I keep doing seminars all over the world & for some strange reasons, people are still not taking advantage of the MOST powerful MEDIA organization on the planet. The opportunity for all of you is basically in its beginning stages & you should be doing all you can to jump into & take advantage of it before it passes! History will prove itself once more, the opportunity is temporary. Now, once you plant your roots in this digital era, you’ve won!
I hope you enjoy the podcast!
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Podcast File
How to Use the Facebook Algorithm
Podcast Transcription
Hey everybody! I hope that you are having a fantastic day wherever you may be listening to me around the planet. Today is Tuesday, May the 1st and I have some great news for you guys. I keep on doing seminars all over the world and teaching entrepreneurs and people that want to be entrepreneurs about the opportunities in the current marketing landscape. Guys, there’s an enormous unawareness about how this all works. It’s still like so new that you know for example, when I do a seminar to a hundred people and I ask them, I usually like to survey the crowd to find out where they are at to make sure that I’m going to be talking at the right level and having them understand what I’m talking about. I keep coming across the same thing. When I ask for “Who’s using already the Business Manager on Facebook? Who’s actually using a billion dollar tool that advertisers have access to for free that allow them to find the right audience and work on their Creative in a more efficient way and all the targeting ninja options and stuff?” I can tell you that it’s usually 2-3% which is incredible. I mean if I have 100 people, I have seen 3-5 people raise their hands on that.
Now obviously there are other crowds. I have done seminars for example for Amazon entrepreneurs or entrepreneurs that have been in the trenches for a while and that’s different. They have been trying it but those guys, most of them still don’t know how to really use the power of the platform effectively. People, in general, don’t truly understand how amazing and how deeply profound and powerful this platform really is. This is a reality of what’s going on today and we see that across all different walks of life because Mark Zuckerberg goes to Congress and they don’t even understand how Mark Zuckerberg makes money. And then they talk about the media and how Facebook is ruining the world. They keep talking about all these things and people don’t understand.
So you guys that are here, myself, I’m going to say that we are in the top 1% of the top 1% of people that have the slightest incline on how this platform works. So, that’s great news for us. Why? Because in 10 years, I guarantee you that Facebook is still going to be around. Number 1, why? Guys, You know, there’s a term in a world when it comes to businesses that is too big to fail. Facebook is too big to fail. Let me tell you the reality. They’re worth $600 billion today. They’re a massive corporation and it’s not just about that blue little icon that you see on your cell phone devices. Facebook, it’s a powerhouse. They have virtual reality companies, they have Instagram, they have WhatsApp, they have Messenger, they have a bunch of things that you never even heard of in evolution. They have plans and strategies in place, Mark Zuckerberg is the brightest person in combination with Jeff Bezos. Two of the smartest people in this planet right now that are going to end up being, I would say that those 2 guys are going to end up being the smartest entrepreneurs in the history of mankind. So trust me, they are constantly evolving.
To give you guys a little side note about how big their projects are, Mark Zuckerberg has a plan to provide internet to the planet. You guys know that the world is composed of 7.8 billion people, right? Do you know there are only 3 billion people that have access to the internet world? I mean, there’s another 5 billion people almost that don’t have access to the online world. That is incredible. So their 10-year plan is to satellites across the planet. Trust me, they will do it because they have their money to spend it. They have money. That’s not a problem that they have, right? They’re going to put satellites all over the planet that are going to provide internet signals to these areas that are poor areas. And within the next 10 years which you have internet signals all over the planet which is going to open up the door for technology to get into those areas of the world. So when you’re talking about Facebook, you’ve got to understand that they’re not a social media company. They are a massive company that has specialized in capturing attention all over the planet. And when they capture attention, they sell advertising because the more attention that a company has, the more they can charge for their advertising. There are media companies throughout ages, MBC, 98.7, newspapers that are popular like for example the New Drug Times, magazines that are really popular like Us Weekly. All those places they charge a lot of money if you want to advertise your product in there or your services, why? It’s very simple because they have eyeballs, they have attention.
So when you think about a platform that has grown exponentially and continues to grow exponentially despite the dramatic attacks in existence today when it comes to for example the data breach scandal and all these other things that are going on right now. When you think about all those things and the fact that they had just reported their earnings last week. Facebook reported their earnings last week and they broke all their records. They grew more in the last 3 months than any other 3-month period in history. Advertising revenue, for example, an interesting thing that we can note. In 2011 Facebook has already been a public corporation. Think about this for a second. Let’s let this sink in how well they have actually made things work for them to adjust to the current world. It tells you how brilliant management is for this company. In 2011, they reported 0% of their earnings were from the mobile devices, advertising on it, 0%. In 2018, 96% of their revenue was from mobile advertising. How crazy is that? Talk about a dramatic turn of events.
