How to Start Reducing Risk in Your Business

How to Start Reducing Risk in Your Business

  As business owners and CEOs we all want to make better business decisions. But let’s be honest, numbers don’t lie. It doesn’t matter if you have $10, $1,000, or a million dollars in the bank account. The way you feel about those numbers doesn’t change what the...
Learning to Create Persuasive Ads

Learning to Create Persuasive Ads

At the time you’re seeing this I’m most likely shooting content or sending emails.   Isn’t technology great? It gives us the power to keep on communicating with people. Even when we can’t be physically present. That’s one of the reasons digital marketing is so...
The Most Valuable Exchanges to Grow a Business

The Most Valuable Exchanges to Grow a Business

As business owners, making money is our main job, yes because without a consistent flow of money coming into the business, we would have to close up shop sooner than later.    But, it’s not about the money itself, money is just a thing that makes exchange easy...