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Podcast File
Podcast Transcription
Well, hello again, this is Manuel Suárez and this is Episode #8. It’s exciting. I’ve been hearing some people telling me that they’ve been listening to the podcast and they’ve been learning some things from it and they’ve been following me. The things that I’ve been talking about and also attending my seminars. There are a lot of people there actually putting some of the recommendations into action and starting to see results. So that’s very exciting.
You’ve got to start somewhere and that’s the problem that a lot of people have, is that they don’t know where to start. Sometimes, that’s kind of like the hardest part which is like figuring out the starting point to get on the way. But I think that once you start then you actually start going into this noble effect and things get starting improving and you start learning and then you start making it better, and then you mess up along the way but then you improve some more and then you keep going. That’s part of the normal process. So, for those of you guys that haven’t started yet, I would just tell you to just get started.
On this Episode #8 I want to talk about a little bit more about how Facebook Marketing works and how Facebook overall works just to give more of a clear picture because I keep on hearing a lot of questions and people don’t fully understand. The great majority of people in this world in the United States or in other countries don’t really fully understand how this platform works. I’m going to try to simplify it.
A lot of you guys probably already have a Facebook Fan Page. A Facebook Fan Page is like your real estate. It’s your piece of land in the digital world on the Facebook side of it. And there, you’re posting questions and you can post pictures, videos, you can engage with people and find out what they’re up to, and all these good stuffs. But, for the last several years, something has been happening on the Facebook algorithm which I explained in an earlier podcast that has made it very difficult to actually reach those people that gave you their commitment by liking your page. It’s not that they don’t like it. It’s just that Facebook has gone a way from helping you reach people in an organic way – meaning, without putting a cent or without investing a dollar. They want your capital. They want your money. They already recognized that they had built the greatest social media platform in the planet. They already recognized they won the game and they’re not going to lose it for the next many more years. They already recognized that they have replaced a lot of enormous media companies, and they have replaced television, and they are like the new modern media.
So since they have already recognized all of these and they’ve been working really hard on improving their system, their algorithm, their advertising product, then, they have actually made it difficult for you as a page owner to reach people organically.
So, one thing that you guys have to understand if you don’t is that there are 2 different things here. There’s Facebook Organic Post, meaning those comments, questions, posts that have pictures, videos, if you share a podcast, if you share a Facebook Live, all those things they go into your page organically.
So this is what’s going on right now. This is the current landscape. If you have a hundred followers on your page or hundred fans, then, you can be sure that at least 2-8% people are actually going to see whatever you are publishing. So, close to nothing. What does that mean? Right now, getting page likes, getting followers, has never been more irrelevant. The only good thing about having fans on your page is that it creates a psychological effect on a potential prospect, customer, fan, or anything in which they say, “Wow! This guy has a lot of followers. It probably means that he’s good.” So that’s the only benefit that you have from actually getting page likes and people to follow you on your page.
Now, it doesn’t matter how many page likes you get. It doesn’t change the fact that the organic reach is about 2-8%. If you have a hundred thousand fans, then you know that you are going to get about 2,000 – 8,000 of them to actually see what you are publishing on your page.
So, what does that mean? On your page, which is a piece of real estate, it is very important to continuously put content out there, to put information about what your brand is, to let them know about how you’re helping people. Your successful actions, your success stories to do maybe promotions, to do Facebook live to talk about your brand, to talk about your product, to talk about your service.
Those things are still really important. Why? It’s because when somebody finds you, it’s becoming more and more a common action that they actually go to your page and see how alive you are in your page. Because otherwise they’ll feel like they should not give you their time.
So, having content on your page, meaning publications of pictures, videos, Facebook Lives, events, activities going on, fans, all those things are still really important because it does create that effect on the mind of somebody else.
But that’s not the way that you are going to become successful because it requires too much effort to reach a small percentage of those people. So again, if you have a hundred fans, when you publish something, and you don’t pay Facebook for it, you are going to get only 2% or 8% of them maximum to actually engage with your page and see it.
See it. Forget about engaging. You are going to get 2-8% of them to see it on their feed. The other 92% don’t even know you have published something. Imagine that.
