In this episode, I basically draw a road map for you. This is based on experience and building many brands over the last few years. This is how I got started. The keys to building a successful business are basically 2: Content Creation and Distribution of that content. To be discovered, it’s not just about making videos. But you also have to KNOW how to get people to see them.
I hope you enjoy the podcast!
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Podcast File
Requirements To Get Started With Facebook Ads
Podcast Transcription
Hey guys! Before we get into today’s podcast in which I’m going to be talking about what’s the easiest way to go about into Facebook Marketing and start creating some good impacts on it. I want to just let you know that we are a few days away from this free training that I’m going to be holding, something that I’ve been working on for a very long time to teach you guys some of the strategies that I’ve used to generate millions and millions of dollars in sales on a monthly basis. So if you want to sign up, it’s going to be a free training.
I’m going to be talking to you guys about some of the things that I’m doing right now, what’s working better today than ever and just making it very real for you guys to just copy and paste and build your own strategies for your own business, for your own brands, your own services, whatever it is that you may do whether you have an Amazon, e-commerce or brick and mortar shop, this applies to you 100%. So if you want to register for this webinar, you can go to the link Register right there and it’s going to be on Thursday, the 26th at 6:00 pm, Eastern Standard Time and we’re going to have a replay but it’s only going to be available for a few days before it gets taken down permanently. So go ahead and register. Again, There’s going to be a link below in the description also in the show notes. Alright, okay, so now we’re going to get you started on today’s podcast.
Hey guys! Manuel Suarez here again. Hope that you’re having a fantastic day. Today I just want to have a quick little rant on the subject of how to get started. Because this is something that for some reason I keep running into. A lot of people have difficulties in just getting started and doing something and how to get your presence in social media. It’s not really that complicated. You guys know that there’s something called the Facebook Page. A lot of people call it a Business Page, some other ones call it a Fan Page. A Page, it’s a page. There are no other types of pages, different pages. In Facebook, it really boils down to three distinct types of Pages. One of them is Facebook Page. That’s what we use for business. Another one is called a Group Page. That’s what a lot of you guys are a part of when it comes to whether it is a secret group, or public group, or closed group. Those are three different types of groups. And then the other one is an actual Profile Page. It’s actually more known as a Personal Profile. So, in order for you to get content out there, start somewhere, you usually go with your page, that’s how you start.
Just to give you guys the overall on how it starts, let’s say for example that you are trying to build a personal brand, you can start with your personal profile and start communicating to your friends, your family about who you are, if they don’t like you they can stop following you and then you just use that as a means to start becoming somebody known for your subject and area of expertise or for your brand or whatever it is. And then from there, once you hit a certain level then you can have your page and that page doesn’t have any limits. Because a personal profile, once it hits 5,000 friends, you will not be allowed to add any more friends on it. That’s basically the rule, that’s how it works when it comes to the Facebook Advertising world or the Facebook world in general. One thing that I can tell you right now is that if you want to run ads on Facebook, if you want to run PPC or advertising or generation of leads through Facebook, your only way to do this is through a Facebook Page. So again, just to summarize because this is very basic information that I know that you guys already have but a lot of you don’t understand this yet so I’m just clarifying this right now.
Three types of different distinct creations, pieces of land on the Facebook world, Personal Profile, Facebook Page also known as a Fan Page, Business Page, etc., or a Group Page. That’s it. Those are the 3 types and everything else revolves around those 3 things. But in order for you to run an ad, in order for you to be able to run marketing for your brand or for your own personal brand, whatever it may be, then you will need a Facebook Page no matter what. You cannot run an ad with a personal profile, it’s forbidden, it’s not even an option. So something for you guys to understand and keep in mind. People ask me how do I get started? It’s a really valid question especially because it is something that is so new and still in its early stages of evolution and people has no clue how to go about it.
