Facebook marketing is the greatest opportunity in history. It’s simply a matter of learning how to use the platform just like we all learned to ride a bicycle. It is astounding to me the fact that barely anybody really knows the true power of the platform like this to increase the attention towards their products and or services. In this episode, I will give you an actionable tip to get started using the single greatest advertising product in the history of mankind. Send me a message at www.m.me/theninjamarketer
I hope you enjoy the podcast!
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Podcast File
Podcast Transcription
Hello! This is Manuel Suárez again here on Episode #4. Well, I have been for the last few weeks a little bit disconnected from doing Podcast. I’ve been traveling a lot delivering seminars in Las Vegas, delivering seminars in the Caribbean. I have been all around.
One of the things that I want to talk about today is opportunity because I still today get incredibly blown away with the fact that people don’t fully understand yet how big the opportunity in the modern era is. The opportunity is so big especially because there is so many people still doing the wrong thing and so few of us actually doing the right thing when it comes to marketing – getting a message across, increasing the awareness on your brand, your product, or your service when it is so easy. What I teach is not something for geniuses only. What I talk about and what I teach is actually quite, quite simple. I usually try to get a complicated subject and making into something very easily digestible. And, the country where I was born, Puerto Rico, they have a saying when something is very simple, then they call it, basically explaining it rice and beans. So, basically, this subject, if you take it step by step, you will be able to know how to use it, apply it, and be successful at it.
Revenue Opportunities Through Facebook
Today I want to talk a little bit about what I think is the biggest opportunity when it comes to getting a lot of attention for a very little amount of money – dollars. That is a Facebook opportunity.
When I talk about Facebook, people usually think about this cute blue icon that they see on their iPhones or on their androids that they usually access through a computer and that has evolved dramatically for social media and knowing what’s going on with friends and family and staying in touch with everybody. People that I wouldn’t know anything about if I didn’t have social media, if I didn’t have Facebook, now I know stuff about them. People that I will never have any communication with, friends, even family that usually I wouldn’t see ever, I know what’s going on with them, I know what’s happening in their lives, how many kids they have, what do they work on, I know if they’re being successful, if they are happy sometimes. I mean social media does present an opportunity for anybody to pretend there’s something they’re not and we do see that. We do see people that are not necessarily happy but when you look at their social media platform they look like they’re enjoying life and really doing great. So it does do that.
The point is that, what is media? This is realizations that I had along the way. A media company like NBC, CNBC, CVS, 96.7 FM Station, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, we got all kinds of company that have been around for many, many decades, these are all media companies. In the same way that Facebook is the biggest media company that we’ve ever had in history.
How Does it Work?
Well, Facebook was built as a social media platform to have friends and family and people connect with each other. The reality is that the company was built in order to be able to be a massive communication channel for brands and products and services to communicate their message. It is an incredible marketing platform in order for one, as a company, to be able to scale, and to be able to actually generate attention which in the end is the only thing that makes a company win. If you don’t generate attention you simply cannot be successful. It’s as simple as that. There is no company in the planet that is successful that has growing numbers, that has great revenue, great income, if they don’t capture attention. Attention equals income, attention equals money. So a platform like Facebook, Instagram, Messenger like Youtube, like all these guys Twitter, Pinterest, etc., they just present you with an opportunity to capture a lot of attention.
And, it’s so new if you think about it in the grand scheme of things, the internet world has only been around for about maybe 20-25 years at the most.
Your Business Presence on Facebook
So the whole thing is really still on baby stages. If you think about a world that has been in existence for many, many thousands of years, if you think about business models that have been around for hundreds of years, if you think about a marketing world that’s suddenly has access through his finger that we call the internet or it’s only just beginning and a platform like Facebook, again, meaning Instagram, Messenger, Facebook, Whatsapp, they are all one of the same, a platform like Facebook, the founder, Mark Zuckerberg came out last year on a presentation which is the World Summit that they do every single year and he talked about Facebook, and he mentioned the long-term vision for the company. And he was talking about in his opinion the entire platform that Facebook controls have only evolved 2% of their true potential.
