by Manuel Suarez | Aug 9, 2022 | AGM Blog
It seems like there are a lot of people on the internet spreading a false message. The message is that e-commerce is some kind of “passive” income business. A business where you decide to sell things online while you drink piña coladas on the beach. Well, I’m sorry to...
by Manuel Suarez | Apr 4, 2022 | AGM Blog, LinkedIn
Many years ago there was a marketing study done. It said a person needs to see your message approximately 7 times before they’ll take action. And there was another piece of data that claimed, on average, people only see 1 out of 3 pieces of your marketing content. ...
by Manuel Suarez | Sep 7, 2020 | AGM Blog
Let me guess… Your Facebook ads aren’t converting the way you hoped. And you’re not getting enough new and repeat clients, customers, or patients into your business for sustainable growth. I get it. It’s a total pain in the backside. Sometimes, the...
by Manuel Suarez | Mar 3, 2020 | AGM Blog
What does your brand have in common with an ancient Greek soldier? Back around 480 B.C., a messenger ran approximately 22 miles to Athens Greece from a place called Marathon. This is the origin of the long arduous foot race that we are so familiar with. It also...
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