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Podcast File
Why Does Content Marketing Work
Podcast Transcription
Hi everybody! Hope you guys are doing fantastic wherever you might be listening to me. Today, it is Thursday, January 25th and there’s a lot of awesome things going on. Today I’m recording here while I’m driving somewhere else because I had on my big battle plan which is something that I recommend you guys do. I have a battle plan every single morning when I wake up in the morning. The first thing that I do after I drop off the kids in school and make myself a coffee is sit down and make a list of everything that is in my mind that I want to accomplish that day. So one of my major things that I have to do is do a podcast. I’m trying to get more into a routine of doing them atleast twice or 3 times a week which I haven’t been able to do yet.
So today, the day is supposed to be almost over and I wanted to get this done. I still work until like 11 or 12 o’clock usually but it’s a good opportunity right now to just get my thoughts out of the way with you, it was something that I realized the other day and I wanted to share with you. I was doing a seminar and I’ve been doing seminars for a while already talking about the opportunities and exploring areas of attention and how to capture it, how to be able to grow a business and be successful in what one does, digital advertising and all these different things for all kinds of businesses – business to business, business to consumer, everything. That’s where I’m obsessed about and that’s my particular area of skill. I am able to see a business and immediately recognize where they should be going towards to, what they should be doing, what actions they should take. I’m just not whether Facebook or TV or these things work or not, it’s what works for the business – that’s my area of skill. Other people know how to play basketball really well. Other people know how to do makeup and etc. I happen to have a great ability in recognizing the potential of a business and knowing where it should be and what is its true capability and what is the direction it should take, where could they get the most ROI and something like that whether it’s an e commerce business or a national, international, or a service business, whatever it is, it’s just happens to be something that I am good at.
So, I was doing a seminar and you guys know if you have followed me for a while that I have a different strategy the older world is used to it when it comes to marketing which is becoming an expert in your area of expertise in your field. A lot of people talk about this – Gary Vaynerchuk, myself, Russell Brunson, all these guys that I’ve listened to for years that are in line with my train of thoughts. They taught about the same thing but I never quite fully grasped why this is the case.
What I’m talking about here is the content marketing. It’s becoming good at what you do, providing value, providing education, giving something to somebody that is going to make their lives better without expecting anything in return. And by doing that, you can build a massive business and that’s how it works. There’s another school of thoughts that would tell you that there’s a thing as giving too much for free. Because when you give too much for free, you don’t have any business. I don’t necessarily believe in that because I believe that when you give a lot for free, when you actually put yourself in front of the world and provide so much value to them that you give them into wanting to give something back to you, then that’s the way to go. That’s what they call Content Marketing. It’s not doing a campaign and advertising it and just forgetting about it and putting $10,000 behind a campaign, $100,000 or $1M or whatever it is, then you’re going to go and explode the business.
Content Marketing is a strategy that is a long term positioning strategy to grab your business, your area of expertise, and expose yourself in the world. Ideally you as a personal brand letting the world know how good you are on your subject and how much you have to show them. Because this is the thing – all businesses, it doesn’t matter what you are, products, services, it doesn’t matter, they are all solving a problem, they’re all providing solutions to a particular situation. For example, a credit company is trying to fix a credit because somebody is not able to get a loan for the house, they’re not able to get the interest rates that they’re looking for, etc. So, they’re facing that problem and they have information about that problem. They have a lot of content, education about that particular service, about that particular problem. What information they have, whatever information they possess can literally improve the lives of somebody else without the other person, the consumer, having to give you a penny.
So that’s how it works. So now, down the line, this particular strategy, when you do have a service to sell them, these people tend to buy in very easily and they just turn over their bank accounts and they don’t question anything. It becomes easy to sell to them and upsell and cross-sell and everything sell. So, at the beginning, it’s a longer path but longer term, more of a marathon type of attitude. It is the right way to go about it because when you do that, you’re really building a business and all of us that are here, most of you guys that are listening to me and everybody that goes to my seminars, everybody’s seeing it for a long term. Nobody’s just trying to get rich in the same year and just go retire and drink pina coladas in the beach. We’re in it for the long term.
