In this episode, I will explain the Facebook Business Manager, how does it work & what is it? It’s important to understand that Facebook wants YOU as a brand and as an entrepreneur to succeed. If you obtain results they make more money. It’s as simple as that. Now, Facebook advertising does require KNOWLEDGE. Numbers show that over 93% of people that have invested in Facebook advertising, claim that Facebook didn’t work for them. Let me tell you what didn’t work, THEM! The most important thing to understand to start with is the Facebook Business Manager. To set it up, go to and start.
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Podcast File
Using the Facebook Business Manager for Your Business
Podcast Transcription
Hello everybody. Well, hope you guys are doing fantastic today. I’m recording this on a Sunday, about to get on a plane. Going to go to some seminars for the next couple of days. So, my favorite thing in the world to do. Yes, it does take me away from the family, the kids that I’m really passionate about and a bunch of other things that I enjoy. But, there’s nothing that I like more than just spending a few days helping people wake up to the opportunities that we have today. But anyways, today I am going to talk about, briefly before I get on a plane, I want to talk to you guys about something very basic. So if you are already established on Facebook and rolling, well, you might want to skip this episode or maybe you don’t want to because hopefully, you like learning some new stuff or making sure that you’re doing things the right way.
This subject is about the Business Manager on Facebook and what it is and why is it important and why you should stop doing ads and paying Facebook money through your personal profile because that’s not the right thing to do. And as I do seminars to thousands of people already, when I do a lot of surveys, because I try to understand what the crowd is at and what they’re doing and what they’re not doing, the one thing that I can tell you is that I’m going to say 98% of the people out there that are on my seminars are doing it wrong. You know, I mean quite wrong.
Now, it’s better to do something than nothing. So I always encourage that because just standing around and doing absolutely nothing, nothing in the advantage of the greatest advertising product in history, well, I think it’s at this service for your family and for yourself and for the people that you are trying to reach because you know, if you have a business, then you have something that improves the lives of people. You know? Otherwise, you don’t have a business. I mean, drug dealers consider themselves businessmen but they’re not improving the lives of anybody. We, that we are not dealing with that area, we’re actually influencing the lives of people by our products and our services. So, you are doing this service by not using the greatest advertising product ever developed in history, not even close, there’s no second place.
If you guys think about it for a second just like one of the important things, one of the successful ways of being a good businessman is using a lot of common sense. So think about this, in the history of humanity there has never existed a single media, a single location, television, radio, newspaper, magazine, whatever it is that you want to think about. Never in history, not even close that has been something that has the amount of attention captured that something like Facebook, Instagram and Messenger has. There’s no second place. Now, this is not even like something should even be discussed but guess what? We are discussing it everyday because there’s a lot of doubters out there that have not done it themselves so since they want to be right what they do is they actually complain and they say that it doesn’t work, it’s a waste of time and it’s going to ruin our children and this and this and that, when this is what’s going on right now, this is the reality of our world, and people don’t realize that these platforms right here control the greatest amount of attention that has ever been controlled by a single media outlet.
So, at any given time I can guarantee you that none of these media outlets have had more than 10% of the population’s attention. The only activity that you can say that has a similar amount of attention when it comes to eyeballs looking at it is something like the Superbowl. But other than that now that you have this platform, that we see as a very cute little small blue icon that is being used by, in the United States, over 70% of the population. Over 200 million active users in the United States are using this platform. Over 160 million daily users of the platform. So the numbers are simply outrageous. So, if you are a businessman and you are not looking at the opportunity of advertising on Facebook, you are not applying common sense. It’s as simple as that. You know?
What’s going on right now is that we’re going through an era in which just like when the, back in the ages past there were the colonizers that came in to this great country and started finding spots of land and controlling that and there was this thing called the land grabbing all over and then those guys, a lot of those families are still around with massive wealth. They have a lot of money, they have lots of potentials, these guys control acres and acres and acres, right? Because they grabbed the big chunks of land when they came in. Christopher Columbus, right? And all those guys that were Conquistadors from other countries and Spaniards and etc., right? They were out there looking for land to grab.
