por MANUEL SUAREZ | Ago 9, 2018 | Podcast
Today, I will clarify a common confusion in the area of Facebook marketing. People are still not used to the modern era of advertising especially old entrepreneurs that are accustomed to traditional advertising contracts. Facebook requires very little from you in...
por MANUEL SUAREZ | Ago 8, 2018 | AGM Blog
En este artículo aclaro la razon principal por la cual la mayoría de los anunciantes en Facebook fallan y se dan por vencidos. EL MITO DE QUE LOS ANUNCIOS EN FACEBOOK “NO FUNCIONAN” Lo creas o no, la plataforma de medios de comunicación de Facebook es insuperable como organización de medios. ¿Qué hace una buena organización de medios?
por MANUEL SUAREZ | Ago 8, 2018 | Podcast
In this podcast, I will dive into a very important metric in the Facebook Advertising world – CPM (cost per thousand). The interesting thing is that history has repeated itself throughout every single time in this world. Opportunities have come and gone. Radio...
por MANUEL SUAREZ | Ago 8, 2018 | Podcast
In this episode, I will explain the Facebook Business Manager, how does it work & what is it? It’s important to understand that Facebook wants YOU as a brand and as an entrepreneur to succeed. If you obtain results they make more money. It’s as simple...
por MANUEL SUAREZ | Ago 8, 2018 | Podcast
In this episode, I will go deeper into marketing in the Facebook world. It is important to understand how Facebook works and how they decide what to charge a marketer to distribute their marketing message on Facebook. There’s an exact formula that Facebook uses to...
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