In this episode, I will talk about a major source of confusion; Facebook Fan Page. Even though the organic reach has dramatically been reduced for all pages for all the years, it is extremely important to understand how your marketing efforts can be affected if you don’t have a properly set up, nice looking & optimized Facebook page. I will give you some tips on the amount of content that should be published on the page every single day and recommendations on schedules.
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Podcast File
What Is a Facebook Page and Why Should I Pay Attention?
Podcast Transcription
Hey guys, hope you are having a fantastic day. This is Manuel Suarez. Well, today is Thursday, February 8 and I hope that you guys had a productive week so far. We still got another day to go. All great things happening. Today I want to cover a basic subject because a lot of people have basic questions and I understand that. Sometimes I take for granted what I know and forget that a lot of people are just starting off now, and they have been doing this for the last 3 years obsessively like I have. So, people have a lot of confusion when it comes to their Facebook Page, their Facebook Ad account, their Business Manager – is it the same thing? Is it all one single thing? Or how does it work? All these sorts of question. And I want to talk about the Facebook Page because Facebook Page is something that you need to pay attention to.
What’s going on today for all brands and all services no matter what you are is that people are more and more looking into your Facebook accounts, looking into your Facebook profiles, your Facebook page to find out information about you, to find out if you are for real, if you know what you’re talking about, if you have positioned in the marketplace, if you are somebody that’s relevant for whatever you are offering them. So having that Facebook page that really positions your brand and your service is actually quite important. So, I would say that now that the Facebook algorithm has changed, you don’t want to do too much content on it and crowd people’s feeds because Facebook might eventually penalize you for that. But what you can do is you can start generating content routine for your brand or your service. And it should be put every single day. I mean religiously you should have content being published on your page, organic. Even though nobody else is watching it or very few people are being reached, or you get frustrated and upset because you don’t have enough attention on it and you don’t like it and you’re obsessively updating your Facebook Page App to find out how many people have engaged, or commented, or liked or whatever. This is the thing, you have to realize that the Facebook Page is a part of your business. It is a piece of real estate on the digital world that you can have there for free and you can post information and distribution of what’s going on in your business nonstop, no matter what. New acquisitions, new developments, new product line, pictures of a new office space, information that’s relevant for your brand, information that’s relevant for your product, consistent and relevant information about who you are, Facebook Live on an event, Facebook Live on an interview, an interview to a potential prospect before and after, or whatever it is. There are millions of things that you can do, pictures of your products, surveys, you can ask now there’s something that was rolled out by Facebook, used to be for the last couple of years something that groups could only do, but now you can do surveys on a Facebook Page, and you can ask questions on a page to your audience and try to get answers to something that you want to find out about whatever it is.
So, all these things are important things to have on your Facebook Page. I would say that as a general rule of thumb, I would say that you should post at least three times per day. Just so you know what I’ve done successfully in the last several years with the brands that I’ve handled including my own, I have had a routine of posting on different schedules. Like this could all be scheduled ahead of time. There are all kinds of tools that will help you schedule these things out in order for you to just have one sitting and schedule all these things and then just go on about your life. For example, Hootsuite, and there’s another one called Agora Polls, A-G-O-R-A which is a fantastic social media engagement tool that I love. So, you can set them up but what I will do is I will set up content to be distributed in 3 schedules so the people that are more used to glancing for Facebook at a certain time can actually see it at that certain time. So you can schedule a post to go out at 8 am. Then you can schedule another post to go out at 2 pm or 3 pm. And then you can schedule the last post to go out at 6 pm, 7 pm. So you got different schedules for different people that have their own schedules and their own routines when it comes to content consumption on their end.