So you have a hundred fans and you have worked really hard at actually getting those fans. And now, when you publish something, 92 of them don’t even know you’ve published something. That’s because the algorithm in Facebook is not giving power to organic reach anymore.
Now, this subject is a little bit deeper than that and without getting yourself too much into it, if your content is really good, and people are really engaged with it and they love it, Facebook is going to reward you. So maybe instead of 8%, if you’re a kickass, you might get to 20%. So maybe 20 out of a hundred people will actually see it organically without you paying a penny. It doesn’t usually go beyond that. So the way that you actually reach people on Facebook is not through organic posting. It’s through something that Facebook initially called Facebook Dark Post. That’s how advertising came into the scene. Facebook Dark Post was the original name that Facebook gave to Advertising on Facebook. Now, why do they call it a Dark Post? Because you are actually using a particular method of finding new people to actually get interested in your product and you’re doing this behind the scenes. Behind the curtains. It’s not being published as a post on your page. Therefore, it is a Facebook Dark Post. Because you will not be able to see it. If you go to somebody’s page and if they’re doing advertising on Facebook, you really don’t know.
Let me give you an example. If you go to my dad’s page which is MetabolismoTV where we have 350,000 fans on it. Well, we invest about $60,000 – $80,000 in advertising a month right now reaching new people. You will not see single advertised post on his Facebook page. We are actually doing a Facebook Dark Post. And the way we do this is through, I mentioned this before in earlier podcast, business.facebook.com which if you don’t have it set up, you actually need to go and get it set up yourself so you can actually start advertising on the Facebook News Feed of other people that don’t know you yet.
Again, I’m just crashing the surface and just showing you that there’s this big world of being able to press a couple of buttons on your end and reaching the entire planet, the entire city, the entire nation – whatever you want. It’s actually only limited by your own creativity and your own budget. Other than that, if you need hundred clients, you have a platform that allows you to get hundred clients. I mean that’s not exaggeration. If you have a certain potential to sell a certain amount of products, then, you have a platform that allows you to sell those amounts of products. So the problem, if you do this correctly and if you learn how to do marketing becomes how to scale your business meaning how to be able to add more staff, how to organize your finances, how to control your cash so you can invest more money on marketing, how to optimize your ad spent so you don’t spend more than you need to spend. How to get the most return for your dollars also known as the ROI.
So again, it’s something that you have to realize that we now have a platform like Facebook, like Instagram, like Messenger that really has an unlimited potential for us if we know how to use it. But, it’s a common misunderstanding that people don’t that they think that it’s just your organic posting or it’s just grabbing a post, and boosting it, and pressing that cute button on the right corner bottom that says Boost. And it’s not that. You have to learn how to use a platform which is business.facebook.com which is the business manager that allows you to distribute those messages to all those people. It’s basically the analogy that I can give you guys to make that more clear.
I use this on my seminars and that’s I remember the newspaper boy when I was growing up. I actually did that myself for a while and they had a paper route. And they used to go house to house to house to house and throwing the newspaper on the garage or on the parking lot or wherever it is that is accessible to the house owner.
So basically, the way Facebook works is pretty much exactly the same way. Every single human being that has a Facebook account also has a driveway. That driveway is called like a News Feed. So the News Feed on Facebook, what you’re seeing on your News Feed, that News Feed is your newspaper. Okay? That’s actually distributing information. It’s a media distributing messages, your friends and family on what they are doing, promoting other things. Except that now in this modern and digital era, we have something else, we have targeting, we have information, we have interest based targeting, we have income based targeting, we have website visitors. We have age, demographics. We have all these data that we never had before. So it makes it so different what’s going on right now. So, I’m going to give you something actionable right now and this is something that you should put into play and let me know what you think about this and if you were actually able to implement it and if you have any thoughts about it, I want you to send me a message on my Facebook page. If you guys don’t know how to access it, you can send me a direct message on Facebook by going to m.me/manuelsuarezdigital.