Well, right now we have land except that it’s not literal land. Why? Because we have this digital land that we’re trying to grab ahold of. And it’s a battle, and it’s a brand new battle. Because just like when Christopher Columbus and all these venturers went out and see not knowing what they were doing, where they were going with no technology, with no GPS and they just said, “You know what? It makes sense that if I go out there and get in that water even though I might die, I may be able to have something that is going to last there forever if I actually make it go right. So, they actually got on these big boats that they built from nothing with woods and all kinds of things and they actually just risked their entire lives in order to be able to grab pieces of land and leave it for generations to come and help their countries get rich.
Land grab. Imagine that. We can actually put ourselves in the past at any moment. I mean you can transport yourself to any moment in the past and just for a second picture those things that were going on when this country and other countries were empty and all they had was a native population and different segments with no evolution perse when it comes to building structures, cities, and any of that stuff that was going on. A lot of wealth, a lot of riches but other than that, we don’t have anything else.
So, incredible potential. Now, a lot of these guys they risked their lives in order to be able to get there. You know, a lot of these guys actually died. Now, we didn’t study those guys in history because, I mean we’re not going to be studying, “Oh, this guy has got in to a boat and they didn’t make it and they died and they drowned.” That’s not fun. We studied the other guys. The Conquistadors, right? The ones that has actually made it. The ones that has actually got through whatever rough seas along the way and made it to land and discovered incredible places that we now actually occupy today.
We just take it for granted nonstop. So guys, move forward. Hundreds of years, the same phenomenon is going on right now and people including you, and a bunch of people around the world are completely ignoring what’s happening at this moment. There is land grabbing all over in the digital world. And now, we can go direct to our consumers, direct to our client or potential client, we can eliminate all the middleman along the way because we have this incredible product called Facebook, called Instagram, called Messenger, called Youtube that simply with a little bit of knowledge and some capital, you can go straight and direct with your message to them. Can you just let that sink in for one second and think about it for a second? Can you just realize that this is something that no other generation has ever had access to. Can you just think about it for a second and think about the fact that if you’re listening to this? You probably remember how the world looked like and felt like before these all existed, before the smartphone devices, before the internet, before this world that we take for granted everyday. You probably remember that because I’m sure I remember.
Driving in the car when I was a little kid and all I could do was look around and find myself entertained somehow and if I dare complain about anything like, “I want to have myself my cellphone, I’m out of battery”, there is no such thing going on. We used to play, when I was a little kid, the volkies game. We used to call that in Puerto Rico. It was a game in which let’s see how many volkies, Volkswagen, the small vehicles that we don’t see around anymore. How many we can spot and what colors we spot and that’s the game that we played. Today, I have my kids in the car and they’re always complaining about, “Hey, I got no wifi, I don’t have any battery, I want to watch a movie”. Like guys, this is something that has dramatically changed and we take for granted. I remember that era, and you guys probably, all of you remember that era of having no internet, no signals, no communication devices, none of that stuff.
So, this is so new that the land is still so available. In my opinion, I think that maybe 2% of it has been captured already. Now, we are trying to like, fight against all these other big corporation, the industrial age, and all the other guys. But because of platforms like Facebook, which I keep talking about that. This is called the Facebook Marketing Ninja Podcast because that is where the opportunity is at. I would say that we got a good 3 or 4 years right now. This is what I say right now, it might be wrong 3 or 4 years of a ridiculous return on investment that in the future we’re going to be able to tell stories about how cheap it was to reach the millions in this day and age.
This is something that I guarantee you is going to be a story to tell. We’re going to tell people stories about how affordable it used to be to be able to market to millions of people. The fact that I can grab $2 and put a message in front of a thousand is simply outrageous. I don’t even know how many words I can use, adjectives, to make it sink in that we are living for a very unique time in advertising that we don’t have to be happy or conform with a current situation that we don’t think is our full potential. We can actually capture it. If you have a passion, you have to figure out how to make that passion something that you can monetize. And there are many different ways.
