In this episode I got fired up with the opportunity of the modern era and I provide some valuable tips on how to go about taking advantage of it. I believe it’s simply a time to take action if you have dreams and goals that you want to accomplish. If you have any questions or comments click on this link to send me a message
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Hey guys, Manuel Suárez here again with the Power of Marketing Podcast and this is I believe Episode #14. I’m going to be pumping them up now a little bit more consistently especially because I can just grab my phone and start talking to you guys and tell you what’s going on in my head and what am I observing in this powerful world of marketing that we have in front of us. This is very exciting guys. This is the reality. I want to share more stuff with you guys maybe out of a hundred listeners that I get 1, or 2, or 5 or hopefully 10 or 20, the more the better, actually use some of that stuff that I’m talking about and implementing and see some results because I’m not just talking out of thin air like they say. I’m actually talking out of things that I’m observing in this particular world that we live in right now when it comes to results. I’m building audiences, I’m building businesses at the speed that before usually take me to 20 years, at that speed. It’s incredible! We’re talking about leaps and bounds. To give you an example, I have a channel. This one particularly is a Messenger channel that actually sells a lot and we actually produce a lot more income there than on other platforms like Amazon, etc., on this particular brand.
It’s crazy that I can figure out some kind of hack and it just popped up in my head and I decided to implement it and I did it and overnight the particular Messenger platform, the audience on it, the subscribers grew by 7%. So, something that I just came up with, and you can grow your audience that is feeding your cash machine by 7% overnight. It’s something impressive. So, I got really excited about this stuff and I want to share it with you guys because I think that if more of you take advantage of this opportunities, then, we will basically improve the world because that’s what I think when I teach people how I’m doing things successfully. I don’t have a viewpoint of hey I want to just keep it all to myself. Because if I keep it all to myself then I can make more money because I have a bigger market and nobody’s taking advantage of it. When I learn something, or when I figure something out, I want to teach it to everybody because I think that when I teach it to people and they actually implement it and be successful and actually accomplish what they are trying to accomplish, then you just help a lot more people. So I’m into helping first and foremost.
So, to tell you about this simple growth-hack that I did yesterday, if you guys are not yet familiar with the Messenger Marketing Platform right now, I’m sure you are with Messenger, but it is being used by some brands including myself that I have several businesses that I run and I help in my own, etc., then you know that a lot of marketing is being done on them. And this is the incredible thing – we are getting the open rates that we used to get on email in 1995 or 1998 or 1999, something like that. So, what that means is out of 100 emails that I’ve sent, 95 of them opened them, 25% of them clicked through. These are numbers that they haven’t existed in email for many many years. I would say like several decades that we never had numbers like these. So, it’s an opportunity because aside from that, it’s more engaging and you can actually interact. If you’re not familiar with it, there’s something that they call as “Bots” which is like you can build conversations for these people to actually have with you, with your brand, with your company and just provide value. If you go to my dad’s page, if you speak Spanish which is MetabolismoTV, you can communicate with these bots and get a lot of content and information and value. Like for example you can go in there and say like, “Hey, I’m a diabetic and I need some help. Can somebody provide me some kind of information about this?” And then the bot, the system will communicate with you, will provide you education that will make your life better. And down the line I will sell you something. I will take you into my clinics, the weight loss clinics or I would actually sell you supplements or I would actually sell you one of the courses that we’re launching in a couple of weeks.
So again, it’s about a channel, a platform that allows you to communicate with people back and forth. And that was my big big realization the other day that this world is all about communication. The more that you can communicate with the rest of the planet, the more that you can increase your own survival. The lesser that you communicate, the more introvert that you are, the less that you survive. It’s as simple as that, it’s nothing too complicated or too scientific.
So we have channels right now that allow us to communicate massively with the world out there and engaging communications that are close and interactive and provide value and educate and make a difference in that person’s life. This is something that we have never had access to. It didn’t exist on email marketing. Email marketing is a one way flow. We are establishing two way flows, something like Messenger marketing. So, that and also a bunch of other things that are going on like the 2 way flows, like Facebook Marketing, people comment and we can engage back. We have all these other platforms that are producing so much engagement and interaction with people and that we are providing a lot of values to and through them. And by doing that, we are winning them over time. So, I’m calling this Episode “Just Ride The Wave” and the reason why I’m calling it just ride the wave is because there’s something special going on and I think this special effect it’s going to come to an end just like every other marketing thing in history has come to an end and slows down whatever it is like television ads or radio or newspapers or magazines or Google Adwords or pay per clicks or whatever it is. Eventually, it dwindles and it goes into a state of being not profitable. And when something becomes not profitable, then it stops being used as much and then the cycle repeats over and over again.
