I’ll talk about one of the most overlooked areas for the success of your Facebook ads: Copywriting. We live in an era where the average attention span is at 7 seconds per human, meaning you only have 7 seconds to capture the attention of your potential customers. The first few lines on your Facebook is your biggest opportunity to raise someone’s interest & make them engage with your content. Listen in to get some tips on copywriting that engages on your Facebook ads. 

I hope you enjoy the podcast!

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Podcast File

Simple Copywriting Tips for Facebook Ads

Podcast Transcription

Hope you guys are doing fantastic wherever you may be on the planet. I have a lot of people now listening to this podcast. And I have people that are following me on Facebook and other places and it is exciting. If you’re not following my page, I’m trying to put a lot of content in there, it’s called the Marketing Ninja and in there I’m going to be posting some videos. There are some other things that you might be interested in along the way. So if you’re not following me, you go ahead and follow me there and keep on learning.

Now, obviously I’ve been helping a lot of people become more successful and learning about strategies and implementing all these incredible, powerful technology that we have in front of us today that people keep on taking for granted which is to tell you the truth guys, it’s great news for all of us. Because if you’re listening to this podcast, you are one of those lucky people on the planet like me or let’s say one of those smart people on the planet that really understands that we are living through a unique communications era in which we can actually get people to see our products more than ever before was possible or dreamed about.

So today I want to talk about a very important subject. It’s consistently an area that I see people struggling with nonstop and these people are actually thinking that the reason that they’re failing is other reasons when the reason might be right in front of their eyes. And that’s copywriting. Copywriting is just like art. It’s like painting, it’s like acting, it’s an ability, it’s the art and science of capturing attention. And today, copywriting has been one of the most important factors in being able to create an impact in social media and will continue to be so. Let me explain to you why. Because in reality guys, copywriting is the main thing, the first thing that somebody sees when they get your ad impressed on their news feed. Before they can actually get engaged with the video, with the images, with the carousel ad, or whatever it is that you’re putting in front of them, they want to make sure that you deserve to have their attention. And the way that they decide that, the way that the audience decides that, just think about it for yourself guys.

What is the first thing that you see when you’re scrolling through your newsfeed? Just think about that. Is it the video? Or is it actually the copy? The message above that. The reality of today, if you look at what’s going on, those few lines above a video on Facebook, those few sentences are key. It’s different on other platforms. For example, YouTube is very different. YouTube, yes, you want to pay attention to the first two lines on a video, on the channel because people are reading those 2 lines before they actually click on the video.

So those are important on a search result. And you think about Instagram. Instagram is really different because the text is a second thing you see, it’s a more visual platform. But when it comes to Facebook, there are very little things that are more important than your copywriting on it. And just like everything else guys, just like riding a bicycle, just like actually learning to use a computer, anything else that you’ve ever learned about in life, copywriting must be learned. And probably at first, you will suck just like I probably did along the way. It’s an ability that has to be created along the way and it has to be improved.

I’m going to give you today some tips and tricks when it comes to copywriting because I believe that there are some particular points, there are some particular areas that you need to make sure that you always have present when doing copywriting that are going to help you create a bigger effect on people. That’s what it’s all about. At the end of the day, what are you trying to do when you do copywriting? You’re trying to capture attention. You’re trying to get people to actually stop whatever they’re doing and pay attention. And if you are not a good copywriter, trust me, there are really bad copywriters out there. If you are not a good copywriter, nobody’s going to pay attention. And, let me tell you what happens. I told you guys before, those of you guys that have been listening to me for a while that if you understand that Facebook, the platform, the Algorithm is all about the user experience, UX, then you understand that copywriting can make or break your results because if you have bad copywriting, then you ruin a user’s experience. They don’t like it, they don’t engage, they keep on scrolling, they don’t comment, they don’t share it, nothing.

So the user experience will be improved dramatically with good copywriting. Now, it doesn’t mean that you have to be a professional copywriter. I want you guys to just try things out. There are things that you can do today to test out your copy dynamically. And then Facebook will tell you what works well, what doesn’t work well. There are all kinds of split testing that you can do with different creatives, with different messages to find out which ones are the messages that are penetrating the most, that are creating the most impact on your audience. And you have to test those things out until you get good at it and you know how to create messages that convert. Let me tell you one thing. It’s very difficult, like I have a company right now of 35 staff, 36 now, and it’s incredible how difficult it is to find a good copywriter. It’s close to impossible. It’s the hardest to employ. This is my opinion. It is the hardest person, the hardest ability to bring into a team.

Let me tell you what a good copywriter does. A good copywriter, somebody that knows how to sit down and write a message correctly that really creates an effect is somebody that has a unique ability to be able to put themselves in the viewpoint of the other person, of the reader, of the audience. If you cannot put yourself in the viewpoint of the reader, you will not be able to write a copy that converts or gets people to act. It’s as simple as that. The question is, can you stop being yourself when you’re writing a message and actually put yourself in the viewpoint, in the shoes of the other side? Meaning the audience or the potential customer. If you can do that well then you have got it made.

