In this podcast episode, I introduce you guys to my good friend and entrepreneur mastermind Rafferty Pendery. Rafferty teaches entrepreneurs how to bulletproof businesses and get them ready for massive expansion. You can follow his Facebook page here:
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An Interview with Rafferty Pendery
Podcast Transcription
Manuel: Okay guys. So I’m here with my good friend Rafferty Pendery and we’re talking about business. One of the things that I’m talking to him about is that… This is just a very raw file for you guys right here that are my listeners because I know that everybody here listening to this podcast is an actual businessman. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be here. And Rafferty is a badass in the subject of helping companies get established, helping businessmen get to the next level. We are living on an era of entrepreneurship right now in which is kind of dangerous and risky. Why? Because these guys know how to make money but they don’t know what to do with it. So still, the fact that 90% of businesses don’t even make it past 10 years is a reality. So Rafferty, which I recommend that you follow him on his Facebook Page, on his YouTube channel, wherever you guys feel more comfortable with, he is actually a badass businessman that teaches entrepreneurs how to establish themselves in the world of business and how to be able to really get freedom and not just be trapped to a cash-producing machine. So Rafferty, do you want to say something to my followers? These guys are like people that are trying to learn about Facebook, trying to grow their businesses, capture more attention. So I want to introduce you to them because I do want these guys to be more successful and really take their businesses to the next level.
Rafferty: Yeah, sure. Well, first off, I want to let you guys know you’re in good hands with Manuel because we’ve known each other for a while and he definitely knows what he’s talking about. He’s definitely a ninja. So I think you guys are on the right podcast for that. The other thing that I would just say is that we all started off in business for some reason. Like we had some goal, we had something that happened in life, some passion that you wanted to follow and no business owner I know was like, “I’m going to get into business so that I can do everything by myself forever.” Better off just getting a job if you’re going to do that. So we had this higher level purpose like let’s create something, let’s build something, let’s expand something. And so the thing that I would really like to focus on is, it’s fantastic to get something started. Like that actually puts you guys above 95% of people on the planet. You can actually start something, create something, and grow something. The next thing to start looking at is how you actually build that to the next level like there are things that you want to actually start looking at in terms of people in place and building a team and you’re not the only superhero built in the organization. So the thing I’d look for is to take advantage of the people that you have that do work for you because they can do probably a lot more than they’re doing. Sometimes we overlook that fact and you’ll start to see ways that you can actually give them more responsibility and put more on them to do which frees you up more with your time.
Manuel: I love it. I love it. Rafferty so if they follow you, tell my guys a little bit about what they will learn from you. Because a lot of these guys right now that are listening to, they actually joined my training, my course, they’re learning every day more about the subject of capturing that attention to be more successful with their businesses. What would they learn if they follow you a little bit more?
Rafferty: Yeah, sure. So my focus is, there are areas where people have problems. I would say marketing is a very big one and you have that covered like I’m not worried about that. The other side of it is how do you hire and keep good people? How do you actually establish a team?
Manuel: That’s a big one.
Rafferty: How do you keep those people on and get them to actually wear their jobs because what I’ve observed is that, I talk to business owners all the time and see, I was stuck in 20 hours a day and broke. Like I was literally working 20 hours a day, I actually fell asleep. It became normal where I would actually fall asleep on my keyboard and have the lines on my forehead because I was stuck, you know?
Manuel: Yeah, I work 20 hours a day right now but I’m having fun doing it. Not really 20. I think last night, I worked 20 hours.
Rafferty: It was 19 and a half, you know? Let’s be real.
Manuel: Hahahahaha. That’s right.
Rafferty: So you know, it was like I wanted to do something amazing though, I wanted to build that. So what I share with you is real life practical. These are things you don’t actually learn in school, you know? Now I speak all over the world on this subject specifically because I love business owners as my passion. But I’ll tell you. I’ve asked people these question all around the world and I can ask you too and you just raise your hand yourself or just do it wherever you are and people wonder why you’re raising your hand. But the question I have is who went to school? People raise their hands and I’ll go keep it. Well, that’s your problem. And they start to laugh and everybody laughs in the audience and I go let me ask you this, who learned to be a successful, a good leader, a prosperous, understanding, control money and you’ve learned all of that in the schooling that you did? No hands go up.
Manuel: Wow.
Rafferty: One guy one time raised his hand. I think he didn’t understand the question, you know? It’s not taught. I’ve literally asked that question in 35 countries. You can’t think that that’s a coincidence so the reality is I wanted to actually take the experience that I had and the training that I’ve learned and help other people with that because you just don’t learn it anywhere else. I know guys who were MBAs with 12 years of schooling and all these other stuff whose best skill set is to manage spreadsheets, you know? And I think business owners to take some guts and so what do I share? I share my real life here’s how I’ve got out of having work 20 hours a day, I don’t have to do that now. I have 4 companies. I have a management team who runs the day to day of the business. I love my life and I do a ton of things. I travel around the world, I help other business owners and have a company that continues to grow and I just love it. So that’s what you’re going to get.
Manuel: That’s awesome. Rafferty, can you tell my guys where can they follow you?
Rafferty: Sure. Yeah. I guess my 2 main ones would be on Facebook and YouTube. If you search Rafferty Pendery which I know is probably the most common name you’ve ever heard.
Manuel: Very common. All my friends are actually Rafferty as coincidentally. 70% of my friends are named Rafferty.
Rafferty: Literally I think it’s the most popular name today. Although you know I would say that Jude Law’s son is named Rafferty and I think, you know, maybe he was inspired by me, I don’t know.
Manuel: Okay so Rafferty how do you spell that? Spell that for these guys.
Rafferty: Yeah. R-A-F-F-E-R-T-Y and then P-E-N-D-E-R-Y.
Manuel: Right. So he has a Facebook Page and we’re actually here. We have a meeting. He also has a YouTube Channel which is also called the same. Right, Rafferty?
Rafferty: Yeah. Rafferty Pendery. It’s a great part about having a name that nobody else has.
Manuel: Yeah. You’re not going to get many results when you search for that. That’s going to make it easier for you to find him. We’re actually working out his strategy because he has a lot of content. He has so much value to offer people that it’s kind of like a responsible. I’m telling you how responsible he’s been and the fact that he’s not getting this infront of so many people because it helped so many people and I want you guys to learn it because at the end of the day guys, you know what it its, it’s knowledge. The ones that have the most knowledge are the ones that win in this game. You combine knowledge with hard work, with persistence and then you got it made. So you should follow him. Learn from somebody that has done it before that used to work 20 hours a day just for pure effort to survive and that has the experience. So keep on learning how to master traffic. Keep on learning how to establish your business, how to accomplish your goals and all your dreams, all your ambitions are all there within your reach. That’s the beauty of the 21st century, in 2018, today, that we really do control our own destiny. So stay tuned guys. Thank you for joining in and I’ll see you on the next one.
Rafferty: See you guys!
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