I will go over some exciting things that are happening in the digital advertising space. Also, talk a little about what’s the long-term plan for FB and if space is getting too crowded. In my opinion, FB marketing is in its early stages and its only getting better. Just when I thought that they were running out of advertising real estate, new placements evolve. Now, they are doing something called ConnectedTV ads! Send me a message at www.m.me/theninjamarketer
I hope you enjoy the podcast!
Do the FREE Facebook Ads mini-courses here: manuelsuarez.com/minicourses
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Podcast File
Is Facebook Advertising a Fad or Is It Just Getting Started?
Podcast Transcription
Hey guys, for those of you guys that are listening to me for the first time, thank you. I’m glad that you’ve found the Facebook Marketing Ninja Podcast. I’m sure you were searching around for something that was actually of value that is going to teach you how to take advantage of these modern platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Messenger and all that stuff and for those of you guys that have been listening to me for a while now, I appreciate you very much. This is why I do what I do and I always find a way to take some time out of my week to actually communicate to you guys some things that I’m discovering and learning along the way and to keep you guys front and center on this incredible wave tsunami of digital advertising that’s going on right now. So thank you.
Today is an exciting day for me. I’m really, really excited. Lots and lots of energy. I usually do but some days I have more energy than others. What’s special about today? Well, today I did my final certification exam when it comes to being a Facebook professional. So I don’t know. You probably haven’t heard about this a lot but there’s a Facebook certification which is basically like being a doctor on a student of advertising in these platforms and I did several tests along the way, a lot of study and today I finished, passed the test which I posted on social media which is called Facebook Certified Planning Professional. It’s really advanced stuff. Basically I would tell you that a lot of companies have million dollar budgets for Facebook Advertising a month don’t even have the certifications and I definitely know what I’m talking about and I did the test yesterday and I passed it and I felt so good about that because it’s amazing how much we can actually do with these platforms. And people are really just beginning to understand the power of them. It’s really, really exciting guys because I believe that something like Facebook is still on its evolution stage.
To give you guys an example about 10 years ago while they were formed, right? 11 years ago is when they started becoming like a mainstream company and people started using it, started with college door rooms that you know, that was the whole intention to get them to socialize and get them to know each other and that’s what they had in mind to begin with. So that was like 11 years ago. Now, later on along the way they kept on evolving and they became this massive media organization that is what we know today. But 2 years ago, about a year and a half ago, Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg actually stood up on stage on the World Summit that they do every single year and he talked about where does he think Facebook is at and where is it going and he talked about a long-term plan for the company. Imagine that. So a year and a half they were already like in the top 10 companies of the planet when it comes to the value, I think they were number 12 actually at that point. Right now, they’re number 4 right next to Amazon and all the other big boys Apple, Google, and Microsoft. But at that point, they asked them how much has Facebook evolved already. And from my experience of understanding how this guy operates, Zuckerberg and these guys like Jeff Bezos, the Amazon’s CEO, I mean these guys are like the geniuses of our times. And he stood up on stage and he said, “Look, Facebook has evolved 2% of its true potential.”
That’s all. So, just imagine that for one second. What we know today as Facebook, the greatest most powerful biggest social media platform in the planet has evolved only 2% of its true potential. I believe that 100% and that’s what I’m making this podcast all about. Because the reality is that people keep saying like, “Hey, eventually they’re going to run out of real estate, you’re not going to be able to advertise on it anymore, it’s so expensive…” and all these naysayers, doubters, people that are not jumping in that are hoping that since they didn’t learn about it, they don’t actually have a platform that takes over the advertising world and they didn’t take advantage of it. So they’re hoping that that’s the case. So, you hear a lot of doubts around when it comes to the power of this particular platform and you’re going to hear people say stupid things like, “It’s a passing fad, it’s going to go away, just like any other platform it goes away, and whoever jumps on that boat is going to sink…” you know, and all these stupid things.
People don’t fully realize the power of this platform and what it has already developed and the fact that they already won, they won. Like they have the control of attention already and is only getting stronger. And yeah you’ll hear the guys that are haters, “No, I hate Facebook! I’m never going to use Facebook”. Yeah, there’s like a 20%-30% of the population that have that attitude, fine. But the fact that 70% or 80% of them are using it, then tells you the power of it because we’ve never had a media organization that has controlled so much attention. And it’s all about attention. When you control attention, you can do whatever you want with it. You can sell products, you can sell ads, you can do anything. So, overall, really incredible stuff that they’ve been doing and a lot of companies have now fully grasped the power of this platform which is great news for us.
It’s great news for companies like us, like small business guys, like us, if we want to make a difference and we have a level plainfield in which we can go in there and just literally just advertise our products and our brands and just literally compete with big brands. Do you understand that? For example, if you have a makeup company and nobody knows you, you can’t compete with L’oreal. I mean how is that even possible? Well, you can because it is affordable to compete. Because you don’t need to go into big television contracts to compete with these big brands that have been around for a long time. You can literally develop a soda company, a brand from a scratch and promote it and maybe generate sales and take a market share out of coca-cola’s pocket. It’s that powerful. I’ve been doing it all the time. Like I’m taking a share of, like for example in my dad’s company, I’m taking a big chunk of the share on the weight loss items when it comes to in comparison to Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem, and all of these guys.