I was already learning a little bit about how to use Facebook but then I wasn’t doing anything with it yet. That was 7 years ago. I really started going deep into it about 4 and a half, 5 years ago. But at that point, Facebook was going to die. They said that because of the mobile switch on this planet, Facebook was not going to be able to survive and their stock was an $11 stock. I remember that. It was incredible. Facebook today is a $180 stock and with a massive expansion on their mobile revenue and they continue to figure things out along the way to make sure that they keep on producing revenue which is what the investors are after. In the end, that’s what they judge Facebook by. So Facebook will continue to develop and evolve and look for opportunities. It’s not about the company. It’s about the leadership in the company and they have great leadership. They have leaders that for the last 14 years have figured out how to take advantage of the best current opportunities and have positioned themselves as authorities on that particular area.
For example, Instagram. They knew Instagram was going to be a big competitor. They knew they were going to blow up. Instead of letting them do that, they bought them out for a billion dollars. Now, if you want to sell Instagram, you’re going to have probably sell it for like several hundred billion dollars today because of the monster that it is currently. So, again, they’ve figured out a way to maximize those opportunities along the way and people still don’t understand the true power of this platform. Guys, let me tell you something. I am not one of those that is taking this platform for granted. I’m going to stick with it and I am going to continue to adjust myself to maximize the returns of my time in it. Every single day we are looking at more and better results and options.
Today, I want to give you guys a little strategy and a tip. I would love to hear from you guys. I want to hear where you are at. If you guys want to tell me, send me a message at m.me/theninjamarketer or you can send me a personal email if you want to reach out to us, support@fb-masters.com. That’s basically my support email and you can let me know through that channel. I would love to know where you are at and what would you need help with and what do you want to learn more about. Because I have a lot to teach and I have a big list of things that I want to talk to you guys about consistently. But I want to make sure that I give you the most value possible when it comes to actually teaching you about this particular platforms.
So today I want to give you a tip and I want to see you guys implement it and see some results with it. Because as part of the whole process that people don’t understand, I jump into there and I figure out what’s actually most powerful right now and I use it. Like you guys know for example or maybe you don’t know but the reason that Facebook has grown so much and has gotten so powerful is basically because they have figured out this thing called Algorithm. And that Algorithm, just like Amazon has one, Google has one, search engines have algorithms, right? Systems, computers, that Algorithm was figured out better than any other one out there. It’s a very intricate system, complex and advanced of trying to spot individually for every single user how they accept the content, the information being displayed in their news feed.
Throughout history, it gets better and it understands better more and more about you, and who you are, what you like and what you don’t like. If you engage with certain pages, you comment. If you’re just a watcher like a window watcher and you don’t engage with anything, if you actually buy things online, if you don’t buy online, they start to understand you more and more and more and more. And by that understanding, it’s like they have this whole menu of who you are, they decide what to put in front of you and what not to put in front of you.
So that is an advanced algorithm that Facebook uses to provide what they call the UE, the User Experience, UX. The User Experience is what Facebook is all about. The User Experience is what protects the platform because if they do what Twitter did which is basically having a mess with a non-advanced algorithm and just people posting tweets left and right, people lose attention. They stop being interested in it. They don’t care! Why? Because they are not being exposed to things that they are highly interested in. It sounds simple, right? Guys, it’s really complex and they had to work a long time to figure out what works and how exactly it works and how to get that system, that code, that advanced high tech code to really recognize what you want to see on your news feed. That is what made Facebook because it protects the User Experience. So if somebody logs into her Facebook even though if they have 5,000 friends, they only see what Facebook recognizes as something that they are more likely going to engage with. Just as simple as that. That is the simplest way I can explain this process.
So if you have a friend that you see 4 or 5 posts along the way and you don’t engage with that post, don’t comment on it, don’t like it, Facebook recognizes that this is not really something that you are interested in. So next time, by the 6th time or whatever, then, I’m just throwing out numbers, then, they stop putting that message in front of you so you never see. Think about it for a second. You guys can actually go ahead and run this test out, alright? Just check it out. If you go to a friend, just think about a friend that is your friend that you haven’t heard anything about in a very long time like in a year or two years, or maybe longer than that and you might think, wait for a second, did they unfriend me? Why haven’t I heard anything from them in a long time? It’s going to open up your eyes but then you look for that friend and you see that they’re still your friend and if you open up their news feed, you’re going to start seeing that this friend actually has been posting things consistently for a while. You might wonder why did Facebook didn’t show me that?
Guys, this is not a mystery. They’re not trying to block this person from communicating with you. They recognize through the Algorithm that you didn’t care about your friend’s post, that you only cared about other posts. So they kept those guys away from you. They gave you a chance to engage with that content. And when you didn’t take that chance, they eliminated that person from the Algorithm. So now, you get more concentrated. Cause imagine that you have a couple of thousand friends and they all post things, or 50% of them post things, you cannot fit in your news feed a thousand things. So it’s very important for you to not miss out on what you want for Facebook to recognize what is the thing that you like the most and keep on learning about you the more along the way. So that’s basically how it works. That’s how the Algorithm works and that’s how advertisers also need to understand that that’s how the platform works because the Algorithm is used to your advantage. And that Algorithm that I just explained that is used on the news feed to recognize what you like and what you don’t like, the probabilities of your engagement with things, the User Experience is also used on your ads.