You have to think about what are the pinpoints? What is that person trying to resolve? What is my product solving for that person right now? How is the life of that person going to get improved with them being a part of my product, my service, my company? It’s as simple as that. When you can master that ability of stop being yourself like for example if you say something like “You need to try this product because this product is the best. If you don’t try it, it’s your fault. You are missing out on something that is going to change your life.” That is bad copywriting. Why? Because you’re being romantic. You are thinking that you are entitled to get attention. You’re thinking that you deserve somebody else’s attention and you’re not thinking about them and how they could actually benefit from your actual product or service.

Instead of doing that, you can do something like “Have you ever gone through difficulties taking care of your skin? Well, this product was formulated to assist people with their difficulties in hard, tough to take care skin. If you ever got sunburn or went through extreme pressures of the environment with your skin then this product might be the right one for you.” When you write something like that, I just made that up right now guys, but when you write something like that, if you can put yourself on the other side of somebody, for example in this example was having difficulty in massive skin burns, or has had difficulty taking care of her skin her whole life and now she’s looking for some real solutions to that particular problem that she has then you can keep on formulating copy that really lets that person connected with you and see the rest of your ad and create an impact on that person’s mind.

And now they can see your video, they can see your images, they can actually go and visit your store and then it gets better. Because when you communicate things the right way in a way that it communicates the value and how you’re actually helping somebody else not how you are telling them how incredible your product is but how it could make their lives better, how you could handle their problem. For example, I have an agency and I have a lot of bunch of customers. One of my customer is a credit repair software that we use and the way that I do it is I put myself in the viewpoint of somebody that is trying to purchase a house, a car, something that they really want and then they can’t purchase it because the credit agencies have ruined their credit. The Credit Bureaus have actually stained his credit so much that they can’t get approved for anything.

So I can start off by saying something like “Are you having difficulty being able to purchase your dream home? Is there something that you have tried to accomplish in your life that you haven’t been able to because your credit has been affected? Well, this program is going to help you resolve that. It takes away those things that are stopping you from being able to accomplish your dreams and goals in life.” I don’t know guys, you see what I’m saying? You can keep on wording things in a way that, number 1, presents the problem to the person. It creates the reality on the pinpoint the person has. It captures that attention immediately. That first line is the most important line on any ad. Always, always at first line.

You guys have probably heard that today we have the lowest attention span on average that we’ve ever had in history. People are talking about 7-second attention spans meaning that you have 7 seconds on average in humanity to capture that attention. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. That’s it. If you actually do not capture that attention in those 7 seconds, you are done. They’re never going to pay attention to you. Because you didn’t do a good job on that first impression. I’m a big, big fan of first impressions. If you actually get a first impression on those first 2 lines that actually create a massive effect then you have won the game. Now, it’s just about getting that person to get connected more and more and more with your brand along the way while you drive them into your funnel as your customer.

Copywriting. I was actually doing some research about this the other day while I was developing my course on Facebook Marketing and I found out for example that the copywriting has a history. You might wonder why is it copywriting? Are you copying somebody else? Well, that’s the way it used to be. Copywriting comes from that idea that somebody will write something and somebody else would copy it on a piece of paper and then it would just get printed. It’s basically how it came about into existence. The meaning got radically transformed into being able to write an original idea of something. So you write an original idea that communicates a message, relays a message that can actually penetrate somebody else’s mind and create an impact on them so it teaches them something about what you can offer them and how you can help them.

Do you guys know for example that the famous authors on this planet, the ones that have done a great job of writing books, the ones that actually have broken records as authors, these guys have all these unique abilities to capture attention by putting themselves in the viewpoint of the reader. They know how to keep them in mystery. They know how to keep them entertained and give them what they’re looking for. The same thing applies to writing your Facebook Ads. One of the things that I would tell you guys because I know this is a project, right? And I know it takes time is that don’t make it too long. People do not want to pay attention to you unless you have actually already captured their attention.

So as a first step guys, when you’re writing an ad, if you’re trying to connect with people for the first time, let’s say that you’re trying to run cold traffic campaigns, people that don’t know who you are yet. Make sure that you write short, concise, to the point ads on your Facebook account, on your Facebook Ads Manager so you can get a chance to just drive the point home and tell them how you can help them. For example, for somebody who is actually overweight, well, you guys know, if you guys are on that business, Facebook doesn’t like for you, again, because it’s all about user experience, right?

They don’t want to make people feel bad so you can’t say to somebody “Are you tired of feeling fat?” Facebook will not approve that because it does ruin the experience. But what you can say is like “Would you like to have more energy? Do you feel that your body could improve somehow? Do you feel that a body has a potential to improve their stamina so they can repair itself?” Or you can say something like “These xyz brand is specially formulated to be able to help a body recover from its difficulties after pregnancy or whatever it is.” So you just position the problem right away and you tell them how you can solve it and put yourself in their viewpoint and help them make a decision that might change their lives whether they want to connect to your brand or not. So it just gives you an idea guys.

