, to my videos or my episodes on the podcast, or anything you know that I talk about how it doesn’t matter how good your message is.

The best messages in the world, the most incredible creatives on the planet, the most beautiful and stunning copywriting you could ever come up with will not produce a result in front of the wrong person and vice versa. If you have the best person looking at your message, if you have the exact audience, the right people looking at your message, your creative, your content, your everything, well, even if it is really a bad creative, guys, in front of the right people it does tend to produce some results. So, finding the right audience is the biggest and most important challenge when it comes to Facebook Advertising.

I got some good news for you guys. I think that I am known for over-delivering consistently throughout the last several years that I’ve been doing seminars and courses and trainings whether live or webinars or all over the place, I tend to try to give more than what people expect from me. So, what I’m starting to do from now on starting this podcast is that I’m going to be giving you guys a lot of extra value.

Whatever I talk about, I’m going to try to come up with document that you guys will be able to download like a cheat type, like a standard operating procedure that is going to help you just by looking at it, apply step by step, implement and see results based on what I’m talking about and covering on these subjects. So today, I have a special one for you guys on the subject of targeting that’s going to open up the world of targeting on Facebook for you guys. This is something that I worked really hard on with my team to develop so you guys can actually just download it. I’m going to give you the link later on towards the end of the show. You guys can download it and go and see how you can use those targeting capabilities for finding your audience. That’s the key guys.

The other day, people tell me like, should I just test a lot of different messages and see which one hits? And I’m like, no! You do test out a lot of different audiences and see which one responds to your message. First and foremost is finding the audience. Once you find the audience and you start to understand the type of people that like your content, that are interested in your brand, the ages, the demographics, how much money they make, are they single, married, are they divorced, do they have children, do they live in the United States, do they live in other countries, are they also part of other countries? You have to ask yourself all kinds of questions – what stores do they shop at, do they actually look for discounts, are they willing to pay prices for brands, do they go to Nordstrom or do they actually go to Macy’s?

There are so many different variations that you need to understand about your customer. So many different options for you to understand people because if you think about it, there’s 227 million I think is the actual number of active users in the United States on Facebook. There’s 160 million of those that use Facebook actively every single day. That is a lot of people. I can guarantee you that most of those people are not interested in what you have to offer. The great majority of them are not. Which means that you have to work on finding the ones that are interested in what you have to offer and let me assure you of something. There are a bunch of people, millions of them probably, that will be interested in what you have to offer. But the process of discovering them is actually something that you have to put in place along the way. And once you find them, then you can scale from there and understand what is your core audience, what do they look like, and all the different information about them.

So that has to be your number one priority – finding your audience, somebody that wants to hear your message and what you have to talk about, somebody that is willing to listen to you. And all brands, all products, and services have that, no matter what. You have a true audience. There’s a term in the marketing world that they call an avatar, which is your ideal to the bone customer – their likes, demographics, every single thing. Not only demographics overall, just literally, what is your ideal customer? 37-year-old woman, interested in health and weight loss that likes to go to the gym and shops in Whole Foods Market and is interested in high-end fashion like gushy and I don’t know, whatever all these different details about this person needs to be understood. They’re employees, they’re entrepreneurs, they’re executives, they’re just staff, so many different variations that you can find along the way. And, I’m going to give you guys a document at the end of this podcast that is going to give you all those different variations that you can actually work a little bit closer to finding that person. But today, that’s just like the introduction to finding your target audience.

What I want to mention today in this podcast is about the 3 different audiences that Facebook gives you access to finding on their platform. There are only 3 audiences. Every single category of an audience on Facebook is divided into 3 overall categories. So I’m going to briefly cover those things, those audiences with you so you have an understanding on what they are about. Like in how do you go about selecting these audiences so you can better utilize them. Because as I have explained before, if you guys didn’t listen to the previous episodes, a couple of episodes ago which is called the Facebook Customer Journey, these audiences belong on different steps of the funnel. For example, Audience #1, the one that Facebook gives you access to through their data is called a Core Audience. Facebook calls a core audience, any audience that is based on their data – data that they have accumulated about this user throughout the years of their existence on the Facebook platform.

For example, if somebody goes and they liked a post on somebody talking about banking like the different loans that you can get on banks, then, Facebook knows you’re interested in banking. They accumulate that data and then they see you engage with a line of clothing for kids. So they know that you’re interested in that. And then, later on, you liked a page that is about a celebrity, maybe the celebrity Will Smith. Then they know that you’re interested in the celebrity Will Smith. So just in that example, you can see that for example, just like that you like the WIll Smith page, you have liked a bunch of pages along the way and this data starts being accumulated by Facebook for all time. The things that you share, you comment, your interest, the things that you’ve answered along the way. For example, your age, your location based on the location of your device, places that you traveled to also based on the location of your device, anything that you’ve shown that you’ve worked with. For example, if you’re an employee of a corporation and you’ve given Facebook that data, that is all part of what Facebook calls the Core Audience Data.