Well, I’ve talked about this before. But to summarize it again, there are basically 4 ways that you can start communicating to the world about what you do, and that’s it. It revolves around those 4 ways because at the end of the day, if you want to grow a business, if you want to plant your roots, if you want to establish yourself firmly, if you want to have a personal brand or whatever it is guys, there’s no escaping putting yourself out there in the communication lines of the world. There’s no way around that. There’s just no such thing as the passive income that you’re behind the computer screen and nobody sees you in order for you to build a real business. Unless you were early in the game in the Amazon world and you’re generating millions of dollars and nobody ever heard about you anywhere else outside of Amazon. But today’s harder than ever to accomplish that so I wouldn’t recommend that you go that route. I recommend that you go down the route of establishing yourself and the communication channels in existence today which are bigger than anything else that we’ve ever had before and that’s going to help you grow your brand on Amazon, off Amazon and everywhere.
So, 4 forms of content. To summarize we’ve got videos that you guys are seeing every single day. All of you guys see on Facebook, on YouTube, on Instagram and everywhere and they can reproduce with cellphone devices, they can be produced with a more advanced equipment, it doesn’t even matter, video creation. And then we have images, pictures being taken, graphic images, all those kinds of things that can actually display your products and talk about what you do and your services and do representations of what you’re trying to communicate about your brand. And then we have audio content which is what you are listening to right now, right? It’s like education, information, providing value, providing tools through the actual spoken word. This is what they call Podcast. We have tools, like for example the one that I’m using right now which is called Anchor that you can use to distribute information across the internet, across the entire planet, really cool stuff, for free. Imagine that! How crazy is that?
And also, something else that Facebook launched recently is the Facebook Live Audio. So now, you can do a live Podcast on the Facebook platform and just do it directly there and it’s live and you have actual listeners live just like radio. People that are listening to you live and you can see their comments and their engagement and every sort of relationship being built for those particular channels. And then we have written words, right? There’s like texts, articles, eBooks, PDFs, documents that are being written with the intention of providing some value and capture more attention and describing your product or service or anything that could be of value to somebody else. So that’s another form of distributing content.
So what do you do? How do you get started? It doesn’t matter what you are. Whether you have a kitchen brand or you sell houses, you have a real estate company, or you are a chiropractor, or you have a particular beauty brand, it doesn’t matter what it is. You have to get yourself into one of those four forms of content and either do all of them or do a few of them, or do one of them and then get really good at it. It doesn’t matter what it is. But that’s how you start. Now, in order to be successful, there are 2 things that you need to be able to produce and that you need to be able to get good at along the way. And again, this is one of those things that cannot be negotiated. If you want to grow a business in this modern 2018 world, I’m telling you because you guys have known me already. You know that I’m actually right now driving after lunch towards my office because I am a practitioner, I am doing things and I am seeing incredible results and motion and people accomplishing things with their brands. And I see clients buying things left and right and spending a lot of money. Just in the month of March, I’ve spent $600,000 on Facebook Ads.
Trust me. I know what I’m talking about. I’m not just here ranting at you pretending to be a professional at something that I have no idea what I’m talking about. I mean it. You guys have the opportunity but you have to know how to do two things and two things only. And if you figure out these 2 things, you’ve got it made. So time to make some notes about this. Very simple guys. Number 1, you have to figure out content. If you do not figure out content number 2 is not even going to matter. Now by content, what do we mean to be exact? If you guys have been listening to me for a while, you know that I talk about basically 4 forms of content. Everything gets distributed between those 4 forms. We got video, audio, images, written text, that’s all. So if you do not have the ability or don’t feel comfortable in front of a camera talking about your products, your services, what you do, how you help people, giving tips, giving information, then you must bring somebody else in the team that does feel comfortable.
But if you cannot even do that or don’t feel that you can have anybody help you with that, that shouldn’t be a stop. You can actually go ahead and grab the Anchor Podcast and pull out your phone and record content and put it on social media and put it all over the web like for example the iTunes Store, the Android Store, etc. Or if you like to write articles then that’s also another form of content. You can write articles, you can write messages, you can write an eBook, you can write a book and distribute content in that way. Or bring a ghostwriter, have somebody else write it for you. That’s another form of valid content. And then you can have images. You can take images like a photographer. Their content, actually basically images because that’s how they actually show people how good they are. And also, you can get images of your products being used.