The first thing that you do is you position the problem, right? You present them what the problem is and you let them know how you can help them. Try to do only two to four sentences and then drive them towards the next step of your funnel. For example, you can say watch the video below to get more answers. Or you can say visit my website. And then now you can go ahead and put the link above the image that you’re putting and also put the link on the call to action below the image. So you can do both things so you can actually increase the number of people that are actually clicking to your website or clicking to your funnel or seeing your videos, and stuff like that. When you do that, you get people to engage more. When people engage more, you can actually connect with them more and down the line be able to convert them into customers at a much higher probability that if you do not write messages clearly, and to the point, and directly.

I hope that makes sense to you guys. Now, I don’t talk about copywriting a lot because for me, it’s an ability that I cannot take for granted which I forgotten about how important it is but I want to drive this point home because one of the biggest things that you have to work on when your message is not being accepted well, when your ad is being too expensive, when for some reason your audience is not responding, is that you have to adjust your message. Your message has to be clear enough for you to be able to actually create a message that really converts, that really gets people to respond to your ads and get some into your funnel.

So, instead of going crazy adjusting audiences and investing heavy amounts of money when it doesn’t even make sense, I would say that you should work as much as possible on your copywriting until you feel good at it. Survey people, ask people around, ask your friends what do you think about this message? Does it make you want to engage? Does it make you want to connect a little bit more with your brand? Test it out. Try different messages. Write it in different ways. Use different call to actions. Start with a question. Maybe you can start with a question or maybe start with a statement.

Let me think of another example. Let’s say for example that I am trying to generate leads for a roofing company, a company that fixes roofs on a particular city. I can start my message by being something like this, “Over 65% of homeowners don’t even realize that their roofs are in danger of having leaks. When you don’t repair the roofs on time (Guys, I’m making this up as we go), it ends up being 5x as costly. Have you gotten your roof inspected yet? We have a free roof inspection.” So just to give you guys an idea, you can start with statements, you can start with questions, you can start with different formats that allow you to connect with people in those first two lines and get them interested in what you have to offer.

Now, if you get good with copywriting and you get more certainty on it and you feel confident that your copywriting is actually the right copywriting and that it makes sense and people like your copywriting and you’re still not getting results, then you can actually go ahead and test out different audiences. Because in reality like we talked about before, the best audiences in the world respond well no matter how bad the creative is or the message is. If you have the right audience, people will respond. But the other way around, it doesn’t really work. The worst audiences in the world in front of the best copywriting, the best creative, does not respond at all. So having the right audience is obviously really important. But you’ve got to master all these different things, right? You’ve got to master the ability to write a message that converts, that get the people to either watch the video or go to your website or whatever it is that you’re trying to accomplish by your product, etc., that’s something that has to be worked on.

And you also have to master the ability to find your audience until you actually find it. Those are 2 very different things and both of them are extremely important. If you fail on any one of them, you will not have results. It’s as simple as that.

Okay, guys, I hope that was very useful to you. I can go ahead and give you guys a lot more examples from my mind. Let me give you one more before we head out. Let’s say for example that I have an e-commerce business in Amazon. And I have this particular brand that is actually one of the top sellers on my niche market and I’m so proud of it. It does require some thinking. You’ve got to put yourself in the viewpoint. Let’s say for example that it’s a dog leash brand, that is a top rated Amazon dog leash brand. I would say something like, “Have you seen one of the nation’s top-rated Amazon dog leash brands? This one is a top seller on Amazon with over 500 5-star reviews.” And then you can say whatever your discount is, like, “For a limited time you can get a 20% off your entire order. Use coupon code such and such and such…” Or you can send them into your funnel or you can send them directly to your Amazon store or your click funnel page so you can upsell them something whatever it is that you have going on on your actual funnels. And then you can test out different audiences to find out which one works the best. Or you can start off by saying like, “Having a dog leash that works is essential to being able to control your dog.” Boom! Problem is exposed right there. “For a limited time, you can get Amazon top rated dog leashes at a 25% discount. Use coupon code such and such…” Make sense?

Alright, guys. So just giving you guys some tips about it. This is something that I’ve worked. For years I’ve been working on getting good at copywriting. Those were examples off the cuff. And if you guys have time to actually start building some ads, go ahead and start putting yourself in the viewpoint of the actual reader and think about how you’re going to position those messages so you can actually get people to respond to your ads and get interested in your products or services. Those few seconds are essential to get people interested in your products and services, okay? So you’ve got 7 or 8 seconds and that’s all. Keep that in mind and I’ll see you guys on the next podcast. Remember, if you want to send me a message, you can go to m.me/theninjamarketer and I will respond myself. Alright. Talk to you soon.


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