My dad from a small island of 2 million people is generating over $35 million in annual sales just from the digital advertising world. Guys, when I say that I’m 100% in on the digital ride, I’m 100% in. For example, for the last 4 years, we have not spent a single penny outside of Facebook, Messenger and Instagram. Not a single penny, 100% in and we’ve taken that company from being a $1 million company 7 years ago to being a $35 million company today internationally in 8 countries. So, this is not something that I’m just selling you guys a dream. This is the reality and I have a lot of other examples because again, like I don’t know if you guys have heard about it but last year in 2017 I helped generate over $80 million in sales. So less than half of that were from my dad’s company, the other half, a bunch of clients including my own stuff that I had, you know.
So, there’s a lot of incredible things going on and Mark Zuckerberg stood up on that stage and he said, “We’ve only done 2%” and he made a big plan on the board, on the big screen, he talked about his long term 10-year plan. For example, do you guys know that less than half of the planet have access to the internet? There’s 7.7 billion people on this planet. Only 3 billion people have access to the internet world. It looks like everybody has it but it’s because we are on the first world countries and then some of them are the second world, third world countries. Like for example Mexico, everybody has internet over there. And then we have other Latin-American countries that have internet and then other places but there’s a lot of people in the planet that still don’t have access to the internet. So their plan, Mark Zuckerberg’s plan, because he’s trying to change the world, he’s not trying to make money, he’s already rich enough, he’s trying to make an impact and leave a humongous legacy on this planet.
Their plan is to actually put satellites around the planet so the entire planet has internet. Now if he has that plan, trust me, this is going to happen. So they’re using a lot of their capital. Just like you guys know for example this guy from Tesla Company, he developed this incredible technology center space explorations, SpaceX exploration, right? In which he’s actually using a lot of that money to actually go and build his dream of like taking the civilization to live on Mars, so just like that. Then we have like this guy, Mark Zuckerberg, who’s doing a similar thing but using a lot of that capital to do something that is going to be life-changing for this planet which is going to be provide internet to the entire human population, 7.7 billion or by that time 8 billion something. So, really incredible stuff. So it just tells you guys that this whole evolution is basically just beginning.
So now I wanted to just answer a quick question here when it comes to the Facebook Advertising world because I keep hearing over and over, “Why am I going to jump in right now? It’s going to be a little bit late on the game. The real estate is going to be expensive and is going to run out of space and you will not be able to make money.” Just when I think that Facebook is going to be expensive and that they’re going to run out of space, they figure out new ways to actually get their messages out there and provide value to advertisers. To give you an example, when you think about Facebook, you think about 1 single platform. You think about the blue icon on your phone. That’s usually what you get in your mind, Facebook. Now, when I think about Facebook in my case in which I am a partner myself because I’m a certified professional on it and I invest a lot of money, no exaggeration, right now in 2017 I did $2.5 million dollars in Facebook ads. This year, it’s going to another level because in February I did about, I’m going to say we did about $400,000 in Facebook ads between my clients and myself. So that’s going on a ray to like triple itself easily along the way.
So, I’m a big believer on it but the point is that you guys think about the Facebook blue icon, I think about this monster media company that keeps on figuring out ways to send their messages out there. For example, do you guys know that Facebook owns Instagram also? Okay, well, they bought them out for $1 billion and they controlled it. That happened several years ago. That’s a new platform. Do you guys know that Messenger home is actually a platform that they’re actually studying to monetize right now? If you go to Messenger, if you have Facebook Messenger, you are probably already noticing ads in Messenger home. That is a new placement. That’s a new way for them to sell and make money from ads and help us as brands to make money, okay? Now, they also have for example something that’s a little small app that has 2 billion users that they call Whatsapp. Guys, it’s coming. They’re going to start monetizing that very soon. I don’t know when but trust me, it’s in the plans already and it’s coming at any day. They just have so much going on, right?
And now they have something else called Audience Network which is partner relationships with other applications for example ESPN, games under devices and all sorts of magazines in which since people are signed in on their Facebook devices, when they go to their apps, those apps have the Facebook targeting data. So, Audience Network is a potential reach that you can put to advertise on Facebook but not on Facebook. So people don’t even have to be on Facebook for you to actually deliver your message. They can go for example to another application and be looking at content there and get targeted on that application with the Facebook targeting data. Guys, this is incredible stuff. It’s incredible because they’re expanding their reach everywhere. So now, also, we have something called the Facebook Pixel which is a code that is being put all over the different websites.
Like for example if you go to my website agmagency.com, there’s a code in there that tells me that people are visiting that page every single day and I can continue to communicate with those guys on Facebook or Audience Network, or Instagram, or Messenger, etc. So we are just from one single cute little blue icon, we have this world of advertising in our fingertips right now that can all be controlled with 1 single ad product between Facebook Business Manager and what you’re trying to accomplish, that’s what you need. You don’t need to learn another platforms. So, if you don’t have that set up yet, you go to Facebook Business Manager which is business.facebook.com, I’m going to put the link down below on this podcast and all you’ve got to do is go in there and set up your account and start learning about it. Incredible opportunities.