I want you to go to your google Chrome Browser and look on the tools for an extension, download an extension to your chrome browser that is called Turbo Ad Finder. This tool is a tool that is going to allow you to eliminate from your Facebook News Feed all your friends and family and the only thing that you are going to see on your Google Chrome browser on Facebook is going to be promotions. It’s going to be advertising. So you are going to see other marketers and how they communicate their message. So you can in that way start learning how to do a video, how to do an image ad, how to communicate a message, how to do a carousel ad, how you promote an article, all those things.
So when you do this, when you go to this Turbo Ad Finder Tool, go to Tools on Google Chrome, and then select on Add an Extension, look for this on the store and it’s called Turbo Ad Finder. Once you select that, you’re going to be able to toggle it on just like a regular plug in extension on Chrome. You toggle it on and it’s going to be able to eliminate all the friends and family and you’re only going to see promotions on Facebook.
Those are paid promotions. People that are paying money to put themselves in front of you right there. So you need to study that and learn how these companies communicate their message. So again, there are many different ways that you can communicate a message. The cookie cutter methods, meaning 30-second video ads, 1 minute radio commercials, those things are non-existent anymore. The creativity is your only limitation and your own budget to be able to distribute your message is the only thing that is going to stop you or the only thing that’s going to help you grow. Creativity is essential.
So if you use that tool, the Turbo Ad Finder, it’s going to start giving you ideas on how to distribute your message whether you are a brand that you want to sell more products on Amazon, and you have your own e commerce store on Shopify or whatever and you want to sell more products, well, guess what? You need to brand yourself because if you don’t, you’re only building your present times survival and you are not building your future.
Right now, 2017 is presenting you with the greatest advertising opportunity in history that gives you a chance to get a little bit of your profit that you are already generating, that you are already making from your sales, from your existing business and putting into branding yourself so these people think about you in the future when they need you again. So, if you are not branding yourself, you are not planting your roots and you are not taking advantage of something that 20 years on the line, we’re going to remember as the greatest ad product and the greatest advertising era in history. This is not an exaggeration. If I had a time machine I would go back to 2001 and I will put every single penny on Google Adwords Marketing. Today, we have to do the same thing with Facebook, Instagram and Messenger Marketing. This is the greatest opportunity today and you need to learn how to use it and that’s all it is.
If you feel confused, if you feel lost, if you don’t understand how to go about it, well, you got to understand that you have to learn more. As I have mentioned before the more that I study, the more I realize that I don’t know anything yet. So, just the same thing that I applied to myself, you can apply it to yourself too and realize that it is a long process that never ends especially on this digital era. There’s no such thing as a degree in marketing that’s going to carry you the rest of your life. You have to continuously keep on learning and adjusting yourself.
So, as an exercise before my next podcast, you should actually go ahead and go and use this tool, download this tool, use it and start studying how other marketers, how other services, products, other brands, distribute their message to people that don’t know them yet. And, understand how simple it is. And another thing that I’m going to ask you as part of this experiment one last thing, when you are using this tool Turbo Ad Finder and you see an ad that says Sponsored which all of them are going to say that if you use this tool correctly, on the top right corner, you’re going to see a button that you can press on it and it’s going to give you a drop down menu and that drop down menu is going to have 1 option that says Why Am I Seeing This Ad? Press on that and study what targeting that brand or service is using in order to locate you so you understand and start understanding how marketers, how businesses, are distributing their message in finding you to actually put their message in front.
So again, powerful stuff. Time to start learning some more about it, and this is something that I want you to put into play and share your thoughts with me about what you have learned on this whole process. I’ll see you guys on the next Podcast. And again, I believe that I’m going to start giving you more and more practical data that you can apply so you can actually start seeing some improvement on this area. Give me some feedback. Write some reviews if you can on iTunes if you’re listening to this over there. Or if you’re listening to this on Google Play or wherever, please go ahead and write a review and let me know your thoughts on it, and that will be greatly, greatly, appreciated. Share with your friends. My intention is to be able to help as many people as possible. Also, be successful and take advantage of the incredible opportunities of the modern era. Alright! Hope to see you next time and thank you for listening.
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