For example, in Amazon, if you have 7 images, if they tell a really good story then that’s a sort of a form of content. You can actually literally grab those 7 images and turn them into a video and run them on Facebook and tell a story about your particular product and that is a form of content.
So the thing is that, content is going to be essential for you to be successful and plant your roots because at the end of the day guys, if you are trying to really build a business, not just a cash-flow machine then content is the way to take you there. That’s the reality. Because if something happens to you today and you have family and kids, well, you don’t really have a business. You can’t really inherit an Amazon business, it doesn’t really work like that. Unless if you have a really solid business, you know that at any given day, at any given moment, somebody else controls your destiny. That’s the way Amazon works. They are the bosses there.
If you have your own Shopify shop, Magento shop, your own brick, and mortar shop, your opencart shop, whatever it is your commerce application, bigcommerce or whatever it is that you’re using, then you have a real business because the people that are visiting your page are your people. The people that are visiting your actual website, you actually have that data. You accumulate that information, you can generate the lead, you can capture their names, their numbers, their information. So it’s a whole different ball game when you do content. Okay, so you have to figure that out. So now, what do we got? Without any excuses guys, you would have to figure this out. Either you bring somebody in to do the content for you and be the content in chief, the content editor, the content creator or whatever it is that you can name this individual post. They’re going to be the one in charge of making sure that you document your business, what you’re doing, and how you’re helping.
One of the things that I’m telling my staff is, “Look, I have meetings every single day with people, with lots of people that want our help and I drop value bombs left and right.” And I told them, “Look, it’s going to be a policy that whenever I have a meeting, you need to record my meetings because what I say to that person can actually be put on social media, can be put on a podcast, and can help lots of people not just only that person that I’m on an interview with.” So I’m actually accumulating content like that and distribute it in all other places so we can create some bigger and bigger effects. So that’s something that I do. I have somebody inhouse now that their job is actually to record every step of the way, what I do and how I operate and how I roll, and our systems, and our strategies, and everything along the way. Content creation nonstop. Okay, so I hope you got that and that’s sinking in.
Now, there’s one thing that you have to understand and you all have to understand and it’s very commonly misunderstood and misconception when it comes to how to really create an impact out there and capture audiences and generate attention for your brand, your services. And that is the fact that distribution is a whole different subject. Like literally. It’s two entire businesses. One of them is content creation and the other one is distribution. The good news for those of you guys that are not doing any either of them right now or that are doing one of them but the other one not that good at it, is the fact that right now, you can learn distribution way easier than we used to, be able to access and learn about distribution channels. What do I mean by distribution? Distribution is grabbing a piece of content and having people see it. As simple as that. It’s grabbing a video, a picture, a graphic, a text, an article, a podcast, and making sure that it gets in front of people. That’s a thing that people don’t understand. Sometimes people think that if they put it out there on Facebook, on Twitter, on Instagram, on YouTube, it’s magically going to be seen by people and there is no such thing as that. Maybe, at the beginning of social media, there were so little people creating content that whatever you created had a chance of going viral. This does not exist. This era today requires that you aside from building content, build distribution channels and you get good at it.
Another good news. Right now, distribution is better than ever. The Facebook Advertising platform is a great platform to distribute your messages. It works really well. The advertising product helps you reach the millions of people for next to nothing especially if you get good at it and you keep on learning how to do it correctly and how to go about putting your message out there non-stop in front of the right people. You have to learn how to distribute that message on Facebook, on YouTube, on Instagram, on Snapchat, on Google, everywhere that you can. There are platforms right now that are cheaper than other ones when it comes to distribution. And that is particularly the area that I am personally obsessed with – finding the best opportunities that allow me to reach the most people at the lowest cost.
So that’s what I do. So for example, right now, I call myself the Facebook Marketing Ninja because, in reality, Facebook does present the biggest opportunity out there. And for the next several years that’s going to be the case no matter what anybody says. I’m telling you from experience. I am in the trenches, in the battlegrounds spending hundreds of thousands of dollars every single month and I can tell you this is the reality of what’s going on today. Let’s not be romantic about it. Let’s not say like, “My great-granddaddy built this business with newspaper ads so I have to do it myself.” If you do that, that’s a recipe for failure.
