Facebook marketing, even-though it has enormous power, it’s not very known by the great majority of entrepreneurs. In this episode I’m going to clearly explain how it works and why it cannot be ignored. If you have any questions or comments click on this link to send me a message www.m.me/theninjamarketer
I hope you enjoy the podcast!
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Podcast File
Podcast Transcription
Hello everybody! This is Manuel Suárez once again here and I believe this is Episode #5. We’re gonna be going through a lot of education on this podcast on the subject of Facebook Marketing.
I do realize that what I’ve been taking for granted for several years, people overall don’t understand. So I’m going to be talking about some of the basics for the next couple of episodes. If one of you guys listening is more advanced I want you to bear with me. I’m going to be trying to do two or three episodes a week so it’s going to get progressively more advanced. But, as I have been doing seminars to now thousands of people across the world, I keep realizing how people don’t fully understand what’s going on – how do these platforms work, what’s the difference between these platforms and, you know other traditional media – why are they working, why some people say they don’t work, why do they say that 93% of people that have done Facebook advertising claim that it didn’t work.
I mean, those things are still a lot of things that are confusing and the reality of the matter is that just like there are good doctors and I would do a good job in a heart surgery and there’s another one that actually does a poor job and put you in danger of losing your life, we have good marketing and bad marketing – the same thing applies. Just like if you do a newspaper ad on a very famous newspaper that has a lot of attention and you can guarantee that it’s going to create interest, if you put an ad that doesn’t really create a message, if you put it in front of the wrong people, if the target demographic is wrong, what are you going to lose? Same thing with a super bowl ad for example. Right? If you invest a couple million dollars and placing your ads in the super bowl and you don’t get a response, well, it’s not about the channel. It’s about you.
So that’s what I tell people. If you have attempted Facebook marketing and you pressed that cute little button on the right side of a post that says, “Boost”, which is something that if you have a Facebook page you have seen several times and you say now, “Wait for a second, I invested $50 and it didn’t work. I didn’t get a client from it”. Then, you fail to understand how it is a science that you have to master and get good at and you have to understand the current landscape in marketing to know what is working and to know what is not working. There are a lot of things are not working like they used to. For example, before maybe 25 years ago you can do a single ad campaign run in the newspaper, on the radio, on the television, and make a lot of profit from it – humongous return on investment. Well, today, that doesn’t work anymore. Single campaigns are not relevant anymore. What do I mean by that? Well, that if you want to be successful you have to continuously communicate with people with different messages. It doesn’t matter if you’re a brand, a product, a service, it doesn’t matter at all what you are. What you have to understand is that people generally don’t trust you and give you money unless they have seen you 5, 6, 7, times, sometimes even more. So it’s a different world which the good news is that I see that it’s something positive because it means now that you as a marker, as a business, can now compete with all those big boys and those big corporations that have been around for a long time investing money on big branding campaigns.
Now we have in our hands something like Facebook, something like Instagram, something like YouTube, etc., that gives us a chance to have a level playing field in which we can also brand ourselves. And for a couple of hundred dollars, we can get thousands of people to see our messages several times in a row. So what that means is that I can put a message in front of somebody and then a couple of days later, put another message and then put another message and I’ve only spent a couple of dollars. So it’s really, really affordable to do Facebook Marketing right now, to do Instagram Marketing. It’s extremely underpriced and you have to understand how it works.
So, in this episode, I’m going to teach you basics about it because you do have to have a strategy but you have to understand that it’s different. It’s not anymore about coming up with a single killer ad or killer 30-second video ad, or killer article. It’s not about that anymore. It’s about a content strategy that you need to put a lot of information about what your product is, what your service is, and offer value to the world.
So let me explain how Facebook Marketing works. I can assure you that if you’re listening to this chances are that you are probably yourself a Facebook user. When I do seminars and I ask people to raise their hands if they are actively using Facebook at least one time per day, it’s incredible how the numbers are in 90% or above. Now, this is the actual scientific number that has been tested and surveyed. In the United States, 80% of the population of the adult population is using Facebook actively. Now, in my seminars, I’ve seen 90% and above. Even 65-year-olds and over raised their hands when I talk about who’s using Facebook actively. And the numbers are just growing and growing. And also, when I ask them, “Okay. So who at any single opportunity that they get fast forward commercials when they’re watching Walking Dead, or they’re watching you know, obviously, Game of Thrones doesn’t have commercials – it’s an HBO thing I believe – or they’re watching any kind of other show that usually has commercials, who is actually fast forwarding everything?” And everybody raises their hands. Or who is actually, you know, watching on Netflix, or other channels?”