So, what I believe that you should do is actually take your content, whatever you have and create a humongous list of information that just with that data you can improve somebody else’s life. And based on that data, you can actually start providing that value whether you have a beauty cream or you have a clothing design store, or you are an accountant or you sell baby toys or you’re building a brand that revolves around administration, consulting. The things that I’m talking about here apply to any particular business. This strategy really penetrates any business that you want to incorporate or actually take into the next level. I teach a lot of entrepreneurs that are connected with the e-commerce world but I also help a lot of brands, companies that have services, that actually provide 101 services, or business to business services and the same thing applies. Positioning your brand as an authority, as somebody that really cares, somebody who’s trying to make a difference, a company that’s trying to make a difference in a person’s life by providing education and value. It’s the way to go about it.
So again, long term, short term, it’s the easiest way that a company can actually expand their branding, their services and grab their positioning. Now, I’ve known this for a long time and most of you guys have known that this is something that is going on especially in the last couple of years because the digital world – Facebook Advertising, YouTube, Google, Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram – they are massive content distribution channels. So they allow you to put out a video, an article – some kind of text – a blog – an audio podcast, or whatever it is, and get exposure like we never had access to before like our grandparents never had access to before.
So since we have this content distribution in steroids right now, the plain field has been leveled out. So now, we are competing with bigger boys – companies that have bigger marketing budgets. For example, I built a company that was bed sheets and rugs, something like that. I built that in 2015 with my own sweat and blood with a couple of friends and it was three of us, three partners and within 2 years, there was a bigger player buying us out. Why? Because of what they call level plain field – smaller guys like us, maybe we were just starting up or we have smaller budgets, we can brand out of our brands. So my realization is this and I’m going to share this with you because this is something that for me made sense – this is why Content Marketing works so, so, so well, it is so powerful. Content Marketing works because it is increasing the person’s responsibility over subject. Whatever information they had was not enough for them to take control over that problem. But when you provide value to these people, let’s say for example somebody has a face that is ruined with a lot of scars because she wasn’t taking care of her face properly. And then this company, this brand creates a personal brand and starts educating women on how to take care of their faces and how to have natural beauty and how to be organic and natural. When somebody is being exposed to that content, first of all, they get attracted to it, their interest goes up on the subject. They start in getting a desire on learn more about that subject. And now they keep on learning about that subject and keep getting connected with your brand, with your content and while they’re getting connected with you, then, without you noticing them they are noticing you all the time and establishing a relationship with you. That is what this relationship is at. That’s why we call an influencer because you are the one providing this value, you are establishing a relationship with them. And you don’t know who they are but they’re sure who you are. And now, because we have something called retargeting in which the digital world like Facebook Marketing allows you to continue to put a message in front of the same person over and over. Like for example, you create a video about the basics of taking care of your face, let me show you how to take care of your face naturally. So just provide some value, how to clean-up the face at night, put some natural cucumber or whatever it is that you want to say and here you go. And then, you have the data that that person consume that video. They consumed maybe 50% of the time or they consumed the whole thing or whatever it is. So now you have that data.
So, now, you put a 2nd video in front of that person. “Oh! Thank you for watching my first video. Let me show you a second one.” So, in case you don’t know, in case you didn’t have this data, Facebook platform, which is the one concentrating on in the last couple of years has when you go to the business manager, business.facebook.com and you have it setup, there is a tab at the top left that opens up a menu and one of those options is called Audiences. And there you can build an audience of people that have engaged with your videos, that have engaged with your page, that have visited your website and so on. It’s a big world in there that all I want you to understand right now is that the possibilities are really endless on this subject. One of my favorite retargeting audiences is the people that have seen my videos on Facebook. If I put a video out there that is 5 minutes long and somebody stops whatever they are doing and stops scrolling through their feed, and their thumb stops right there, and they sit down and watch my video for 4 minutes or more then that person for me is a gold mine.
Now, I value everybody but this one particularly is even more important because they have dedicated me 4 minutes of their time in a world that is averaging 8 seconds attention span. So, it’s a crazy thing so I don’t take that for granted. So now, I put those guys in a retargeting funnel and I continue to communicate with these guys over and over. So now, on the 2nd video, I give them another message. And on the 3rd video, I give them another tip – “Here’s another tip of the day!”. And I continue to communicate with these guys. And since Facebook Marketing is so affordable, we’re talking about $2 CPM’s (Cost Per Thousand), $4 CPM’s. Meaning that for every $4 you can reach a thousand people. Do you guys know that for example television is going to be like $20+, newspapers are going to be like $32 for every 1,000 people that you reach and you don’t even know if you’re really reaching them, there’s no digital data about this. So, to give you guys an idea, it’s not a small thing that we’re talking about here. There’s a reason why companies are being built, empires are being built into millions of dollars in a year or two that usually take 20 years to build, that usually take decades and decades to build something similar to what we’re doing today.
