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Podcast File
The Facebook Algorithm – How It Works?
Podcast Transcription
Hello, this is Manuel Suárez here and this is Episode #6. On this episode, I’m going to expand a little bit more on the subject of Facebook Marketing and how it works, and why it works, and why is it better than any other platform out there that has ever been created when it comes to an advertising product. And let me clarify this for you. Let me explain to you why this is so different and why this is so powerful.
Unleashing Facebook’s Mysterious Algorithms
The Facebook Advertising platform was made in such a brilliant way because what it’s trying to do at all times is one simple thing and it all gets summarized into these two words, user experience. What does that mean? Facebook has over 2 billion active users worldwide. In United States they have over 200 million active people worldwide. The reason that they have been able to grow so much and they have so much money, we’re talking about half a trillion dollars in market capitalization in the United States, we’re talking about hundreds of billions of dollars that are being flooded into their platform, now through stock market value and so many different things, we’re talking about a platform that now has taken over other big platforms like Instagram, Messenger, Whatsapp, and a bunch of other things that we don’t even know. For example, they own this major virtual reality company called Oculus in which they are actually getting ready for the future because virtual reality is not there but it’s coming in the future. It’s going to come into existence in a big way. But we’re still a good 5-10 years away from that, meaning it being a big player. But the reason that they’re so powerful is because they control a lot of user’s attention, a lot of them.
So, what does that allow them to do? It allows them to present more evidence to marketers and to companies that Facebook has a lot of people using it every month. It presents more opportunities to companies, to brands, to products, to reach more people because if people stay in the advertising platform, if they stay on Facebook, then, we as marketers can market to them. If they go away from Facebook because they don’t like the experience, if they don’t like how they feel, if they don’t like what they’re being presented then they abandon Facebook and they go to other platforms. They go to Youtube, or they go to websites, and they go to blogs, and they go to Snapchats, and they go to Pinterest, or whatever it is that they’re interested in other than Facebook.
This is what we know for sure. This is what we know as a fact. Over 50% of all time on smartphone devices, smartphones, all over the world is being spent on social media platforms. So if you think about it, we’re talking about several hours per day, most of that time is being spent on social media. So Facebook is battling for that attention which is over 50% of the time. They are battling with Twitter, they’re battling with Pinterest, or Snapchat, or Youtube and those are their big competitor’s. Because the other ones, they’re actually the owners of them. So if somebody stops being a Facebook and jumps over to Instagram then, they’re happy about that because they keep the person on their platform. Which means that they can actually provide more ads, serve more ads to these clients, to these potential prospects, to these audience.
So that’s how it works. It’s user experience. So this is how Facebook brilliantly figured out a way to create this powerful ad product. It’s a powerful platform that allows to penalize marketers or content creators, advertisers, products or brands that are distributing messages, that are sharing ads that people don’t like. They don’t like it. They’re not responding to them correctly, they don’t engage, they don’t comment, they don’t share. The algorithm, meaning the computer finds out if the message that is being displayed, the ad that somebody is sharing is being accepted correctly by the audience. If it’s not being accepted correctly also, meaning that nobody’s commenting, sharing, liking, engaging, liking the page, or none of thar stuff, if they are not participating in the ad, it means that the ad is not good. So what does Facebook do? They actually penalize the marketer, the product, or the service that is being promoted because they are ruining the most important factor when it comes to Facebook, the user experience. So what do they do? They don’t tell you that “Hey! Your marketing sucks and you know, your messages are not being accepted well by people.” What they try to do is they actually try to get you to round money. They actually start using all your budget. You actually start running out of money so fast and then you end up saying, “Facebook is too expensive. Facebook doesn’t work. I don’t like the results. I couldn’t get attraction. Nothing actually happened.” Because what was going on was that Facebook was actually penalizing you by providing bad content, by relaying messages and ads that are not being accepted correctly by people.
Understanding Facebook Ads Cost
So that’s the point that you have to understand when it comes to Facebook advertising. In other words when your cost for advertising is high, Facebook is telling you that you need to adjust your content strategy. When your cost for advertising is low it’s time to put more energy behind because Facebook is telling you, “Man, your ad, your messages are freaking awesome.” So you should put some more and more money behind because we’re going to actually ride this wave with you and we’re also going to give you more energy. So you can actually accomplish more and get more results.
The results from a good ad compared to a bad ad are not a light thing that you can just lightly talk about. This is a very intense thing that we’re talking about things that can make or break your marketing strategies completely. If you do a good content strategy meaning your messages, your area of specialty, your communicating in a way that people actually really love, they like, they appreciate, you know?