So the same way that Facebook understands a user, they’re also going to work on understanding your people that are your potential audience and they’re also going to understand you along the way. So when you are running ads, 2 things are happening: Facebook is understanding who your real audience is so you have to give them time and not be impatient because most people are not your customers, number 1. And number 2, Facebook is also recognizing you and what you like and what your numbers are that you expect from a campaign so they can keep on working on giving you that better and better along the way. So it’s all about building a relationship with you. Facebook builds it with the audience and Facebook builds it with you. It’s a brilliant Algorithm that is used for both those purposes. Hope that makes a lot of sense.
So once you understand that guys. What I want you guys to do is to understand next that there is a lot of power that has been given to you for free as long as you use the advertising platform. This is basically one example out of many examples that I can give you. There’s one thing that is called Split Testing on Facebook. Split Testing is a process not you actually testing out different audiences. It’s a process of literally checking a box. When you select your objective let’s say for example you select a Traffic Objective meaning that you wanted to get as many people as possible to your website. Or you select a Video Views Objective meaning that you want to get as many people to watch your video as possible. That’s all done for the Business Manager, business.facebook.com. When you select those objectives, there’s going to be an option towards the bottom before you go to the next step that says Split Test and when you select, check that box, and you hit continue, on the next level which is called the Ad Set a.k.a. Audience, you can actually split test different audiences that Facebook is actually going to run through your message and tell you who the winner is.
So, for example, you can do 1 test of people that are interested in health. And then another one to the same message, the same creative, the same ad, it could be two people that are interested in weight loss. And then you can do another one. You can do up to 5 at a time. People that are in interested in energy or people that are interested in Dr. Oz, or whatever it is that you want to choose as your variable. It’s what Facebook calls a Variable meaning that every single audience has a different thing about it. When you select this option guys, the power of the Algorithm is going to start being used. Because now Facebook is going to run that same ad to those audiences making sure that they don’t go into each other’s audiences meaning overlapping between each other and then you’re going to run it between 3 to 14 days. Anywhere between 3 to 14 days and then you’re going to put a certain budget on it and after a few days, Facebook is going to find a winning audience. It’s going to tell you “Congratulations! This is the winning audience.” What is the winning audience? Well, the most results at the lowest cost. So when you know your winning audience, then you can do very ninja things because now you can actually go ahead and build on that particular ad and increase the budget on that audience and then hit it really hard. You can also go ahead and create a Lookalike Audience of that particular winning audience. There are so many different things that you can do once you use the winning audience.
What is my point on this podcast today? It’s to give you guys an understanding that you’ve been given access to these tools that Google never gave you access to, that Media Mail never gave you access to, that email marketing never gave you access to, that nobody ever gave you access to. This is a brand new phenomenon in this planet. And the only ones that have figured this out correctly, I’m sorry to have to say it, for those of you guys that are romantic about other sorts of marketing out there, Facebook is the only one that figured it out correctly. And I want you guys to start using it and test it because you are using the power of the Algorithm to get you results to work for you. You are making Facebook’s power and Facebook’s Algorithm work for you.
This is just one example. I’m going to be talking about some other ones along the way because there’s a lot of different examples. One of the things that I talked about on my seminars like I had the other day a person asked me, it was a Doctor Surgeon, and he said like, “Manuel, can you just please summarize in 20 minutes how to be effective with Facebook Ads?” And I looked at him and I knew already that he was a surgeon because I have surveyed some people finding out what they were working on and he said he was a surgeon, right? He was a medical surgeon for decades, right? And I said, “Ok good, Doctor. Can you explain to me if you can answer this question the same way, I’ll give you an answer myself. Can you explain to me in 20 minutes every single detail about doing an open heart surgery?” And he looked at me with a blank stare and I said, “Exactly! You cannot.” Just like everything else, just like this particular subject that you’re talking about heart surgery. This is a science and you have to understand how to use it.
The good news is, guys, is that it’s not limited to a master’s education. Or it’s not limited to a bachelor degree or an advanced career. It’s limited only by your desire to learn it, that’s all. If you decide to learn it every single day, you can learn more and more. You can watch my training, my videos, you can join my course later on. We’re closing that course tomorrow night, we’ll be re-launching in 4 months. Again, you can listen to the podcast, research it, Google it, YouTube it. It’s only limited by what energy you put behind it. It’s accessible to all of us. Very very exciting stuff.
So I hope that you guys got some great value in this podcast. If you have not done a review yet for the podcast, I would love for you to do a review right now on this podcast. Don’t think about it again. Don’t wait for a better time. As soon as we’re done, write a review for me. I would really, really appreciate it. I’m actually going to start picking out from those reviews a monthly winner of a one on one consult with me because I do want to get those reviews in there and help people. When you do those reviews, it helps me find new audiences, new people that are actually going to be interested in listening to what I have to say. Alright guys, thanks for listening. Send me a message at m.me/theninjamarketer. I would love to see you guys on the next episode and also go ahead and engage as much as you want. Alright. Talk to you soon.
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