If I have a meeting with you personally I can guarantee you that whatever your passion is, I could tell you right away how you can monetize that in the long term, what is the path for you to make a business out of that. There are no excuses. It doesn’t matter what it is. Accounting, making cakes, designing dresses, cleaning services, washing cars, technology, building applications, software engineering, guys, whatever it is, whatever your passion is that you are into, trust me, you can monetize it if you have the structure, if you have the strategy to be able to eventually bring that attention in and turn it into cash flow. Because at the end of the day, what actually determines if you succeed or not is if you were able to capture enough attention.
So, what is this Business Manager all about? Business Manager on Facebook is a platform that cost Facebook billions of dollars to build, billions and hundreds and maybe thousands of people to actually optimize it and correct it and present it to you in a way that is very user friendly for you as an advertiser, brand owner to go direct to the consumer without even to hire an agency. I have an agency and I have a lot of big customers. And we’re selling a ton of money every single day. In 2017 my clients and myself, we generated close to $80 million in revenue.
So, there are crazy things that are going on right now but I can tell you that you, if you are just getting started, if you are at the beginning stages, you do not need an agency to advertise. All you need is a Facebook account and a Business Manager account. That’s all you need. So how do you get that? You go to and you start setting it up. You get it ready. You go for it. And then you figure out what type of content, look at my past episodes, look at one that talks about how to create content and what are the types of content and ask me any questions if you have any questions along the way. But figure out how to form a message because if you have a business, it is guaranteed that you have a message and that you also have a potential audience. You have people out there right now, today, this second thinking about how to solve what your company solves for them. Can you understand that? Can you think about that for one second?
You are missing out of income potential in your own lives building wealth, because you are not putting yourself out there enough. Now, if you are putting yourself out there enough, that’s great. But realize that you can always do more. Like if you put more energy behind it, you can accomplish more. Today, even though we live in such a dramatically different world completely transformed, you have companies still feeling uncomfortable, very uncomfortable about spending $1000 in Facebook Ads but at the same time grabbing their hard-earned dollars and throwing it in the trash in the $10,000 media mail campaign that brings nothing back because people do not have their attention there.
So, that for me is exciting. You will think that, “Wow, wouldn’t that be frustrating?” Absolutely not! Because I believe that this situation of these companies being so unaware of a changing landscape and not willing to put their attention on where the attention should be at, it tells me how big the opportunity it is for us to really go in there and change the landscape inside and out. And eventually, you are going to win the game because you are using the platforms that the users are using. Why are you going out there and spending money on newspapers, on magazines, on billboards, on ads, on events, on billboards, and signs on events, why are you doing that when people are being consumed by those smartphone devices in their pockets? How does that make sense?
I get passionate about it guys because this is something that is going on every single day. Now, if you want to know how to use this really well, you’ve got to get going. You’ve got to get started. There’s a lot of free education. I am actually in the process of building a Facebook Master’s Class. An entire course that is going to take you step by step from the beginner to being advanced and it’s incredible because you’re going to feel the certainty of being a Master Facebook Advertiser. Again when I say Facebook I include Instagram, Messenger, Whatsapp, Facebook, everything that is owned and controlled by Facebook on it because those are our platforms that are helping each other out and they’re working in a flywheel in which everything else is feeding everything else. So it’s just a matter of learning it. Guys, wake up!
So, if you got into this podcast because it was named that What is a Facebook Manager? I apologize because I sometimes tend to go off a little bit and start talking about other subjects, my bad. Let me just summarize what a Business Manager is. A Business Manager in Facebook is your hub. If you’re doing ads on Facebook from your personal account, please stop that right now. Move everything over to your Business Manager go to, create an account, link up your personal page with it, link up your fan page, ad your billing methods, billing payments, add people that help you work on your company and whatever you want to add in there. And that is your hub. That is where everything happens.
