The 3 Steps To Building Your Social Media Audiences

The 3 Steps To Building Your Social Media Audiences

“How do I find my audiences on social media?” This is a common question I get asked. Many business owners are great at delivering their products or services. But, knowing how to get seen by the people most likely to buy from them is a skill that needs more work. There...
How to Market in 2021: Getting Back to Basics

How to Market in 2021: Getting Back to Basics

  Is it crazy to say 2020 was a challenge both personally and professionally? With all the forced business closures this year many people, unfortunately, lost their businesses altogether. Yet, other businesses survived and even thrived. But, why? Many of the...
Facebook Marketing:12 Reasons You Need to Start NOW

Facebook Marketing:12 Reasons You Need to Start NOW

I think we both know why you’re here. Your previous advertisement platform didn’t work or it failed to provide your desired results. The same cause forced me to search for something else more effective many years ago. I’ve been stuck on, even super obsessed with...
Exploring Facebook Objectives

Exploring Facebook Objectives

In this episode, I will cover Facebook objectives. What they mean and how to utilize them to get the most out of your Facebook Ads game. Facebook wants you to be successful. If they are not, they don’t make money and they don’t grow. Learn to use the system and its...