por MANUEL SUAREZ | Mar 31, 2022 | AGM Blog, Blog, LinkedIn
¿Ha ido alguna vez a pescar? Hay muchas cosas que intervienen en el éxito de un viaje de pesca. Y el éxito es un término relativo. Para que tenga éxito, debe tener un resultado deseado que se cumpla. Por lo menos. Junto con ese resultado deseado, necesita un plan con todos los pasos necesarios para llegar del punto A al punto Z.
por MANUEL SUAREZ | Mar 31, 2022 | LinkedIn
I was at the office having a meeting with one of AGM’s international media buyers and I discovered a disturbing fact. The client we were discussing was only interested in getting leads from Facebook, which is important, but that’s when the disturbing fact came to...
por MANUEL SUAREZ | Mar 31, 2022 | LinkedIn
First, you can do everything on your own. Second, you can pay for help. Third, you can do nothing. Which of these choices do you make most in life? And of those choices, which ones gave you the most benefits? I personally can’t stand choice number 3. Doing nothing...
por MANUEL SUAREZ | Mar 31, 2022 | LinkedIn
This morning when I woke up the air was a bit crisper, the sun a little brighter, and I even felt more well-rested than yesterday. Was it my perspective on life becoming more sunny? My ability to look at the silver lining on clouds? I don’t think so, I’m...
por MANUEL SUAREZ | Mar 30, 2022 | LinkedIn
Not only have I preached this, seemingly contradictory, idea for years, but I also live it daily. Give your knowledge away and it will bring people into your business more than ever before. “But, Manuel, if I give away my knowledge people won’t buy products and...
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