So, why does Content Marketing work? Again, one more time. What is this type of marketing of providing value work? Because you are grabbing an individual and you’re making them more aware of a problem that they have, you’re helping them take responsibility over that problem by gaining knowledge of it. And now these people can actually feel a desire to act on it. So whenever down the line, down the funnel, you ask them to act, give you an appointment, come visit you, buy your product, accept your services or whatever it is, you have positioned yourself as the one that made them realize that this was what they exactly needed to address and handle in order to improve their lives. So since you’re the one who made them realize that, now you have the right to be their provider. So, whenever you ask them for something they give it to you. It becomes easy to sell. It becomes a situation that now, literally, they actually have to beg you sometimes in order for you to be able to give them your service and provide them with your particular product.
So again guys, it’s something that really, really, really works and it’s not scientific. I’m telling you something that is really obvious. There’s a reason for it. There’s a logic for it. It’s just something that was just not accessible before. Before, you couldn’t do 5 consecutive 30-second video ads and promote them on the television until that person becomes your customer and not only that, you couldn’t retarget them, and you couldn’t tell the television station, “Hey! Can you please put the second video in front of the same person that saw my first video?” That was not even available. So it’s not that this is something complicated, it’s just something that didn’t exist before. Why does it work so well? That’s exactly why it works so well. It’s incredible what’s going on. Let me give you an example of something that’s blowing me away recently in the last couple of weeks. I have several brands and products, and companies that I work with and I have an agency and I help a lot of people and I have my own brand and things like that. We are doing some incredible things through Facebook, particularly right now through Instagram, through the Messenger channel and it’s quite spectacular. And to give you an example, we have this particular Amazon brand that sells about $700,000 a month right now and it’s been established for about 2 and a half years now. So, it’s growing pretty fast. It’s really powerful. Now, this brand is being driven by content marketing. So, the content creator produces a lot of content and he does really good stuff and is driving the sales non-stop. So, it’s awesome right?
Now, the incredible thing is that a 3 months ago, without exaggeration, we started building the Messenger platform and the Messenger platform we started like providing value on it and just educating and raising more awareness of their problems and just simply making them more conscious of what they need to handle in order to improve their lives in that particular area. So the incredible thing was that last week, this is something that is spectacular. Last week, just one single week, the Messenger platform sold about the same amount of money that the entire Amazon platform did after years of being there in existence. So take that in for a second. The Messenger platform sends them to a website that we have which is very user friendly and it’s very easy for them to buy the products. So it’s very easy. We don’t send them to Amazon, we send them to our own shop which is something that I recommend that you guys do also. Not just only do Amazon and I will talk about that later on. But just on the Messenger platform, after a couple months of being built in this massive communication channel, because that’s what it is – a communication channel to educate the world. Just because we are doing a lot of communication and education we were able to sell almost as much as the Amazon platform did by itself even though Amazon has been rolling for a couple of years. Anyways guys, incredible stuff, there’s a reason why it works. It’s not a mystery. It’s very logical. My realization was that, very obvious one, but, it was very real to me, the fact that it works because we are making them responsible over their problems. We are making them more knowledgeable in the area.
Okay, I hope you liked it and I’ll be coming up soon in the next one. If you are not following yet my own Messenger channel, on it I actually share whatever is happening with the podcast and once in a while I do some other information and announcements and also on my page I put articles and I’m trying to do videos and I’m going to do a lot of more things to get you guys in the loop.
I’m also going to be launching a program very soon to help anybody become from either beginners or medium to advanced marketers to becoming like super mega gurus on this subject which is something that I have been working on really hard on becoming myself. So I realized how big of a necessity this is, something to do with seminars to thousands of people and I’m going to do something really special. So if you want to stay tuned and keep on learning I’m going to keep on providing lots of information to get you guys on the way to becoming master marketers using these powerful platforms.
So again, if you want to send me a personal message, you can. This is my personal link, just send me a Messenger message m.me/manuelsuarezdigital. You can send me a message there or any questions, or any thing that you want me to cover in the future. Thank you for listening and I’ll see you on the next episode.
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