That’s important and there are tools today. There’s Facebook Analytics that are improving every day more that you can use to find out what your people are liking the most. So, when you discover what’s being received the best out of your content distribution, then you can actually put some dollars behind that content, or you can actually know how to build more content that is similar to that particular type of post that you did. We’re talking about video content, Facebook Lives, you can do carousel ads – a series of 5 images that display a line of your products that you are launching and maybe asking for some advice or maybe surveying your crowd to see what they’re more interested about. Whatever post that you can do, before and after pictures of people, just so you know now that I’ve mentioned the before and after, you cannot advertise them, you cannot put dollars on a before and after picture but you can definitely put them on social media and post them as an organic post on Instagram, on Facebook, etc., and send them out on your Messenger channels for sure when you already have an audience in there.
So just have that routine in place and start putting the content out there. Sit down and figure out what kind of content you can put out and just start putting out there every single day. This is a great system for you to actually find out what is actually better and also when somebody visits your page, they see life, they see a brand that is actually active building their page, that’s important. Like example, if you have an Amazon brand, which I know that a lot of you guys are listening have Amazon brands, then you should have a routine of posting there when you have a product launch, and when you reach a certain milestone, if you reach a 500 5-star reviews on a particular product, maybe sharing some incredible review from somebody that actually use your product, gathering the pictures that you use for your product and maybe do a carousel and post it out there. So all those things are things that you can actually do and actually take advantage of so you can create a solid real estate. Your Facebook Page is your piece of land on the digital Facebook world that when somebody searches for your brand, they find it and they see life in it. So, even though the organic reach has decreased a lot ever since we started doing Facebook and now, maybe out of every a hundred people that are your followers only 8 or 10 or maybe 15 of them see what you post or sometimes even less in some cases, it’s still very important for you to pay attention to that particular area because people are going out there and the more that you expand your brand, and the bigger that your brand becomes, keep in mind that we’re always building towards the future. So, when you are doing this, you are playing the long game and you’re not just trying to generate cash on Amazon or your Shopify or your store. You’re positioning your brand for the long game and that’s going to be key for you to be able to accomplish the results long term that you set out yourself to accomplish.
So, something important for you to pay attention to and something that I think is going to be a big game changer. Now, as you see successful posts that are actually being liked by people and that are engaging and that have big reaches compared to the other ones and then Facebook tells you, “Hey, this post is performing better than 95% of your other posts.” Then you can grab those posts and you can go now to and you can actually pull that post and create an ad from it for branding. Just brand your company. If you’re generating cash flow already, figure out how to put some dollars behind branding even though you’re not going directly after sales, you can still start the branding efforts for your brand. That’s going to be essential. It’s worked over and over for many decades for the big brands, they’ve been doing it for a long time. Now, we have the opportunity of ourselves putting some dollars behind and accomplishing a similar branding effect.
There’s a lot of important things about setting up your page correctly and I will cover that on a later podcast and I will also cover that on the future course that I have coming up which should be launched hopefully in about 4 weeks. I’m looking forward to it. I will be going deeper into that subject. But just so you know, you have the basic things. The page has to be set up as a brand, a page, or it has to be set up as a services or whatever the right thing is and as you probably know if you have a Facebook Page that you have unlimited Pages that you can create and you’ve got to put the information in there, and if you’re going to be a content creator, then you can put like it’s a video content page, then you can have a story about your page or sections for that and then you can have a send message button that you can do to generate subscribers for your Messenger which I also am a big fan of doing that because now you can establish relationships with these guys on Messenger which it’s the modern email marketing that’s going on right now. Then you can have reviews turned on, so people review your brand on Facebook, the people are looking at that. There’s a lot of things that you can set up on that page and you can start looking at it so you can see all the different options and tabs. So, you can start generating that big branding effect that you want to generate for that page.
Let’s say for example that I want to, I’m considering whether I’ll join the Dollar Shave Club which is a humongous club now that recently sold for $1 billion, a company that was built on Social Media pretty much. So if I want to learn about them, I can actually go to Facebook and search for Dollar Shave Club and look at their page and see what’s going on and look at their content, and look at their information. And that’s enough for me to have an opinion, form, and opinion of that brand, on that particular brand and product.