Imagine that for a s second, 2% of their true potential. So what does that mean? We are just barely getting started. There’s this big tsunami that is just beginning to form and we are right smack at the bottom of it. And when I do seminars, most people are completely unaware on how to use the power of Facebook to their advantage to build their dreams. So it’s great because it just has been confirming for me how new this opportunity is. So in case you guys don’t know how Facebook works, maybe some of you guys that are listening have been on my seminars, I talk about this and I explain. If you go for your Facebook news feed. A News Feed is pretty much the same thing as same as a news paper – we all have one. If you go for your news feed you will see today on your phone that for every 4, 5, 6, publications from your friends and family there is a marketer, a company or a brand that is paying to be in a spot there in your news feed.
So a company pays a little bit of money to put themselves in front of people that don’t know them yet or post in front, pays a little bit of money to put themselves in front of somebody that you know is a customer of yours. You know, for example I can give Facebook a list of my current customers and Facebook will find them and I can continue to communicate with them. I can continue the conversation with those people on the Facebook platform. That way we can stay more connected. And, in a place that I know, they are using, and they have their connections, their eyeballs in there.
When I do seminars, I am noticing more and more and more. When I ask them, who is using Facebook actively? We are getting in the USA about a 90% hand raised here which means that 80% to 90% of the entire adult population is using this platform every single day for entertainment, for education, for connection, to find out what was going on with friends and family. They are using it for everything. They are using it to watch videos, to read articles, to consume content left and right. So, for the first time ever with we have a platform that has access to the entire freaking planets just like that. This is something that we never had before – no company, no organization, no brands, no media company has ever had so much power to access an entire population like Facebook does. And what they’re doing is pretty incredible. So, all you’ve got to do if you are listening to this podcast and you want to learn more about it all you gotta do is start somewhere and start learning how to use it.
When I started building my own brands, when i say building my own companies in helping other companies create multi million dollars in revenue then at that point, I don’t know anything yet. I sat down in a computer and I realized that there was something special going on with this platform and I started getting really good at utilizing it and maximizing the results for it. I took my dad’s business upon $2M to $28M in a matter of three years in international revenue. I took my own business and using Amazon on Facebook from $0 to $6M in sales within its first two years.
Start Growing Now
So again, it’s just a matter of learning just like when you were riding a bicycle and you need training wheels and then you took them off. The same thing applies to the marketing world. You have to learn how to use it, get better at it, improve, and continue to acquire abilities on the area just as you would with anything else out there that you ever get involved with. It’s something that you have to develop along the way. So, today I’m going to give you an actionable tip for you to implement if you feel like learning more about this subject.
If you want to start learning about how to use this platform the first step is to get your account set up. So I will advise you to go to the website which is business.facebook.com, create an account and start looking around. If you want to ask me any questions about what I am doing and how I can help, you can go to my Facebook page. There’s an easy way to send me a message if you go to m.me/manuelsuarezdigital, you will send me a message directly and you can ask me any questions about what I teach and on the subject. Okay, so again it’s m.me/manuelsuarezdigital. That is a page that I recently started building about a week or two ago so I’m gonna be using that page to communicate and to get you guys to go in there and ask any questions so I can continuously engage with you guys to help you out. I really do have a mission as I was building businesses, I realize that a lot of people didn’t know about what I was doing. Most people didn’t know. And at the same time I knew that knowledge was everything and knowledge was power. So, I realize that I was a really good teacher and that I could get somebody from a complete novice, a complete inexperienced on the subject to become a good at it – good enough that i can see results and actually be able to create the effects that they want. So, again, if you want to reach me you can go to my personal messenger on my Facebook page which is m.me/manuelsuarezdigital or my Facebook page if you want to follow me is facebook.com/manuelsuarezdigital.
Okay guys. So I hope that you liked it. Again, there is opportunity. If you want to build an Amazon brand for example, you need to know how to control traffic. Facebook shows you how to control that traffic. Facebook gives you that unlimited traffic for you manipulate and create your brand. If you want to have your local business get more attention, then that’s also something that Facebook will help you with. If you have a national or international, it doesn’t really matter. What? If you know how to control Facebook, it opens up the door to everything because they are simply evolving and they are taking over the world when it comes to attention.
So I hope that you guys can put that into action and realize that there is no reason for you guys to not be dreamers and there’s no reason for you to not go out there and shoot for your dreams because they are all accessible and this opportunity, 2017, a few years on the line we will recall it as the greatest marketing era in the history of humanity. Okay guys, I’ll talk to you guys on the next episode of the Power of Marketing.
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