por MANUEL SUAREZ | Jul 17, 2018 | AGM Blog
In this article, I want to make it very clear just how special this era we live in really is. Most of us take for granted the enormous OPPORTUNITIES we’ve been presented with. Let me give you a good definition of the word OPPORTUNITY: “A set of...
por MANUEL SUAREZ | Jul 17, 2018 | AGM Blog
En este artículo voy a cubrir la mentalidad necesaria para construir una marca de redes sociales a prueba del tiempo: DOCUMENTACIÓN, así como lo que creo que es la razón número 1 por la que la gente no tiene éxito en el mundo de las redes sociales - el miedo a lo que los demás puedan pensar.
Para tener éxito en las redes sociales,
por MANUEL SUAREZ | Jul 17, 2018 | Blog, Marketing, Uncategorized
In this article, I want to make it very clear just how special this era we live in really is. Most of us take for granted the enormous OPPORTUNITIES we’ve been presented with. Let me give you a good definition of the word OPPORTUNITY: “A set of circumstances...
por MANUEL SUAREZ | Jul 17, 2018 | Blog, Marketing
In this article I will cover the mindset necessary to building a social media brand that withstands time: DOCUMENTING, as well as what I believe to be the #1 reason people don’t succeed in a Social Media World — FEAR OF WHAT OTHERS MIGHT THINK. In order to succeed in...
por MANUEL SUAREZ | Jul 12, 2018 | Podcast
I will go over the 3 types of audiences on Facebook. There’s 2.2 billion people active on the platform plus 900 million on Instagram, there’s 1.6 billion active daily! Bad news is…Most of those people are NOT your customers! Now for the good news…Facebook makes it...
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