So, again, the current landscape is still throwing $80 Billion in advertising on traditional television, even though people are now watching the commercials. So, how does that make sense? It doesn’t. But it’s a good opportunity for us because this is what’s going on right now and I would challenge you guys to start observing. All you’ve got to do is start looking around and see it for yourself. When you go to a restaurant, when you go to a house, when you are driving on the streets, when you’re walking around, when you’re at Starbucks, when you are at a school break that kids are allowed to have cell phones. It doesn’t matter where you are at, observe what’s going on around you and what people are doing and where are people’s eyeballs?
My obsession is observing. I want to see what’s going on all the time. So this is the thing. Their eyeballs are not looking at billboards, newspapers. Used to be before when people go to a Dental Office or a Doctor’s Office before an appointment, they will glance over magazines. No sir, not anymore. What they’re glancing over is their phones. They’re on Facebook, they’re on Instagram, they’re on Pinterest, they are on Twitter. I mean, that’s where they’re at. Actually, on those devices on the smartphones which is where they are at always, 60% of all their time in it. 60% – 6 out of 10 minutes is spent looking at social media platforms and finding out was going on.
So, what we need to do is figure out in our content strategy how to ourselves in front of those eyeballs that are over overwhelmingly abundant. Incredible right? In the United States, and not only that, this thing is going worldwide, Canada, United Kingdom, Europe all over, Latin America, the same trend is happening worldwide with only a handful social media platforms. It is incredible because it’s only a handful – Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and Snapchat. We have so many people on this planet, 7.4 billion people, right? And then we have only a handful of applications that are controlling 60% of the time spent on those mobile devices. It’s pretty incredible, what’s going on. So how does Facebook advertising work? Well, let me answer the question very simply. And the reason I recorded this subject is because I realized during my seminars for the last couple of years, I’ve had to make things simpler because people overall, most people, maybe you yourself listening to this, don’t have the same issue, but most people were having trouble even understanding how it works. And the way that I have found out that really communicates, that is really easy to describe is Facebook is a newspaper. It’s as simple as that. Okay? And they have something called a “News Feed”. That’s what the Facebook calls it. And we all have a news feed and every single user in Facebook, 2.2 billion of them in this planet have a news feed – meaning that when they open up that cute little blue icon they can see what’s going on with their friends and family and anybody that is connected with them. Okay? So, that is a Facebook news feed.
So let me explain how it works for marketers. When somebody is under news feed on average they see 5 posts from friends and then a marketer like me, a brand, a product, a service, go into the next space. And you are going to start seeing something right under the marketer’s name, right under the page’s name that says “Sponsored” which is a little bit difficult to notice. That’s not intentional – it’s intentional. Facebook doesn’t want to make it seem like they are an advertising platform even though Facebook is all about advertising. They want our money, they want to help businesses grow. So much so that just so you know, they have grown to be a half a trillion dollar value market capitalization company now. Facebook is today the 5th largest market cap in the United States stock market after Apple, after Google, Amazon, Microsoft. I mean they are a monster right now. So, and this is all because they have gotten incredible results for companies, brands, and businesses, to be able to grow their brands. I mean, I was able to build my own brand using Facebook advertising from $0 to $6M in sales in a year just using Facebook advertising and Amazon combined. I was able to take my dad’s company using Facebook.