So, just to give you guys an idea, something that’s really important, now obviously that’s the page, you build it and you optimize it and you get it looking nice, and you do a nice banner. Keep it in mind that mobile traffic right now accounts for over 90% of all traffic on Facebook. Imagine that. Over 90% of all traffic over Facebook is on mobile today. So, keeping that in mind, when you do your Facebook Page, make sure that you optimize it for mobile. Meaning, there’s a particular banner size that it’s the correct size for your mobile device. And if you don’t pay attention to that, when somebody goes into your Facebook Page, your banner is going to cut off. Maybe 1 quarter on each side. They’re going to miss out on maybe important parts of your banner. So, if you want to find out what are the real dimensions, it’s very simple, you can simply ask Mr. Google as always, he’s a very smart machine that knows pretty much all of the answers. You can say Facebook banner size for mobile. Search on that and you’ll see it’s going to pop up right away, the exact dimensions that you need for your mobile banner. And also on the profile picture. Profile pictures are going to be the same on mobile or on a desktop, so just also search for those dimensions – profile picture dimensions on Facebook. So you’re going to get an answer to that and you work on your profile, you work on your banner, you establish your call to action whether you want to send them a message or you want them to visit your shop or you want them to call you or whatever it is. You can establish that call to action. Just imagine that for a second, we used to spend thousands of dollars. I know entrepreneurs that spend $15,000, $25,000 building a website. Your Facebook Page is like your own website that you build for free with all the information about your product – content, videos, images, information, description, website links, information about the founders, the creators, origin stories, information to how to contact, email – all kinds of things are in there. So it’s your website that now you have access to be able to make unlimited amounts of them for free? I mean, guys, I’m telling you, we take this world for granted. This is something that we never even dreamed of before.
So yes, go ahead and build your websites. Go ahead and do all of that. But now you have a website that is called Facebook that has massive social proof that when you actually send somebody there, they believe that you are real. Facebook has gotten so big that when somebody sees a Facebook Page they instantly know that you’re real. So, imagine that. Go ahead and spend some time building that Page. Make it look awesome. Preview it on a mobile device. Look at it on your phone and keep on working until it looks awesome because that creates an instant branding effect on a person’s mind. If you have an Amazon brand there’s no reason why your Facebook Page should not be incredibly badass and awesome looking – aesthetic – to the point that somebody looks at it and they want to buy your products. So it’s something for you to take into account now that you are paying attention to it because if you’re here listening to me today it’s because I know that you’re probably interested in the Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger Marketing world. So, it’s something for you to take into account because people are more and more looking into your Facebook Page to determine whether you are something that they should pay attention to or not. If they don’t see you being relevant, they go after your competition and somebody else. It’s happening more and more and as you guys know, there are other things going on like people are searching for reviews on their Facebook accounts. Like if they want to know if who is a good Chiropractor around or what’s a good supplement to use or what is a great diet plan. They don’t go to Google anymore as much as they used to. They go to Facebook and they ask their friends and family. So, Facebook is becoming a platform for people to go in there and find information about whatever they’re interested in. Very important for you to pay attention to this particular area. Once you have that built, that’s one of the things that is an initial step in your marketing efforts on Facebook. Once you have that built, now, you can actually start advertising things that I talk about. That’s a different thing. The Business Manager is not your Facebook Page. The Business Manager is where you actually take your content and then you distribute it. It’s where you accomplish distribution of content where you grab your marketing budget and you put it in there, and you connect your Facebook Page that you may look nice and now you distribute our content to millions of people for them to see it. So now you can actually work on that with your Facebook Page properly optimized.
