por MANUEL SUAREZ | Jul 12, 2018 | Podcast
In this episode, I’m going to talk about the importance of including Instagram into your marketing efforts. It is a platform that is growing by leaps and bounds and Facebook has given it the same power that it gave to itself. From 300 million active users to 900...
por MANUEL SUAREZ | Jul 11, 2018 | AGM Blog
En este artículo cubro la importancia del CREATIVO PUBLICITARIO que produce una respuesta. Facebook te da acceso a ciertas métricas que te dirán de inmediato si tu audiencia está aceptando bien el mensaje. La métrica principal es la PUNTUACIÓN DE RELEVANCIA.
por MANUEL SUAREZ | Jul 11, 2018 | AGM Blog
En este post hablaré del factor más importante en el que debes pensar como anunciante de Facebook: encontrar a tu AUDIENCIA.
Y seguirás oyéndome hablar de esto durante la ETERNIDAD. ¿Por qué? Porque sólo la ignorancia de este factor es responsable de más fracasos,
por MANUEL SUAREZ | Jul 11, 2018 | Blog, Marketing
In this article I cover the importance of ADVERTISING CREATIVE that produces a response. Facebook gives you access to certain metrics that will tell you right away if your audience is accepting the message well. The main metric is RELEVANCY SCORE. You can access this...
por MANUEL SUAREZ | Jul 11, 2018 | Blog, Marketing
In this post I’ll cover the single most important factor you must think with as a Facebook advertiser: finding your AUDIENCE. And you’ll continue hearing me talk about this for ETERNITY. Why? Because ignorance of this factor alone is responsible for more failures, in...
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