You don’t have to log in to your personal facebook ever. You log in through your business account and you set up everything in there. You create the campaigns, you select the people that are going to see your message, you select the creative, meaning the pictures, or the videos, or the text. You write your own stuff. You do not need to contact a PR company to buy something from them and for them to make a lot of money from you and waste your money. You don’t need to do that. You create your own marketing. You build your own systems of communicating your messages out there and putting the content out there. Everything is done through the Business Manager. That’s what Facebook wants you to use. They want you to use this platform because they have worked really hard on making it workable and user friendly for anybody to be able to use it effectively.
And how much does it cost you to be able to access it and use it? Zero dollars, that is correct. It costs zero dollars to be able to get in there and use this platform. It’s very easy to set up. If you have a difficulty setting this up, you can send me a message and I’m going to send you a resource on how to set up your Business Manager for your personal business, or for your brand, or whatever it is that you have going on.
So, in case you guys have missed it on an earlier episode, on the first 10 or 12 podcast that I did I was talking about manuelsuarezdigital as my page, I have rebranded everything to be The Ninja Marketer, okay? So, please, if you want to send me a message, if you want to find out some resources, some advice about something, if you have any suggestions for future podcasts, you can go ahead and send me a message at So there, when you go to that link, it’s going to go directly into my messenger and then I get those messages myself and I respond to them myself. Okay? So, send me a message there. If you like this podcast, I would appreciate a review whether you are on iTunes or on Google Play or in Stitcher or whatever it is that you’re listening to me, that will be fantastic, it keeps me going, it’s motivating to know that some of you guys are out there implementing this and listening to it and getting some value from it.
I have 2 goals in mind when I talk to you guys on the podcast. I want to motivate you. I want to help you wake up to the opportunities that are existing today and actually do something about it. That’s kind of something that I feel that is a duty of mine and I want to help you get there and I want to help you actually be able to accomplish things that you didn’t feel you could accomplish before. I’ve been doing that every single year on myself. I’ve accomplished things that I’m like, “Wow! I didn’t know it was possible.”
And number 2, I want to educate you. I want you to feel empowered and feel understanding that this is not complicated and that you can get it done. I want to give you tips for you to simply listen to me and go out there and implement. If you are not implementing what I’m talking about, if you’re not doing something about it, if you’re not getting more training done, you shouldn’t even be listening to me because I want to make sure that you are being practical and that I am being practical in the way that I communicate to you what needs to be done.
If you don’t have a business yet, or if you don’t have a structure yet, you need to work on creating that. And once you have that created, then, we can go into marketing. There is no purpose on any marketing if you don’t have a business set up or a structure for monetizing. So if you don’t have that, you can start on working on that and creating some kind of potential business and start picturing how are you actually going to monetize that business and how are you going to use the marketing channels that we have today which are pretty exciting guys. And they’re going to be really exciting for the next few years as people start realizing more and more that there’s a big opportunity, it’s going to start being more normalized, it’s going to start being more reasonable, right now it’s very unreasonable and cheap.
I can tell you myself right now what I am doing everyday, let me tell, no exaggerations okay? This is something that I told my team the other day, one thing before I let you go. One day of production for me equals about 20 days before the internet world or maybe more than that because of the era of communication, the speed of particle, how many hours I can produce, how many no limitations I have, how many freedoms I have in other words to be able to work 18 hours a day if I want to and just put the amount of energy behind what I’m trying to accomplish.
So, I hope that you guys like that, that this sinks in and if it helps you, please go ahead and write a review, share it with your friends and let them know what’s going on over here in the Facebook Marketing Ninja over the next several podcasts and hopefully over the next year or two, I want to make you guys professionals on this area too that eventually, you can even teach other people yourself. So again, write a review if you can and if you want to send me a message at anytime I’m always paying attention – You’re going to see the link below. Thank you for spending this portion of the day with me. I really do appreciate that.
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