Now, when it comes to Instagram Marketing, you don’t even have to have an Instagram account. I don’t know if you guys know that. But in order for you to advertise on Instagram, just with your Facebook Page is enough. So now, let me tell you one thing. I recommend that you build an Instagram profile because Instagram is very powerful and it’s growing stronger and stronger. So go ahead and do it. And if you do it, then on your Business Manager, there’s going to be a tab on the left side that says Instagram. You can connect your Instagram account. Now, when you advertise on your Business Manager, you can use both things – you can use your Facebook Page and you can use your Instagram Profile – and now grow your followers on both, not only on the Facebook Page. But if you don’t have an Instagram Page, doing Instagram Advertising is not something out of reach. You can still do it without an Instagram profile. Just because Facebook has made it easier for you to pull your Instagram Marketing efforts with your Facebook Page. I hope that makes sense.
So anyway, that’s the tip of the day. That’s something that I want to talk to you guys about. I see more and more people asking me questions about that, very basic – the importance of a Facebook Page, why should it be optimized, why even care about it. And yes, guys, it’s really important. It is your website inside Facebook and it should be optimized, people are paying attention. They are looking at it. They want to see something that makes sense, that looks pretty and that convinces them that they should pay attention to you.
So, this podcast is growing and I’m excited about that. I get to see the numbers. A lot more people are actually listening to it which is fantastic. I would like to hear more from you guys. I don’t get enough messages. I would like you to feed me a little bit more. You guys know that I mentioned before that if you send me a message on then you will be able to send me a direct message on Messenger and give me some thoughts as to other things that you want to cover in the future. Let’s say that you want to talk some more about Messenger Marketing. Or that you want to know how to do an Instagram Only Campaign, or that you want to know exactly about how long should my content be or how can I create a content, give me some ideas for me that I’m a brand, or I want to know how to market my accounting services or whatever it is that you want to ask me about. I have a lot of knowledge that I want to share with you guys. So if you have any areas of difficulties or any areas that you are craving for some more knowledge, feed them over to me and let me know so I can actually use that for future podcast and I’ll give some ideas regardless but I want to give you guys the most possible value and make you guys be very clear about those subjects that you want to get more understanding on. So, send me a message at Or if you want to send me an email, you can send me an email to
So, I hope to see you soon on the next podcast and please if you have any people that you think will benefit from this, go ahead and share the podcast. Let them know what I’m talking about here, what I’m covering. Get other people involved and let’s start creating this awesome community of people of the Facebook Marketing Ninja that want to take their marketing efforts to the next level on this 2018 world which I think is the greatest advertising era in the history of humanity without any exaggeration. It’s all about communication. When you have a lot of communication, when you can communicate with a lot of people, you can accomplish a lot of results. Right now, it’s never been easier to communicate with an entire world of people within seconds. I don’t have to go through a process of approval on my messages, on my ads, or anything like that. I literally craft a message or press the Facebook Live button and I can send my message out there in a second, and be out there communicating to the masses. If I want to get it to the approval lines of Facebook in order for me to run an ad, then it takes me 10 minutes to build an ad, no exaggeration, I’ve done it in less 2, 3, 5 minutes of building ads from scratch, from writing the copy to the image or video to the call to actions to the website links to the closed captions on the videos and to everything. From scratch 3 minutes, 5 minutes, to create one of those ads and I send it up for approval and within 10 minutes, this thing can be running and penetrating, and touching the lives of thousands, if not, millions of people depending on my budget.
Okay, so, I’m very excited on what’s going on. People are still taking it for granted. And if you’re listening to me, you are one of the ones, .01% of the population that has woken up to the opportunity and is with me trying to ride the wave to a world of more accomplishment and accomplishing things that our great-grandparents used to take maybe several decades to accomplish. Now, we can do them in a couple of years or less. Pretty exciting times. Lots of awesome things going on guys. So, if you stick with me, I promise you that I’m going to turn you into a professional Facebook, Instagram and Messenger marketer. That is my goal and we’re going to work hard towards that. It’s all about putting the attention on it, dedicating some time to it, and having a consistent routine of learning every single day. Okay guys, hope to see you next time.
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