So guys right now let me give you that example of what I did this growth hack that I put into play yesterday. With my team, we set it up and at 9 o’clock we sent it and we have hundreds of thousands of subscribers already on our channel and overnight in 12 hours, we got a 7% increase. What was this crazy thing? Well if you guys are not familiar with the Messenger platform, Facebook Messenger used in combination with the third party tool called Manychat. I’m Puertorican and I have an accent so I call it (Mani-chat), that’s definitely wrong. is a third party tool that connects with your Facebook Messenger so you can build a communication platform around that, there’s a tool in it, inside Manychat, that allows you to share something called, sends something out to your subscribers, it’s called a share card. So what I did was I created a little contest, very simple, in which we invited people to share our bot, share our Messenger platform with their friends and family and it’s going to be shared from Messenger to Messenger, so it’s very personal. We invited them to share our bot and in exchange for that, we’re going to pick 10 random winners from the people that shared the bot and they’re going to be invited in to our first university, Metabolismo University Course, that we’re launching in a couple of weeks. So this was incredible guys, it was incredible because people love participating in contest, and guess what, this is so new that nobody else is doing it, it’s incredibly new. So, a lot of people did it. We had thousands and thousands and thousands of people for free let their friends and family know directly on their Messenger about what we’re doing on Messenger of providing a lot of value, education, content, information, changing the world for that platform to their friends and family.
So again, the numbers are incredible and I’m so excited about that, that I just want a couple of you guys to start and implement this. If you have already a Messenger platform and you have a couple of thousand of people in there, 5,000, 2,000, 500 or whatever. This is something that you can do that will boost your numbers by 15%, 10%, 5%, 20% if you do it really well overnight, just like that for free. So, the term that I used for this is growth hacking because you are hacking the system in order to grow faster than you’re supposed to grow. You are hacking the system in order to grow without investing dollars, hard earned dollars of your own marketing budgets.
So, powerful stuff guys. And I want you guys to start looking into this. And if you don’t have a Messenger Channel, it’s time for you to set it up and figure it out how to set it up. The world is full of information on how to get started with all these stuff. There are communities out there, there’s Facebook groups, there’s Youtube Channels, there are all kinds of content and education that can give you the heads up and tell you the step by step process in order for you to be able to build this channels to engage with people at 90+% open rates.
So, this is the thing. I think I should actually call my podcast like just ride with it because I want to ride this incredible wave that’s going on right now. Guys, this is not an exaggeration. It’s a powerful way in which we can communicate to the entire planet with a couple of clicks, interact with them. And whether we have a local business, a national, an international, it doesn’t matter what we have guys, we have an opportunity right now that will not be here forever. Our grandkids, our great grandchildren, generations to come will be talking about this era in which the internet became a major mainstream phenomenon. The internet is the biggest thing that has ever happened in this planet or in this universe. So, people don’t fully get that yet but it allows us to grow and accomplish dreams faster.
Just in the last 4 years, imagine this, guys this is not an exaggeration. And I can tell you, and I can put my dad over here on the radio with me, on the podcast, and he will confirm this with you. I can take my grandfather and put him on an interview, may he rest in peace, and he will be blown away of what we’re able to accomplish in a couple of years. What I have done, what I have accomplished in 4 single years my father did not accomplish in 45 being an entrepreneur. This is a fact, that’s the way it is. I’m not necessarily smarter than him. My father is a brilliant man and a lot of things that I know, I learned from him. So, he’s been in business for 45 years and I have sold more products in the last 4 years than he did in all of his years combined for sure. So, services and more expansion and things like that.
So, why is this phenomenon going on so strongly and people are still not doing more about it? So again, it’s good news for you. It’s very exciting for all of us that we have not fully dove into it but this is still really new stuff that’s going on and people are still waking up to these opportunities. Facebook Marketing is something that you need to ride this wave. Messenger Marketing ride the wave. Facebook Marketing has $2, $3, $4 CPM’s, meaning that you have to invest $2-$4 to reach a thousand people if you’re good. If you’re really good, you have to invest even less because of Facebook, the way it works is that it rewards you for being good at what you do. If you are producing content that people don’t like then they charge you more because they’re all about protecting the user experience. So, if you compare that, if you don’t know the numbers out there, for example a newspaper one quarter of a page ad, half a page or whatever it is that you hire, you would have to pay the newspaper company $32 for every 1,000 people that they supposedly reach. Even in that newspaper that doesn’t ever get out of the driveway and it’s just get picked up and thrown in to the trash. That’s what I do with my newspapers I get delivered for free. I just grab them and put them in the trash and they’re just annoying.
So, this world is brand new and sometimes it’s upsetting that people are complaining about it and then realize that it’s all within their grasp and they can do something about it. So again, motto should be ride the wave. Don’t try to go and build your own Facebook. Don’t try to go and build your own Messenger Marketing, your own Youtube, just get in there and ride that wave. If you have some content, some value, something that you can offer to the world to make them better, to improve their condition, grab that content and put it out there. Start establishing relationships. Make those people feel comfortable about what you are and how you can help them. Because down the line, when you sell them something, they’re going to buy it from you. If somebody else tries to sell them something that they’ve not built a relationship, they’re going to choose you over them. Why? Because you put the energy behind it to provide value to these guys. It is a powerful marketing strategy and that’s why it works. Because it’s actually making people more knowledgeable in an area and when they make a decision about who they choose, they will choose you because you were the one that made them aware of the problem. So it works – Messenger Marketing, Facebook Marketing, Instagram Marketing – guys, ride the wave. It’s a tsunami that is barely at the beginning stages and is only going to get better and better for the next couple of years. Something like Messenger Marketing, I guarantee you is going to be talked about for ages as one of the greatest opportunities that we ever had in Marketing era, okay?
So, I hope that you get something out of this. If you have any questions again, send me a message, you know how to reach me, I’m on Facebook, I’m on Instagram, I’m everywhere. And I hope that I see you soon on my next podcast. Talk to you soon. Thanks for listening.
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