So when you hear the word core, then you know that you’re talking about the Facebook Gathered Data. You use this for example for targeting. For example, if you want to target people that are interested in Dr. X or Dr. Berg, one of my clients, or you want to target people that are interested in Oprah Winfrey or people that are interested in weight loss, or health, or Whole Foods Market, or Amazon, or Shopify, you can target people interested in those interests. There are infinite variations of these interests. And since you have to work on finding your audience, you have to logically evaluate which audiences that you can find will be interested in your product or service.

For example, if I’m doing a discount offer, that I’m doing like a 70% off, or 90% off of a particular funnel that I’m working on then I know that for example, I can work on finding people that are discount shoppers. I can go into coupon bargain hunters, people that are interested in Walmart, there’s where you get discounts – all those things are part of the core interest information that you can target. If you don’t know anything about Facebook, then you need to go back and review some of the podcast that I’ve done because for example when you go to the Business Manager which is business.facebook.com, when you create a campaign, for example, let’s say that you want to get a video to be seen by a lot of people, you select the video views objective and at the next level which is selecting your audience also known as Ad Set Level, at that level you select which people you want this ad to be seen.

There at that level, you can select all these different audiences like Walmart, or people interested in Amazon, or Amazon Prime, or Netflix, or Shopify Channels, or Woocommerce, or Bigcommerce, or like opencart, or you can select people that are interested in business, Gary Vaynerchuk, Russell Brunson, people that are interested in selling overseas. You can select audiences that are, for example, there’s something that Facebook called Free Trade Countries. So if you want to target people that are part of the Free Trade Countries, meaning that the countries have rules that allow them to import and export easily, then you can actually target that.

That’s all part of the Ad Set area and all part of the Core Data, meaning Facebook has gathered that information throughout the years. Based on the research and based on the user interaction of the program, and based on some third-party connections, for example, Facebook has partnered with companies like Data Logic, like Sitruc and Neilsen to gather data about the users. For example, household income. For example, if you own a house or you are renting a house. There’s a lot of additional data. Now, with the whole Facebook Data Breach Scandal, there’s going to be a couple of those areas that are going to go away that I never use. For example, the household income area, that one is going to be gone in the next couple of months, it’s still available today but it will be gone. But don’t worry about it because I never use that area that much. That Facebook Core Audience Information is really, really, powerful and just that is enough to help you explode your brand and find an audience because the data is real. It’s not based on speculation, it’s based on actual interaction, on actual connection with the user and what they’re doing on the platform. That is the Facebook Core Audience.

Okay, so now check this out. What Facebook does a lot that people don’t even realize or understand or they haven’t even learned about this, most people don’t even understand is the other segment of an audience. We’ve talked about the core audience, right? So now let’s talk about this other one. This one is called a Custom Audience. A custom audience means exactly that you made this. Like a custom dress when you want to get a dress made by a tailor, you tell them how you want it, you want the design, you tell them the exact dimensions – that’s what a custom thing is, right? So custom audience is you giving Facebook the data – that’s what a custom audience is.

There are many many variations of a custom audience. Let me name to you a few. If you have a customer email list that you’ve been gathering through years, if you go and you download an excel sheet that has the phone numbers and the emails, there’s a specific format if you don’t know how to do this, you can search for customer data Facebook audience formats, if you search for that, Facebook will tell you the exact formats that they want. They want a CSV file which is very similar to an excel file. CSV stands for Comma-separated Values. If you have an excel file, you can do file > save as > and you can save it as a CSV file, and then you can go to the Business Manager and go to the Audiences Tab and you can say create a custom audience and then you upload your email and phone number list. And you know what Facebook does? They turn around and they find those people on the Facebook platform. And you might say, how do they do that? Guys, well Facebook has accumulated your email and your phone number throughout the years. When you signed up for Messenger, they actually got your phone number so they also have your phone number. Some people actually gave it to Facebook before the Messenger days. So that phone number that most of us have had the same one for a decade or more has been given to Facebook already and we can go ahead and use that to find those people on Facebook. That is a Custom Audience. How cool is that, right?

So now, you can use the customer file that you’ve accumulated throughout the years to put your message in front of your existing customers on Facebook. You know how powerful that is? Do you know that on average, 80% of the revenue of all businesses all throughout the world come from existing customers? So when people are not utilizing this, they are leaving money on the table in a very big way. So that’s what we call a Custom Audience of emails and phone numbers or one or the other. If you only have phone numbers, you can do that. If you have only emails, you can do that. Facebook will try to match the data with the data that they have. For example, if you give Facebook a hundred emails, they’re probably going to find anywhere from 65 to 70 of those users on Facebook. Because another 30 of them or 40 gave Facebook a different email which means that they cannot locate them on the platform. And if you give Facebook the emails and the phone numbers that’s a different story. They’re probably going to find 80 to 85 of the people on the platform because as you guys probably know, most of you guys already have 5-10 emails created throughout the last decade but you also have only 1 phone number along with the same route. So, we have been changing emails and adding emails throughout years while the same time, we have kept our same phone numbers. So a phone number is more valuable than an email today because you can use that phone number to locate those people on Facebook and Instagram. Pretty cool, right? That is a Custom Audience on an email.

