After doing seminars all over the world, it’s become clear to me that entrepreneurs still don’t fully grasp the very large opportunities in existence today.
If you’ve been following me for a while you know I talk a lot about the Facebook Messenger opportunity. In this short article I’ill provide you with some clarity as to what this Messenger Marketing buzz is all about and why some smart marketers are claiming this is one of the greatest marketing opportunities in history.
I also want to introduce you to ManyChat, the third party communications, marketing platform you will integrate with your Facebook Messenger channel.
What Is ManyChat:
Think about it this way, ManyChat is a tool commensurate to the following platforms:
- MailChimp
- Constant Contact
- Aweber
- InfusionSoft
- Active Campaign
It’s the communication platform you will use to message your FACEBOOK MESSENGER subscribers, automate marketing, and SCALE your business. It’s your customer and prospect HUB.

ManyChat control panel
This is where you will take your business to the next level and bring to life the century old marketing adage: THE MONEY IS IN THE LIST.
What It Has To Do With You:
You know, for the first 5 years of my marketing career I totally disagreed with that adage. It made no sense to me at all. I had a big list! But I wasn’t making much money with it.
I kept on hearing “GURUS” say it, but I refused to believe it because hey, where was evidence? So instead I continued generating sales through cold traffic to Amazon and my own websites.
Fast forward to 2018 and et me tell you: THE MONEY IS IN THE LIST — your FACEBOOK MESSENGER LIST to be precise. And ManyChat is your all-in-one list-making tool.
The money is in the list, your Facebook Messenger list
Now, while between 1999 and 2009 the money may have been in your email list (just not for me), today, with consumers not opening up their emails like they used to (10-20% open rates tops), people focused on growing their businesses through email lists only are struggling — BIG TIME.
But what if I told you that we are going through a 1999 era all over again? And not only is the era repeating itself, but it now has 19 years of technology behind it, with way more people interacting through the internet world, and way more people interacting with online e-commerce stores than ever.
This, coupled with the friendliness of the Facebook Messenger platform, and how easy it is to capture an audience’s attention on it, makes for one of the biggest, if not the biggest, marketing opportunities in the planet’s history.
And you should know, all this intense passion on my part doesn’t come from hopes and dreams, it comes from DEEP IN THE TRENCHES observation and implementation. What I’m observing on this channel is something that in 5 years in this marketing universe I have not seen.
Anyone who jumps into the Manychat/Messenger world right now will become part of the top 1% of marketers taking advantage of this unique opportunity, and riding the Facebook Messenger WAVE to build their businesses.
Why wait? All you need to do is make a decision. And once the decision is made it will become easier to take advantage of this amazing tool and this amazing marketing era.
Let me know what you think about this incredible tool.

Check out ManyChat