Google Leads vs. Facebook Leads: Which One Wins?

Google Leads vs. Facebook Leads: Which One Wins?

As business owners, we’re always looking for ways to drastically change the way we get our leads.   Which giant platforms do you get the best leads from? Google or Facebook (Meta)? The answer is…It depends! Each of these platforms has different types of...

Social Media Content Strategy For Page Growth

Not only have I preached this, seemingly contradictory, idea for years, but I also live it daily.  Give your knowledge away and it will bring people into your business more than ever before.  “But, Manuel, if I give away my knowledge people won’t buy products and...
Starting a Youtube Channel in 2022

Starting a Youtube Channel in 2022

You have NOT missed the YouTube boat. The opportunities are still available, and endless. YouTube is the 2nd biggest search engine in the world… I’m sure you can guess who they are second to… that’s right, Google. Although there is a lot of content posted on YouTube,...