They’re engaging with it, they share it, they comment it, Facebook is actually going to lower your cost. It is going to allow you to run more marketing budget and accomplish more things that you would if your message was not being accepted correctly. So that is what the Facebook algorithm does. You know? Like when you see something that is very viral, like the famous viral post that we’ve all seen that have millions of views that we don’t even understand why so much. Well, Facebook recognizes that something like that is being so well accepted, shared, commented on, liked by so many people that they actually push themselves so hard. Their algorithm, their computer which is the smartest robot in the planet that has overtaken all other robots that when it comes to optimization will actually reward you if your message is good. If people like it, if you are entertaining, if you are providing value, if you are educating, if you’re being smart, if you’re being interesting. Not just something that’s actually just trying to sell, sell, sell, sell. The Facebook algorithm wants you to provide value to people. If you do that, because we all have good qualities and good value and good services and good products, we need to be able to talk about them. If we provide good value to people about what we do, Facebook is actually going to reward you and lower your costs dramatically. Now how dramatic? Let me give you an example. So in case you didn’t know, cause I haven’t talked about this fully the way that Facebook advertising works. You don’t have any long-term contracts, you don’t have any you agreements, you can actually advertise $2 a day. If you have heard one of my previous podcasts or have been to one of my trainings live, you know that there’s a platform called business.facebook.com that allows you to start doing ads on Facebook and you can run them for 2 dollars a day. You can run them for $5 a day and you can stop them at any time. You don’t have to commit long-term to know strategies or budgets or anything major, or anything complicated. It is very, very simple to use a platform like Facebook that is a billion dollar platform that they have built over the years nonstop with some of the smartest people in the world use it to your advantage for free.
You have access to it because you are a Facebook user. And just because you have a Facebook account yourself you are entitled to use this, a particular Facebook advertising product for free. So again, you grab some of those dollars and you figure out a content strategy that is going to help you get your message out there.
Conquering Facebook’s Newsfeed
And how do you get your message out there? Well, just simply start doing something. That’s just the way it is. If you are going to analysis paralysis and you don’t do anything then you are going to stay stuck and then removed. Like when I started creating content myself, I started building my dad’s business about 3 years ago and we have grown exponentially just me pushing him towards becoming a master content creator. I started creating a lot of content for my own brand which I was doing bed sheets and selling online. Creating a lot of content, images, explanation about our products, providing value, contacting influencers and doing all these kinds of different things to get my brand out there and have people start talking about it.
So again, you can start with anything. Basically in summary, there are only four types of content that you can produce. Right now, if you’re listening to this, this is one of the forms of content. This is audio content, exclusively audio. Like old school radio which right now is capturing a lot of attention again in the world because audio is so simple to access at any point of the day and you don’t have to be attached to screen looking at a video. So it’s actually very powerful. You can use a platform like the one that I’m using which I’m literally using my phone with a microphone, and this platform is called Anchor. It’s a free platform and it connects with all the major podcast players that we have out there like iTunes and Stitcher. That’s one form of content.
Then we have images. You can create images, pictures, infographics about your product or service. There are so many different things that you can do. There are so many different resources right now. I mean excuses are running out so fast. So when you have somebody that’s actually complaining because they’re not making it in life in this era of opportunity, come on guys. I mean, it is a big era of opportunity. It’s not a small thing that’s going on. We are going for something that is revolutionizing the planet. I mean, something that has been in existence for only a couple of decades. And we’re talking about 20 or 22 years since the internet arrived into mainstream. So again, we are still just at the beginning stages of this revolution of marketing, revolution of being able to contact the entire planet, revolution of pressing a couple of buttons and be in touch with the entire world. I mean it’s a unique time and people take it for granted. I stopped taking it for granted about 3 and a half years ago to be exact and that’s when I started accomplishing all my dreams and goals and everything that I actually wanted to get to in my life. So again no more excuses when it comes to that, right? So we got audio, we got written content, also which is another one. So we got audio, images and written content.
Test Different Creative
So for those of you that don’t like to be necessarily be on videos or pictures you can start writing articles. I am also doing that. I’m actually involved in doing all four of them and you can start writing articles. For example, there’s this is big platform called Medium that is also a platform that you can start using for free to check publishing your articles and distributing them, eventually putting them on Facebook. So opportunities are rampant.
There’s also the main form of content that is actually really, really, really, hot which is video. For example, in 2016 more video content was produced than in the entire history of humanity combined. So this same effect in 2017 is going to actually repeat itself too. So what that means is that there’s a lot of videos out there being made because we have something called smartphone devices now. And those smartphone devices allow us to actually press a couple of buttons and be recording and put it out there into the world whether it is a Facebook Live, in Instagram Live, Snapchat stories, Facebook videos, Instagram want me the videos, Youtube videos, Youtube Live. Guys there are so many options out there. So if you’re a brand, if you’re a product, if you want to create a brand and you want to do it in your spare, realize that the potential to be able to accomplish that today has never been bigger. Again, opportunity that our grandparents never even had access to, like what we have in front of us, is something that they could even dream about. So if I may be able to actually reach at least one of you guys, I hope that you guys put this into action. If you’re listening to this on iTunes or in Stitcher, I would appreciate you guys giving me a review and letting me know how you feel about the content that I am producing and if you have any questions you can reach out to me.
Again you can reach out to me on my own personal fan page in Facebook which is facebook.com/manuelsuarezdigital or if you can send me a message you can do that on m.me/manuelsuarezdigital and hope you guys liked and I’ll see you on the next episode of the Power of Marketing.
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