End of Privacy in Facebook

End of Privacy in Facebook

In this episode, I’m going to cover what might be the make breakpoint of any marketing campaign you ever run. This is something that cannot be overlooked. In order to be successful, you must find your correct audience. The best message in front of the worst audience...
Organic Vs. Dark on Facebook

Organic Vs. Dark on Facebook

On this episode, I will clarify the subject of Facebook organic post vs. Facebook dark post and what is the actual correct obligation of the above two points to find your target audience. It is important that one fully understands how the platform works in order to be...


In this podcast, I will provide you with a very simple explanation on the Facebook Algorithm and why it is your greatest ally as a Facebook advertiser. If you want to see the video watch on Facebook here: https://bit.ly/2x2H1MI I hope you enjoy the podcast! Do the...
Getting Started on Facebook

Getting Started on Facebook

Facebook marketing is the greatest opportunity in history. It’s simply a matter of learning how to use the platform just like we all learned to ride a bicycle. It is astounding to me the fact that barely anybody really knows the true power of the platform like this to...
Facebook Marketing Explained

Facebook Marketing Explained

Facebook marketing, even-though it has enormous power, it’s not very known by the great majority of entrepreneurs. In this episode I’m going to clearly explain how it works and why it cannot be ignored. If you have any questions or comments click on this link to send...