But for example, if you have the codes which are called the Pixel Code, we can do another episode on that later on, if you have the code on the website, on your website, any traffic that you send, you can also create a custom audience of people that are visiting your website. Or you can create a custom audience of the top 25% of your website visitors. Do you see? This is your data. You can also create a custom audience of people that have messaged your page or you can create a custom audience of people that have had interacted with your page. Or you can create a custom audience of people that have purchased your products and so on, and so on, and so on, and so on. A custom audience of people that have abandoned the carts, etc.

There are many, many, many variations of custom audiences that you can create on Facebook and also on Instagram because you can use them for both platforms and that way you can start building a humongous community, right? It’s a very logical thing, guys, that if you build these audiences, you can grow your business. Why? Because if you have 100 people on a list today but then next month, you have 1,000 people, don’t you think that the same message that you sent out is going to give you a greater chance of selling more? Sometimes people don’t understand like why am I going to build a list? Why am I going to get more people on Messenger? Why do I need emails? Why do I want to connect with them on Facebook? Why do I want people to watch my video? Guys, because you’re increasing a bucket of people connected with your content. So when you have more people, you can actually sell them more stuff. Quite simple. It’s not really rock and science. So that’s a custom audience.

So what do we got to summarize? We got the core audience, Facebook’s data, and then we have the custom audience, your data that you have accumulated throughout the years of people visiting your website, your emails, phone numbers that you have accumulated, people watching your videos because that’s another custom audience. Another custom audience would be one that I use, and one of my favorite ones is a custom audience of people that have engaged with my videos, that they have seen 25% of the video, 50% of the video, etc. of any videos that I put out there. I’m basically scratching the surface of the power of these audiences guys.

And then, we’ve got the third and final type of audience. That third and final type of audience is a very, very powerful one that you can use it to put new people into the top of your funnel. If you go back to the Customer Journey, top of the funnel is called the traffic. The bottom of the funnel before you sell them something, that’s warmer traffic. So you use that warmer traffic to sell them stuff but you first warm them up. But in order to warm somebody up really well, you’ve got to put them through the content, education, information, tips, recommendations at the top of the funnel.

Now, do you know what is the best way to grab new people to put them at the top of the funnel? Well, that is what Facebook calls the Lookalike Audience. The Lookalike Audience is the third and final one. What you can do with it is basically so powerful that it requires another podcast entirely in another training in another day. But I’m going to give you the basics of it. For example, if you have a list of people that are your customers that purchased from you and already trusted you enough to give you their money, you can give Facebook this list and you can be like, “Facebook, can you please use this customer list and help me find people that are similar to my customers?” Facebook will build an audience of how many people you want, sometimes it can be millions of people that have similar characteristics, similar traits to your actual customers. They usually go and find 6 common traits – demographics, things that are interested in, locations, and all over the place. And then they find you a lookalike audience that you can target and communicate with on Facebook to put some new people on the top of the funnel. So think about the possibilities, just picture this. People that message you.

Now you can find a lookalike audience of people that message your page. People that have seen 95% of your videos. Wow! Those guys are a gold mine in this era of 8 second attention span, 7 seconds, you have somebody that watch almost the entire video that you’re putting out there. Lookalike audience of those guys. Your email list, lookalike audience. People that have actually visited your website and spent some time on it, lookalike. People that have purchased your products online, lookalike audience. And then you just repeat the cycle and put those guys towards the top of the funnel on your Facebook customer journey. Does that make sense? So, what do we got? We got the Core Audience, the Custom Audience and the Lookalike Audience. Your strategies revolve around those 3 audiences and all 3 of them need to be used if you want to really maximize your potential as a Facebook advertiser and not be leaving money on the table.

Alright guys. It’s time for you to download this document that I’ve made for you guys which is going to be all about the targeting and the different audiences that we’ve talked about today so you can start taking a look at this document and then print it out and use it as a stable point for you to be able to create this audience and start finding them on Facebook based on what your product and what your brand is. If you want to access this freebie, this document, all you’ve got to do is go to this link: manuelsuarez.com/targeting. I’m going to put the link down below for you guys to go and simply click on it. You’re going to enter your information there and I’m going to send it on your email and also on your messenger instantly. Really cool stuff. Okay, so manuelsuarez.com/targeting. If you go there you can get that right now and let me know if you have any questions. You can always send me a message in my Messenger Channel m.me/theninjamarketer and again, I’m really interested in hearing from you and see how else how I can help you and what other content I can provide for you and use it as a more motivation for me to build more content, more videos, more podcasts for you guys in the future.

Alright. Hope that you liked this podcast and hope that, that was a killer, killer content for you guys that you guys can actually go and implement and do something about it so you can get really ninja at spotting your audience on Facebook and being able to put those people for your customer journey. See you guys in the next podcast.

Thanks for listening! I hope you enjoy the podcast!
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