Now, yesterday, again, as we keep on expanding on this world of opportunities and the incredible things that are going on, guess what Facebook did? They launched something called Connected TV Ads. Are you kidding me? Wait for a second! Have you guys noticed that already? Do you know that for example, if you have a smart TV which who doesn’t know, right? The era of bulky humongous 300 lb televisions are over. I remember that era and I know that a lot of you guys do probably too because I had to carry several of those TV’s and broke bones in my back carrying those TV’s up and down the stairs. So, that era right now has been replaced by smart televisions. Those smart televisions are connected to the internet. Those connections actually open up the door for platforms like A&E, Showtime, ESPN, all kinds of different applications and games that can be played through the internet world on those smart TV. So check it out. They launched something just last week called Connected TV Ads.
Now, the interesting thing is that as you setup your connected TV, you also notice there’s a Facebook App and you can log in to your Facebook App and you can see updates, you can see they have the Facebook Watch section, meaning the videos that are being promoted, the videos that are on your Facebook news feed or the shows that you follow on Facebook. So, those ones have ads in there too, yeah. So obviously, that’s a placement. But, the cool thing about it, the incredible thing about the Facebook Connected TV Ads is that Facebook, think about it for a second, is signed in, right? You are signed in with your user information on the connected TV.
So that means that the Connected TV has the data that you are a user on that Facebook account. So now, they develop partnerships with A&E and other companies that inside their content, they’re going to be selling their ads, the ads to the Facebook advertisers. So now, with Connected TV Ad, you could be watching a show let’s say for example Housewives of New York or whatever it is and there is going to be some commercials, short ones, because this is a Smart TV that has only like Hulu that has one, two, three, sometimes on Hulu you get four TV ads. But now, Facebook has that placement. It is the new placement. And inside Business Manager, you can select to put your messages on Connected TV. It’s an exact placement. They do have recommendations. They want you to create a video which is 15 seconds or less and it has to be on the horizontal format which is what they call the 16:9 format. So what you do is you create a video which is kind of like the good old traditional television format which is the horizontal format and then you do a 15-second ad and it gets placed between the television shows. This, you do it through the Business Manager.
So imagine that. So now you can put your ads with like information with branding, with everything in between TV shows on other applications like A&E. So just when you thought Facebook was running out of space to advertise and sell advertisement, they come up with new ways that still protect the user experience and keep them growing. Guys, so this company is for real. What is my message here? Please jump on it. Learn about it. Dominate it. Learn how to build your dreams if you are not happy. I’m assuming that if you’re here on this podcast it’s because you want to learn and you want to be more successful because otherwise you will be watching Game of Thrones or something else instead of listening to this Facebook Marketing Ninja Podcast.
You know, obviously, I’m not here just to entertain you. I’m here to teach you things that are going to be successful and that you are going to be able to apply to blow your company to the next level. I keep on trying to impinge on people and help them wake up to the opportunity. It’s not a small one, it’s a humongous opportunity and I want you guys to jump on it. Now, I was so obsessed about it, about the opportunity that several months ago after doing a lot of seminars I decided to build a course. I’m right smack in the middle of building a massive course that is going to take a person from being a beginner to being a professional advanced Facebook marketer. Basically, I opened up my entire playbook, okay? So this is going to be incredible. This is going to be awesome and it’s going to be something that I’m going to be launching on the 26th of April so if you want to write down that, note that down on your calendar. I’m going to actually put a link below for those of you guys that want to go ahead and sign up and you can do it through the podcast directly here. I have a particular link that I’m going to put below which is I believe bit.ly/fbninjawebinar.
Okay, so if you go to that link, just don’t try to type it in, just go ahead and click on the link below, you’ll see a little bit of information about this webinar. On this webinar, I’m going to be launching the course but I’m going to be providing some education on it. That’s going to be 4 Ad Strategies that I use to actually accomplish some awesome results for my clients and for myself. Again, I’m going to be opening up my entire playbook for people that want to join. It happens to be that I know how to take people from not knowing what to do to becoming really good at them and we have incredible success stories from my seminars of people that have woken up, have done something about it and that have accomplished incredible results from what I teach.
The opportunities are rampant. They’re big, and guys, it’s only getting bigger. I did think for a time that this was going to go away but the time the marketing world just keeps on getting better. Every single day I learn something new and I want you guys to jump in it and learn along the way because I love teaching and I love helping you guys be successful. Okay guys, so if you have any questions, again, I’m going to put a link below also so you can send me any questions to my actual Facebook Page and I check it all the time. If you have any comments that you would like to share, or if you want to write a review, I would love for you to write a review down below and let me know how you feel about my podcast whether there’s something that you like or you don’t like as much, okay? We’re going to keep on evolving along the way and hope that you decide to grow with me too. Okay, see you on the next one.
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