All our eggs were in the Facebook basket. We took it from $2M to $20M to $80M internationally, 8 countries and all our eggs are in the best time in the Facebook basket. We didn’t do any advertising outside the channel. So again just to give you guys those examples. It is something that really, really, really works and captures that attention because it’s all about attention, right? It’s not that Facebook doesn’t work or it does work or YouTube works better, or Instagram works better. It’s not about that. It’s gonna be different from person to person from company to company. But the truth of the matter is that all these platforms, the 5 or 6 of them that are dominating this planet, all of them capture attention. And attention is the most valuable commodity that exist in this planet. It’s not diamond, gold, or nothing, it’s attention. When you have the attention you can actually control the world, you can control your future, you can control your income, you can do anything that you want with attention. So again going back to how to how does Facebook marketing works, well, on the previous podcast I told you guys to go if you haven’t done so yet into the business.facebook.com which is a website that allows you to create your business account to use Facebook for advertising. It’s a free account that there you will be able to create all kinds of incredible things that are messages that you are distributing – video ads, images, all kinds of incredible powerful messages that actually capture that attention. You can spend anywhere from $2 a day to thousands of dollars a day. So it really depends on you, on your brand, and what you can afford but the possibilities are basically unlimited, only limited by your own creativity.
So again, start observing something. When next time that you open up your Facebook platform then you want to start looking at your friends whether you are on the computer or on the phone, ideally looking at the phone because on the phone is where everything is going on right now, I want you to start looking at how this whole works, how does this advertising on Facebook works and understand it better. I am continuously obsessed about learning how marketers find me, brands find me, so check this out.
You’re gonna see a friend, a family member, another friend, another friend, another friend, and then, you’re going to see something. I’ve seen that sometimes it’s every three posts. Sometimes it’s every five. Sometimes it’s every eight. It doesn’t matter. It’s going to vary. But every certain post you’re going to see something that says a sponsored, it’s a brand paying to put themselves in your news feed. It’s like the quarter of the page of a newspaper, magazine, or whatever spot that you’ve paid for, now you’re paying to be in it on Facebook. So, Facebook is a media company like the Wall Street Journal or the New York Times but on steroids because it controls billions of people. Okay? So that’s what you have to understand first of all.
When you’re on your news feed and you see that button sponsored ad, I want you to look at something. On the right corner of that sponsored ad, there is an arrow that when you click on it, you will see something that says “Why Am I Seeing This Ad?”. You’re going to see different things on it like, for example, you have the chance to report the ad if you don’t like it, unfollow the page, or other things. But the one that I’m interested in you learning about and taking a look at observing is the one that says “Why Am I Seeing This Ad?”. And we all have access to this. So every time that you see a sponsored ad, what you’re going to see is sponsored right under the page name, you cannot miss it, click on that button and learn how those marketers, those businesses, are finding you.
You’re going to start also noticing the fact that people usually get targeted for things they are interested in. So, the example that I use for those of you guys that know me, I have a head full of hair. It’s not one of my weaknesses. I’m never ever, ever going to see an ad of the company called Rogue, which is about a hair growth. Why? Because they know that I have no interest in that. If f, for example, I hated animals, which I don’t by the way, I love animals, then, I don’t see any ads about animal gadgets or animal tools, or animal anythings. You know what I mean?
So, they know so much about us that you have the ability like never before to be able to put your message in front of the right people. I want to see this message in front of people between the ages of 25 and 34 years old, females that live in a certain state, in a certain zip code, in a certain area and you can target to like a particular interest, whatever they have attention on. You know, we can do all this stuff to like really hone in into our ideal customer that we are going to be able to convert.
Now, again, it’s so important to understand something. This is the last thing that I’m going to explain on this podcast. Facebook Marketing is really different, really, really, different to Google Marketing or search results marketing, or Yelp or anything like that. Facebook Marketing is a long-term plate because it’s something that allows us to brand ourselves like never before possible. So, in the long run, we went out. Those companies that we have worked for in the past that expect instant gratification are the ones that usually fail because they’re looking to measure the return on investment, the ROI immediately from the Facebook advertising and that usually doesn’t pen out. It does in many cases, we can measure it right away, but in many cases when you have a local business you have to understand that it is a long-term play in order to position yourself as an authority on the subject and you have to be willing to put money behind it. Okay?
So again little by little keep on understanding, keep on working, keep on learning everyday. I going to start sharing more things with you and hopefully, I would like to hear your comments and your feedback. If you are listening to me on iTunes I would appreciate a review or, on Android, that would be fantastic. It’s going to be what keeps me going and I am going to feed off any questions that you guys have along the way and I hope to see you on the next podcast. See you next time.
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