So now, what do we got today? We got Instagram platforms, Messenger platforms, Facebook platforms that you can actually all handle within 1 single ad product. So how do you start? Well, this is my big tip of the day, guys. You understand now that you need both things. You need content and you need distribution. Content is the actual information about your product and your services and how you’re actually helping people and how you’re actually capturing attention. Distribution is about how you grab that piece of thing and you put it out there for people to see it and you optimize it correctly to accomplish greater reach and greater reach as you grow. That’s how it works.
So now, what do we got? We got content and distribution. So what I would advise you guys to do is to go to If you haven’t set this up yet, and after you build your first video, go ahead and make a video, record it from your phone no matter what and just talk about how you help people. And either do a couple of things, post it on your personal profile and let your friends and family know. Forget about at the beginning I myself too was like, “Oh it feels like I’m bothering my friends and my family. I shouldn’t be doing that.” But you know what? You have to be you. You have to stop worrying about what other people think and what they think is right or not right. You have to be you because you have dreams, you have goals and you have aspirations that you are trying to accomplish. So you grab that video that you made talking about what you have, your brand, your service how you help, you put it out there.
And now, you can also go out there and build your Facebook Page if you haven’t done so yet. Create your Facebook Page and post it out there and start posting content on your page like videos, pictures, and images as much as you can. And then you go to the Business Manager and you maybe start running $5 a day. Grab one of those videos and run it $5 a day and play around. Select an audience, and your demographics, and your area, and start putting that message in front of them and just get started. It’s not going to be perfect guys. You’re not going to shoot this Steven Spielberg creation, the $50,000 video that is going to break the internet. You’re not going to do that at first. You just have to get started because this is the reality.
Our grandparents never had this chance and you have to understand that whatever you put out there stays there forever. And if you don’t reach a client today, maybe a client or a potential client is going to see that thing a year from now, maybe you find the right person. All it takes is for you to find a couple of the right people and you’re going to grow your business. So more communication. When you have questions about what you should do, the answer is to always communicate more and communicate more non-stop. Content is a steady stream of communication that you’re putting out on social media and then you’re going to figure out distribution channels and how to get that seen by as many people as possible.
Alright? So, guys, I want to give you that little rant or let’s say that it’s a pretty long rant. I think it’s like 22 or 23 minutes long now. I hope that you liked it. I hope that it gives you some inspiration. I want to see some of you guys doing this stuff and yes, let me know if you got inspired. I want to see basically you guys listening to this are my food, are my inspiration and is what keep me going everyday. Today, I can tell you something. Right now, I am personally fried. It’s 8:17 o’clock at night at the time that I’m recording this podcast and I’m still at the office and I’ve been recording all day long for my course which is going to be basically the project of my lifetime. I don’t think that I’m going to do something more impactful than this course. So it’s coming out.
There are a lot of things that I want to teach you guys about so if you haven’t registered for the free training, I’m going to show you a lot more about distribution. That’s what I said, distribution, guys, right? I’m an expert at distribution and getting you seen by as many people as possible in this planet, okay? So if you want to register, I’m going to put a link down below. But it’s very simple. I have a webinar coming up on April 26. It’s going to be at 6 pm Eastern Time and there’s going to be a limited seating on it. I can only think a thousand people in there I can tell you that already have a lot of people registered on it so I expect a big crowd on that webinar. I’m going to talk about 4 killer Facebook strategies that are working right now to get you to capture as much attention as possible. That’s going to be next Thursday, not this Thursday. The next one coming up at 6 pm. So if you want to register there’s a link below but also you can go to Okay, if you go there, you’re going to be able to register. Make sure you don’t miss out on this awesome webinar that I have coming up. My passion is to help people. I’m not into making money as much as I’m into helping people accomplish great things and accomplishing all their goals and the things that they said to themselves to accomplish.
So again, what do we got? Content distribution. Guys, if you figure those things out, you’re going to win in this game if you put in the work, okay? Thank you for listening. Thank you for being here. I appreciate you and I hope to see you on the next podcast.
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